

重庆与世界 2010年5期

文/本刊记者 成海杨


文/本刊记者 成海杨



2007年1月份正式到匈牙利驻华大使馆 担任新闻官的工作,到现在有3年多的时间,直到今年才被调来重庆负责这边的工作。









南英杰:匈牙利共和国总领事馆在重庆与匈牙利的交往中主要起着牵线搭桥的作用, 通过我们让双方加强了解。2月4日匈牙利外长访问重庆时总领事馆就举行了开馆仪式,总领馆工作的第一部分也就结束了。第二部我们工作的重点就是要完成总领馆的装修工作,因为只有把工作的环境准备好了,其它各环节的工作才能更好的开展。












因为匈牙利是申根成员国,申根签证的办理已经不只是匈牙利内部的事务,它也涉及到其它申根成员国的利益问题,所以在 手续办理上要多一点,但是并不是很麻烦,并且拿到签证以后带来的好处也将更多,比如持有申根签证的个人可以到其他申根成员国去旅游而不需要另外申请签证,这将给签证持有人带来巨大的便利。

Jou rna list: You spen t 8 yea rs in Ch ina, d id you have the op po rtun ity to v isit Chongq ing du ring th is tim e? W ha t w as yo u r firs t im p ress ion abo u t Chongq ing be fo re?

M ik lós:Yea, I used to stud y in Beijing Fang caod i p rim a ry schoo l du ring 1988-1992. At tha t tim e m y fa the r wo rked in the Hunga rian Em bassy, so I had the op po rtunity to com e to China to stud y, and stud ying in Chinese p rim a ry schoo l was rea lly he lp fu l fo r m y Chinese. Afte r I wen t back to Hunga ry I still kep t lea rning Chinese, m y m a jo r was a lso Chinese when I stud ied a t the Ro land Un ive rsity.

It has been th ree yea rs since I o ffic ia lly wo rked in Hunga rian Em bassy in Beijing in Janua ry 2007. I se rved as p ress o ffice r a t the em bassy un til this yea r when I was trans fe rred to Chongq ing to wo rk he re. I neve r visited to Chongq ing be fo re, bu t I a lways hea rd abou t the gove rnm en t c racking down Chongq ing’s m a fia g roup from new spape rs and the In te rne t, b road cast, BBC, and CNN in 2009. As a p ress o ffice r, I've wa tched abou t the construc tion o f five Chongq ing on TV and read o the r p rom o tiona l m a te ria ls abou t Chongq ing. I can fee l Chongq ing is a ve ry a ttrac tive and beau tifu l c ity, a lthough I neve r cam e he re be fo re, the re fo re, I neve r fe lt un fam ilia r because I knew wha t was go ing on.

Jou rna list: You’ve been in Chongq ing fo r a w h ile, how is you r fee ling abou t Chongq ing?

M ik lós:I a rrived in Chongq ing in Janua ry 25, which I fina lly received a be tte r unde rstand ing o f this c ity; I sta rted to fa ll in love w ith this histo rica l and m ode rn c ity. First, the land scap ing o f Chongq ing is p a rtic u la rly good, eve rywhe re is g reen. Second, Chongq ing is rea lly busy, m any peop le, ca rs and na rrow stree ts. Third, I’m no t used to the loca l d ia lec t ye t, bu t now I am beg inning to lea rn "Chongq ing Pu tonghua" so I c an in teg ra te in to the lives o f Chongq ing p eop le.

Jo u rn a lis t: W h a t b r in g s th e H u n g a r ian gove rnm en t to estab lish the Hunga rian Consu la te Gene ra l in Chongq ing? W ha t conven ien ce can they b ring fo r Chongq ing peo p le?

M ik lós:The reason why we chose Chongq ing is the econom ic deve lopm en t o f Chongq ing, Hunga ry showed a strong in te rest in Chongq ing, we be lieve the re a re m any po ten tia l op po rtunities in the fu tu re. Hunga ry is the m em be r coun try o f the EU, a lso it is the Schengen Mem be r Sta te. Afte r the renova tion o f Consu la te Gene ra l was com p le ted we w ill sta rt issu ing Schengen visas in Chongq ing, wh ich w ill be o f g rea t he lp and convenience fo r those who have in te rest in Eu ropean coun tries in Chongq ing.

Jou rn a list: Th e Co n su la te Gen e ra l o f the Rep ub lic o f Hunga ry has ju st been se t u p in Cho ngq ing, w h a t is the w o rk ing p lan o f th e Hunga rian Consu la te Gene ra l in Chongq ing?

