Health Education for a Patient with Gout
(4 h后患者关节疼痛症状缓解,行走自如。床位护士再次来到了病房。)
(Four hours later,M r.Qiao was able to walk around w ithout much pain at his joint.The nurse returned to the ward.)
Patient:This drug really works!Idon’t feelmuch pain now.Look,the swelling at my foot has gone also.Could I buy some more of this drug for future use?
护士:不可以的,刚才我已经说过了,这个药毒性大,不能经常吃,只有在急性发作期才能用。平时你可以吃一些促进尿酸排泄的药如:丙磺舒、碳酸氢钠,用药期间注意多饮水,每天至少2 000 m l。还可以服一些抑制尿酸合成的药如:别嘌醇。
Nurse:I’m afraid not.As Isaid,this drug has big side-effects and isonly permitted to be taken at the acute stage of gout attack.A t chronic stage,two kinds of drugs can be used.One is to facilitate the excretion of the uric acid such as Probenecid and sodium bicarbonate.When taking these drugs,make sure to drink water no less than 2 000 m l per day.The other is A llopurinol.This drug w ill limit the synthesis of uric acid.
Patient:OK.I see.I will watch my diets,and take these drugs after discharge,then I needn’t to come back to the hospital again because of pain.
Nurse:Yes.I’m sure you can do it.
Health Education
mental hygiene 心理卫生
biological age 生物年龄
psychological age 心理年龄
school age mental health 学龄儿童心理卫生
juvenile and adolescencemental health 青少年心理卫生
aged mental health 老年心理卫生
family mental health 家庭精神心理卫生
schoolmental health 学校精神心理卫生
community mental health 社区精神卫生
ego ideal 自我理思(自我意象)
sen-acceptance 自我认可
interpersonal communication 人际交往
social w ithdrawal 社会撤离
parent-child communication 亲子交流
generation gap 代沟
lossof spouse 丧偶
life satisfaction 生活满意
stress reaction 应激反应
adap table disorder 适应障碍
emotion aporia 情绪困扰
situation anxiety 境遇性焦虑
psychological coping 心理应付
type A behavior pattern A型行为
behavio r of disease 疾病行为
patient status 病人身份
clinic of inoculation 接种门诊
grow th monito ring 生长监测
the law of grow th and development 生长发育规律
auxologioal anthropometry 人体测量术
health education for themaimed 残疾健康教育
education for p revention of maim残疾预防教育
education for disability rehabilitation 残疾康复教育