
世界建筑 2011年2期

鲍里斯·布勒曼·延森/Boris Brorman Jensen

项琳斐 译/Translated by XIANG Linfei

BIG也许是丹麦第一家真正“全球本土化”的建筑事务所,既扎根在哥本哈根,又无疑置身于特殊的文化和政治背景下,它也是丹麦最具全球影响的建筑事务所。自有丹麦以来,丹麦建筑师与国界之外的世界就在相互影响。我想提及最近的两位民族英雄式的人物:阿纳·雅各布森和约翰·伍重。 雅各布森因其“丹麦设计”而享誉全球,丹麦人普遍认为,“丹麦设计”对国际风格作出了真正的“丹麦”诠释。设计了悉尼重要地标的伍重,一生大部分时间在国外度过,他被丹麦的文化部奉为“批判性地域主义”创始人之一,阐释出丹麦建筑的精髓。




BIG is maybe the first Danish architectural office to be truly ‘glocal’ in the sense of being both anchored in Copenhagen and clearly rooted in a particular cultural and political context-and at the same time being the most globally acting architectural office in Denmark. Danish architects have of course been both influenced by and influencing the world outside of their national borders as long as there has been something called Denmark. Let me just mention two of the most recent national heroes: Arne Jacobsen and J¿rn Utzon. Jacobsen is both internationally known for their‘Danish Design’and nationally respected for their truly‘Danish’interpretations of the international style. Utzon who created Sydney’s outstanding landmark and lived most of his life outside Denmark is canonized by our Cultural Ministry as one of the founding fathers of the so-called‘critical regionalism’defining the very essence of Danish architecture.

BIG’s ‘attitude’is somehow different. BIG is of course operating within the same set of contemporary conditions as any other architectural offices, and like many other‘pragmatic architects’very good at challenging the highly rationalized cost effective building industry. BIG is on the other hand neither regarded as new great national interpreters of current international fluctuations nor a new brand for the revival of the ageing brand of Danish Design. I see them as one of the first real successful (Danish) exponents for a new post-national identity operating within a new set of blurred cultural boundaries. Several of their best projects are explicit referring to Utzon, Jacobsen and other national architectural icons. BIG admits seeing the world from a Copenhagen point of view-and doing so without becoming‘homesick’.

The newly completed Danish Pavilion in Shanghai is a good example of this search for an adequate architectural expression of an identity transgressing ‘the national’. The pavilion’s scheme of ‘Welfairytales’ combines explicit Scandinavian Welfare Statements with the legacy of H.C. Andersen and his aura of national romanticism from the late nineteen-century. Don't be fooled into thinking that it was an easy gimmick for BIG to propose this scheme to the Danish people. Globalization has certainly challenged the very idea of being Danish. The decision to move the Little Mermaid-our most sacred national symbol -to China for the Expo 2010 was debated in the halls of the National Parliament before BIG was given the permission to take her on her first journey ever outside of Danish borders. Some politicians still believe we have violated our national integrity by doing so! I think BIG is offering the global architectural scene a new cultural breed that’s rooted in a particular context without claiming any inflated national trademark. Many of BIG’s projects can be seen and labeled as some kind of structural expressionism reaching out for something spectacular. But BIG does not mean monumentality.

One of BIG’s main contributions is in my view this deliberate effort to position contemporary architecture within a new post-national identity. And most important-they are doing so without ending up in an uncommitted all-inclusive political act of compromise.□