M ik lós:The Rep ub lic o f Hunga ry Consu la te Gene ra l in Chongq ing is a b rid ge fo r Chongq ing to con tac t w ith Hunga ry and enhance ou r und e rstand ing. Ou r Consu la te Gene ra l in Chongq ing he ld the open ing ce rem ony when the Hunga rian fo reign m iniste r visited Chongq ing on Feb rua ry 4, wh ich is the first pa rt o f ou r wo rk. Second is the renova tion wo rk o f the Consu la te Gene ra l, on ly the wo rking environm en t is read y, and then we can ca rry ou t the wo rk be tte r.

Jou rna list: Un til now, Chongq ing en te rp rises have ye t to invest in Hunga ry, w ha t is you r p lan on th is?

M ik lós:The comm unica tion be tween the Cen tra l and Easte rn Eu rope and Sou thwest o f China is no t m uch, we shou ld streng then the b ila te ra l exchanges. This is exac tly why we se tup the Consu la te-Gene ra l in sou thwest o f China.

Jou rna list: Hunga ry has been tak ing va riou s e ffec tive m easu res to op tim ize the in vestm en t env ironm en t, can you te ll us abou t the investm en t en v ironm en t in Hunga ry? Com pa red w ith o the r Eu ropean coun tries, w ha t ad van tages does Hunga ry have?

M ik lós:Hunga ry is loca ted in cen tra l Eu rope, conven ien t transp o rta tion is the best inves tm en t environm en t and the b iggest ad van tage. If Chinese com pan ies wan ted to bu ild a log istics cen te r o r a la rge-sca le wa rehouse in Eu rope, then Hunga ry wou ld de finite ly be the best choice.

The po licy o f Hunga ry to China inc ludes m any p re fe ren tia l po lic ies fo r Chinese businessm en, we a lso we lcom e Chongq ing's en te rp rises to invest in Hunga ry.

Jou rna list: Hunga ry has rich tou rism resou rces, it is one o f the w o rld's m ost 15 a ttractive coun tries, p lease te ll u s abou t the tou rism situa tion in Hunga ry, w ha t d o you recom m end to the Chongq ing p eo p le?

M ik lós:The cap ita l Budapest which is loca ted by Danube is a fam ous c ity in Eu rope, rea lly b righ t and beau tifu l. Eu rope's la rgest freshwa te r Lake Ba la ton is a lso a b righ t spo t to a ttrac t a la rge num be r o f tou rists. The Hunga rian g rape w ine is a lso fam ous as its long histo ry and the in toxica ting w ine frag rance. Hunga ry's hea lth spa is we ll-known in the wo rld. In Hunga ry, a lm ost anywhe re, as long as you a re d rilling in the unde rg round, you w ill a lways find the sou rce o f ho t sp rings.

Jou rna list: A re the re m any Ch inese stu den ts tha t stud y in Hunga ry? If peop le w an t to stud y the re, w ha t do they need? W ill it be ve ry com p lica ted to ap p ly fo r Schengen v isa?

M ik lós:The re a re m o re than 20,000 Chinese in Hunga ry. The la rgest Chinese comm un ity o f Easte rn Eu rope is a lso in Budapest, bu t the re a re no t m any Chinese studen ts stud ying in Hunga ry. Hunga ry has m o re than 10 m illion p eop le, the re a re 14 Nobe l Prize w inne rs, pe r cap ita ra tio o f the Nobe l Prize is the highest in the wo rld, which show s Hunga ry's educa tion system is ve ry pe rfec t. Chongq ing studen ts a re ve ry we lcom e to stud y in Hunga ry.

Since Hunga ry is the Schengen Mem be r Sta te, Schengen visa is no longe r just an in te rna l a ffair o f Hunga ry, it is a lso invo lved to the in te rests o f o the r Schengen m em be r sta tes, so the fo rm a lities w ill be m o re bu t no t too com p lica ted, and the bene fits w ill be m o re a fte r ob ta ined the visa, such as the Schengen visa ho lde rs can go to o the r Schengen m em be r sta tes w ithou t ap p lying fo r ano the r visa, which w ill be a huge convenience fo r visa ho lde rs.

"Never Feel Unfam iliar to Chongqing"——Interviewed w ith the Charge D'affaires of Republic of Hungary Consulate General in Chongqing M iklós NÉMETH

W ritten by Cheng Haiyang Translated by Aggie and Gary Hynson


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