

重庆与世界 2010年5期

文/本刊记者 李静


文/本刊记者 李静

2002 年,作为国际五星级酒店品牌的代表, 重庆希尔顿酒店率先进驻重庆。从开业至今,整整八年的时间,希尔顿伴随着重庆的发展经历着翻天覆地的蜕变;也正是在这八年的时间里,希尔顿酒店在重庆人心目中建立了颇高的知名度。







52 The World And Chongqing


事实上,自酒店开业以来,重庆希尔顿酒店已囊括多项荣誉,其中包括“2006 中国最佳商务酒店”奖等多个国内酒店业代表性奖项,由此可以证明重庆希尔顿为重庆酒店业的发展所作出的巨大贡献已获得国内酒店业的广泛认可。


作为一个拥有超过 27 年丰富、专业的酒店行业服务及管理经验的管理人员,冀宏飞的职业生涯是在不同国家管理酒店的经验综合,他一直坚持酒店管理没有国籍之分,不论外籍或本国的管理人员,是没有区别的,只要你接受他们的文化。“我曾经在伦敦、日本、韩国等国家工作过,所以我知道,欧洲人很直接,而亚洲人比较含蓄。在中国,我所要做的就是让自己适应这里的一切,不论是天气、语言,还是与员工的沟通方式等等。我需要以正确的方式与团队成员进行准确有效的沟通,这是与他们建立良好关系的关键所在。”







In 2002, Hilton Chongq ing, the first p ioneer 5-sta r ho te l in Chongq ing w as estab lished. Throughou t its 8 years o f operation, the hote l has p rog ressed a long w ith the c ity's rap id d eve lopm en t and built a w e lles tab lished b rand nam e am ong the p eop le o f Chongq ing.

As one o f the wo rlds m ost successfu l and powerfu l ho te l g roup, Hilton b rought its corporate cu lture and b rand philosophy to Chongq ing, m aking a significan t contribu tion to the loca l ho te l industry. Bearing w itness to the deve lopm en t o f the city and as a leader in the lo c a l m a rke t, H ilton and Chongq ing sha re an inextricab le bond. For this issue, we have the p leasu re to invite M r. Jean-Philippe Jacop in Genera l Manage r o f Hilton Chongq ing and the soon to open, Hilton Chongq ing Nanshan Resort & Spa, a French executive, to sha re w ith us the d eve lopm en t o f Hilton in Chongq ing.

The Best Five Star Ho te l Requ ires the Best M anager

Jean-Philippe's a ffair w ith China started w ith a trip to Beijing; then he was rea lly im p ressed by the entrep reneuria l fee ling o f the c ity and his curiosity p rom p ted him to d iscover m o re o f this fasc ina ting and enigm atic coun try. In his view, d ifferent c ities have d ifferent cu ltures, like the fam ous roast duck in Beijing and the hot-pot in Chongq ing; their cha rm lies in being com p le te opposites. Prior to arriving in Chongq ing in Ma rch this yea r, Jean-Philippe had hea rd a lot about Chongq ing from d ifferent m ed ia sou rces. After tou ring the c ity, he imm ed iate ly accep ted the position as Genera l Manager o f Hilton Chongq ing as he cou ld see the trem endous potentia l in this fast g row ing c ity and strong ly fe lt that he wanted to be a part o f this am azing adventure. Not on ly does Jean-Philip pe w ant to share w ith the peop le o f Chongq ing his g reat love fo r gastronom y, he a lso w ishes to transpose his g reat p assion fo r hosp ita lity in to a tru ly m ean ing fu l experience fo r his guests, in turn c rea ting a b rand m anifesto fo r the futu re o f Chongq ing. Fo llow ing the rap id steps o f “Go-West” p rog ram, which aim s to encourage the g row th o f industries in the in land w este rn and centra l reg ions o f the country, Chongq ing has been designated as the co re c ity o f this p ro jec t. “Mo re and m ore in ternationa l com panies are now keen to invest in Chongq ing, setting up headqua rte rs o r subsid iaries he re. Dom estic and in ternationa l tourism g roup s as w e ll as significan t in terna tiona l con ferences have a lso c ho se n to ho ld the ir e ven ts in Cho ng q ing. In te rna tiona liza tion has p rog ressed rap id ly in Chongq ing ove r the yea rs” said Jean-Philip pe rea ffirm ing h is con fid ence fo r the p rog ress o f Chongq ing.

Em p loyee is the Best En terp rise Cu ltu re

Since opening, Hilton Chongq ing has ga rne red m any reputab le awa rds inc lud ing 'Best Business Ho te l in Ch ina'. These aw a rd s fu rthe r cem en t Hilton Chongq ing's repu tation and contribution to the hote l industry in Chongq ing. Jean-Philippe to ld us tha t the reason for Hilton Chongq ing's success lies in the c lea r and strong core va lues o f the Hilton G roup. W ith rap id ho te l openings ac ross the g lobe, those core va lues are m o re im portan t than ever in guid ing the organization to continue creating extraord inary Hilton experiences fo r our guests and a p leasant working environm en t fo r our Team Mem bers. In today's com petitive ly dynam ic hote l industry, the w inners are those tha t can de live r superb ove ra ll va lue to their guests by o ffering m axim um choices and flexib ility - in where, when and how guests choose to work, re lax, soc ia lize and en joy them se lves. Certain ly, a ll this wou ld not be possib le w ithout the care and attention o f a ded icated Team, who is the frontline o f our business to ensure and further persona lize the 'Guest Expe rience'. During the conversa tion, Jean-Philippe a lso repeated ly em phasized that teamw ork is m ost im portant, “retaining and deve lop ing ou r Team Mem be rs is an in teg ra l aspec t o f ou r co rpo ra te cu lture”.

