摘 要:语篇的定义十分广泛,小到一个句子,大到一本书都可以看成一个语篇。本文探讨语篇的重构问题,即语篇在英汉翻译中的建构问题。但是有时由于英汉思维方式的不同,也存在着某些差异。此时在语篇重构时需要调整。但如何语篇重构,体现语言的美感,是本文探讨的问题。
关键词:语篇 衔接 连贯 美感
I. Introduction
In this thesis, some details about text and some general simple methods about reconstructing a text which are explored so as to make the target language text smooth and coherent in English-Chinese text translation.
II. Cohesion and coherence
Cohesion is the surface structure. It connects together the actual words and expressions that we can see or hear. It is a very important factor for a writer to organize a text and for reader to distinguish a text. Translation can certainly not be without cohesion.
Coherence is the whole effect of a text in situational context. Every part in a text must connect with each other in meaning, they must be cohesive.
III. The Effects of Coherence in English-Chinese Text Translation
A text is coherent and there is no essential relationship between cohesion and coherence, and human beings do not need formal textual markers to interpret the coherence of a text. For example:
A: I am out of petrol
B: There is a garage around the corner.
(Brown Yule, 1983:32)
Obviously, this is a coherent text. However, there are no formal textual markers in it. The interpretation of the coherence of this text lays in the assumption that speaker A is adhering to the cooperative principle. That is, there is a garage nearby and it is open and sells petrol to customers.
IV. The Effects of Sense of Beauty in English-Chinese Text Translation
When we read two versions of text translation of a text, we feel that one is more acceptable than the other. What is the reason for that? For example:
In remote mountains of central China, moisture, born on the monsoons, nurtures a forest world of isolation and mystery. Across ages, bamboo has flourished in the persistent mists, erecting nearly impenetrable thicker—barriers against time and the outside world.
(毛荣贵,2005:231)The reason is that its sense of beauty that was in its mentality rather than words; was in the essence of beauty rather than appearance of beauty. That is how to understand the beauty of Chinese, direct affects the quality of translation.
V. Thinking Pattern
Since different cultural background makes different active forms and life atmosphere, which makes every given people of the same culture form various thinking pattern. Here is an example:
“It is a truth universally acknowledges that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want a wife”.
凡是有錢的单身汉, 总想娶一位太太, 这已经成了一条举世公认的真理.
(Wang, 2004:1)
Westerners are likely to put the things which they emphasized before their text, which is topic-first. Instead, Chinese often use generalization organ onto represent the topic, which is topic-delayed. It also means that we translate English text, we need to re-construct the text, then we get a kind of sense of beauty.
VI. Text re-construction in English-Chinese translation
Nord said: “the text can only be understood and analyzed within and in relation to the framework of communication act-in-situation.” (Nord, 1991:12) Different situation of a text may elicit different meaning of a text. And text emphasizes the wholeness and unity in the process of text-reconstruction in English-Chinese of the research in translation and practice.
Since different language has different text-construction. It is necessarily for translator to know text-construction of original language first. And when there is difference between Chinese and westerners in thought pattern; a translator has to make some alternations in the target text. Cohesion and coherence should be employed to reconstruct in target text.
VII. Conclusion
A text does not exist by itself. It is always in relation to other texts. It is very difficult for a translator to deal with a text-translation.
A text hangs together primarily because it has coherence. Coherence is the whole effect of a text in situational context. Every part in a text must connect with each other in meaning, that is, they must be cohesive. They are basic techniques to make a whole text. In order to make a good translation, a translator must grasp the true meaning of them and apply then in the translation. Different situation of a text may elicit different meaning of the text. There is difference between Chinese and westerners in thinking patterns, so a translator should pay much attention to it when re-construct the text.
[1] Brown,G..and Yule,G. Discourse Analysis [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
[2] 贾文波:应用翻译功能论[M], 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2004