



(11河北理工大学外国语学院,河北唐山 063009;21唐山职业技术学院公共外语部,河北唐山 063004)



(11河北理工大学外国语学院,河北唐山 063009;21唐山职业技术学院公共外语部,河北唐山 063004)



社会语言学是研究语言和社会的关系的学科,社会语言学中一个重要的概念就是言语社区。人们用语言进行交际时,在大多数情况下有相对固定的社会环境和交际对象。有可能常在一起进行言语交际的人群就可能构成一个言语社区 (speech community)。言语社区也被称为“言语社团”、“言语社群”、“言语共同体”。对于言语社区的定义,社会语言学意见不一。那么到底什么是言语社区呢?弄清楚它的本质对研究社会语言学具有重要的意义。我们希望能从不同语言学家的定义以及它与类似社区的比较中找到答案。


1 言语社区的定义变化:从“固有的研究对象”到“交际的产物”

1)A community based on a common language or dialect1

——The ChambersDictionary

2)Corder(1973:53):“A speech community ismade up of individuals who regard themselves as speaking the same lan2 guage;it need have no other defining attributes1”An early,radi2 cal subjectivist view1

——Corder,S1Pit119731Introducing applied linguistics1Har mondsworth:Penguin1

3)A group of peoplewho for m a community,e1g1a village,a region,a nation,andwho have at leastone speech variety in com2 mon1指形成一个社团如一个村庄,一个地区,一个国家,并至少有一种共同的言语变体的一群人。

In Bilingual and multilingual communities,people would u2 sually have more than one speech variety in common1在双语制或多语制的社团里,人们共同使用的言语变体往往不只一种。

——Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching&Applied Linguistics

4)A speech community is defined as a group of people who form a community(which may have as few members as a family or asmanymembers as a country),and share the same language or a particular variety of language1The important characteristics of a speech community is that the members of the group must,in some reasonableway,interact linguisticallywith othermembersof the community1They may share closely related language varie2 ties,aswell as attitudes toward linguistic nor ms1

——Modern Linguistics—A concise Course梅德明编著P173

5)Any group of people whose language or use of language can be taken as a coherentobjectof study1Speakersof English in generalmight be treated as such a community;also e1g1speakers of a distinct variety that one might callBirmingham English,spo2 ken or usually spoken by part of the population of Birming2 ham1So might any otherpopulation thatmeets some testof coher2 ence,whether large or s mall,bilingual ormonolingual,in a single place or scattered1

——from Oxford Concise Dictionary ofLinguistics

6)Romaine(1994:22):“A speech community is a group of people who do not necessarily share the same language,but share a set of norms and rules for the use of language1The boundaries between speech communities are essentially social rather than linguistic…A speech community is not necessarily co2extensive with a language community1

——Romaine,Suzanne119941Language in society:An in2 troduction to sociolinguistics1London:Blackwell1

7)Duranti(1997:82)recommends abandoning the speech community as“an already constituted object of inquiry”,and in2 stead taking it as“a point of view of analysis”1He defines it as“the productof the communicative activities engaged in by a giv2 en group of people”1

——Duranti,A lessandro119971L inguistic anthropology1Cam bridge:Cam bridge University Press1

8)Holmes&Meyerhoff(1999:17829):“Membership in aspeech community depends on social or behavioural properties that one possesses…[The speech community concept has]noth2 ing to say about maintenance or(de)construction of boundaries bet ween categories”(ofmembership,presumably)1

——Holm es,Janet&M eyerhoff,M iriam119991“The com2 munity of practice:Theories and m ethodologies in language and gender research1”Language in Society28(2):1732831


RonaldWardhaugh在An Introduction to Sociolinguistics《社会语言学导论》中提到:为了纯粹的理论目的,语言学家可能想假设某种“理想的”言语社区的存在。这就是 Chomsky提出的“完全同类的言语社区”。然而,这样的言语社区不能作为我们关心的对象,它是为了一种狭隘的目的而进行的理论构建。我们的言语社区是存在于“真实的”世界的。因此,我们必须努力找到一些不同的关于言语社区的观点,以便帮助我们研究社会中的语言 (摘译)。他在书中提到的不同语言学家对言语社区的定义,也正好反映了这一倾向。



第一,有相同的语言变项的运用特征。例如英语中后置的 r这一语言变项,在纽约的运用特征如下:保留[r]音的富人比穷人多,白人比黑人多,女人比男人多,职位高的比职位低的多。而在英格兰南部,不保留 [r]音的却是有权威的读音。所以纽约和伦敦属于不同的言语社区。

第二,有一定的交往密度。一般来说属于同一言语社区的人,生活在同一地区或地点,常有言语交际的机会 1即使有相同的语言变项的运用特征,但是处于不同的地区,没有言语交际的一定密度,也不能构成同一个言语社区。




而 Bernard Spolsky在《社会语言学》中是这样描述言语社区的:

For the sociolinguist,the speech community is a complex in2 terlocking network of communication whose membersshare knowledge about and attitudes towards the language use patterns of others aswell as themselves1There is no theoretical limitation on the location and size of a speech community,which is in prac2 tice defined by its sharing set of language varieties(its reper2 toire)and a set of norms for using them1

Smaller networks2groups of people who communicate with each other regularly2also contain consistent patterns1One might,for instance,study the linguistic differences that make up the communicative repertoire in a modern office or research center e2 quipped with computers and telephones and faxes1A researcher with a problem might send off a quick e2mail question to a col2 league in the next room,or ask the same question by telephone1If the ans wer is complicated,it might be handled by sending(by fax or computer)a copy of a previously written paper1When the exchanges become too involved,the collesguesmight arrange(by phone or e2mail)a face2to2face meeting1Each of these communi2 cationsmedia will involve different sylistic choices,and the vari2 ants can be considered as making up the repertoire1In the same way,international organizationsmight,like the European Commu2 nity,have a formal policy governing choice of language from the repertoire available1

The speech community is,therefore,the abstract‘space’studied in sociolinguistics,the location in which the patterned variations in selection from the available repertoire takes place1








[1] 游汝杰,邹嘉彦 1社会语言学教程[M]1上海:复旦大学出版社,20041

[2] 梅德明 1现代语言学简明教程[M]1上海:上海外语教育出版社,20031

[3] Splosky,B1Sociolinguistics[M]1上海:上海外语教育出版社,20001

[4] Wardhaugh,R1An Introduction to Sociolinguistics[M]1北京:外语教学与研究出版社,20001

The Study of“ Speech Commun ity”

L IU Lan2fang1,2
(11College of Foreign Languages,Hebei Polytechnic University,Tangshan Hebei 063009,China;21English Teaching Section,Tangshan Vocational College,Tangshan Hebei 063004,China)

speech community;language;sociolinguistics

Through comparing the different definitions of speech community,this article aims to explore the essence of speech community and its significance in the study of sociolinguistics1

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怀揣一生使命 勇攀藏学珠峰——访中国民族语言学家瞿霭堂教授