As a ho te lier w ith m o re than 27 years' experience in the ho te l industry, Jean-Philippe strong ly be lieves tha t na tiona lity is not a d iffe rentiating fac tor; whether foreign or loca l m anagem en t, the re are no d ifferences as long as you accep t and learn from each other and turn it into streng ths bene fic ia l for a ll. “I used to w ork in Sw itzerland, Eng land, Northern Ire land, Japan and Korea; now I am in China and I have to adap t m yse lf to m y new environm ent whethe r it is the weather, the food, the cu lture p rac tices, language and comm unication w ith team m em bers. Europeans a re d irec t and Asians are rese rved, there fore, I need to find the right ba lance to comm unicate c learly and m ake fruitfu l com fortab le and happy encounters w ith each and every one o f our Team Mem bers as it is the key to connec ting and build ing re lationship s w ith others.”

Jean-Philippe im p resses his unique concep t in his own way, “I am here to beg in an evo lution, not a revo lution.” Jean-Philippe likes trad itiona l things, like the Chinese cu ltu ra l trad itions but he a lso leaves a door open to changes, innovation and orig ina lity, which are in trinsic va lues that fit together in the p rog ressive m odern im age that Chongq ing is build ing in today's internationa lized wo rld. He is striving to ac t on service im p rovem ents, sta ff m o tivation and any key attribute that he lp derive ove ra ll guests' satisfac tion and loya lty.“We evo lve in a business that can wo rk 'Mag ic' on peop le by just o ffering an experience that com es from the 'Hea rt'.”

“Chongq ing's unique geog raphica l loca tion con tribu tes g rea tly to the w a rm th and friend ly charac teristics o f its peop le which are high ly regarded tra its fo r the hosp ita lity ind us try. Plac ing g rea t em phasis on Team Mem bers' persona l and caree r deve lopm en t, Team Mem be rs a re encou raged to p rog ressive ly strive harder and highe r. This has he lped to m aintain sta ff cohesion and reduce sta ff turnover, the basis fo r a suc cess fu l ho te l ope ra tion. Besides es tab lishing positive re la tionship s w ith the loca l gove rnm en t and au thorities, I a lso hope to work c lose ly w ith the loca l comm unity and contribute to the positive deve lopm en t o f Chongq ing's ho te l industry,”said Jean-Philip pe.

Show ing Itse lf in the Com pe tition

The boom o f 5-star hote ls in Chongq ing is a rep resenta tion o f the econom ic p rog ress o f the c ity. The ho te l industry in Chongq ing has seen a p rog ressive dem and for in ternationa lly b randed ho te ls and has becom e the fastest g row ing reg ion for 5-sta r hote ls in Southw est China. Hilton Chongq ing has been ab le to m aintain its position in the industry due to its unpa ra lle l opera ting perform ance and reputation as a w orldrenowned ho te l b rand. This fast deve lopm en t o f the c ity b rings keen com petition, inevitab ly p rovid ing m ore choices fo r the d isce rning business and leisu re trave le r. As exp ressed by Jean-Philip pe, “In the face o f stiff com pe tition, Hilton Chongq ing's so lid ope ra ting foundation aim s to continue p rovid ing high qua lity p roduc ts and service; we w ill m ain tain our com pe titive a d van tag e th roug h ou r re len tle s s q ue s t fo r im p rovem en t to m eet and exceed the needs and wants o f ou r guests. By stand ing fo r op tim ism and p rac tica lity and constan tly up dating our p roduc t o fferings w ith p e rsona lized gues t se rvice, w e w ill m ain ta in a com fo rtab le position as leade r in the hosp ita lity industry.

Jean-Ph ilip p e a lso m en tioned tha t H ilton Chongq ing Nanshan Reso rt & Spa w ill be opened this autum n; this is the second Hilton hote l in Chongq ing, which a lso p rovides a new opportunity fo r Hilton Worldw ide to expand its p resence in the Chinese m a rket. He be lieves that luxu ry p roduc t o fferings and com p rehensive rec rea tiona l fac ilities de live red by Hilton's wo rld-renowned service standa rds, Hilton Chongq ing Nanshan Resort & Spa is w e ll-positioned to be the leade r in Chongq ing's resort and spa industry. We expec t the second coope ration between Chongq ing and Hilton, to be another good text in the history o f Chongq ing's deve lopm ent.

There is no Nationality in Hotel Management— — In te rview w ith Jean-Philippe Jacop in, Gene ra l Manager o f Hilton Chongqing and Hilton Chongqing Nanshan Resort & Spa.

W ritten by Aggie and Gary Hynson

