

中国船检 2010年6期

韩光 刘啸波


韩光 刘啸波

近年来,尽管欧洲三大造船指标全面下滑,世界造船重心转向韩国、中国、日本,但凭借其强大的技术优势,欧洲仍处在世界船舶工业的领先地位。究其原因,是欧洲造船业始终坚持技术引领的发展战略,始终将关注重点放在科技开发上。在欧盟委员会的推动下,欧洲先后出台了一系列船舶技术研发政策,并开展了大量研发项目,如《船舶领袖2015计划》(《Leadership 2015》)、《欧盟第六研发框架计划》(FP6)、《欧盟第七研发框架计划》(FP7)、船用超低排放燃烧高效率柴油机研发项目(Hercules),欧洲突破船舶和造船技术研究项目(BESST)等。受益于这些政策和项目,欧洲船舶工业在船舶设计建造技术,船舶配套设备如船舶动力设备、船舶控制设备等关键设备技术领域始终保持着世界先进水平和主导地位。在全球倡导低碳经济的大背景下,欧洲各国大力开展船舶绿色、环保技术研发,以期进一步巩固其优势地位。


2004年,在欧盟推动下,船用超低排放燃烧高效率柴油机研发项目(Hercules)正式启动。截止2007年,第一阶段Hercules-α项目的研发工作已成功结束,研究经费总计3300万欧元(其中1500万欧元由欧盟提供资助)。与2003年船用柴油机最先进的技术相比, Hercules-α项目实现燃料消耗降低1.4%,NOx减排50%(与IMO2000年制定的排放标准相比),SOx减排90%,颗粒物质(PM)减排40%,碳氢化合物(HC)减排20%,可靠性达到8000小时以上。在Hercules-α项目基础上,世界两大船用柴油机巨头MAN柴油机公司和瓦锡兰公司共同牵头开展Hercules-β项目,其研究方向也代表着环保型船用柴油机的研发趋势。该项目目标主要有提高船用柴油推进效率60%以上,降低船用柴油消耗(SFC)10%,烟尘减排50%,NOx减排70%,达到IMO规定最高排放限值。该项目自2008年起实施,计划研究周期36个月。


此外,欧洲各国还致力于研究利用风能、太阳能、液化天然气等清洁能源为船舶提供动力的技术。德国开发出世界第一艘风动力货船“白鲸天帆(Beluga SkySails)”号和第一艘风动力渔船“玛特杰迪多拉(Maartje·Theadora)”号。德国还研制出以太阳能为动力的“星球阳光”号双体船(如图1所示)。挪威船级社设计一艘能利用液化天然(LNG)作为船舶燃料的新概念集装箱(如图2所示)。






In 2004, driven by the European Union, the research and development project (Hercules) for marine diesel engine with ultra-low emission and high efficiency was launched formally. By 2007, the first stage work of Hercules-α project has successfully concluded,which costs a total of 33 million Euros including 15 million Euros provided by EU. Compared with the most advanced technology of marine diesel engine in 2003,the Hercules-α project realized a 1.4% reduction of fuel consumption, a 50% reduction in NOxemissions compared with the emission standard enacted by IMO in 2000,a 90% reduction in SOxemission, a 40% reduction in particle material (PM) emissions and a 20% reduction in hydrocarbon (HC) emissions, the reliability could last more than 8000 hours. On the basis of Hercules-α project, two marine diesel engine giants, MAN diesel engine company and Wartsila company jointly lead the development of Hercules-β project, whose research direction also represents the development trend of environmental marine diesel engine. The main targets of this project are to improve the propulsive eff i ciency of marine diesel engine by more than 60%, to reduce ship fuel consumption (SFC)by 10%, to reduce smoke dust emission by 50%, and to reduce NOxemission by 70% to achieve the highest emission limit set by IMO. This project was started in 2008,and is planned to last 36 months.

Since 2003 when DNV started the Fellow SHIP project which focused on comprehensive testing on marine fuel cell, DNV has been committed to the research and commercial promotion of fuel cell used on ships and marine platforms. If the project succeeds, the carbon dioxide emission will be dramatically reduced, the eff i ciency will be improved, and the zero discharge of hazardous substances will be realized. This project made a periodical progress in September 2009, the fuel cell of 320KW power was successfully installed onboard an oceaneering supply ship “Madam Pirate”, which made an innovation of a world-class. Germany, Iceland and other EU countries are also positive for the fuel cell which is considered to be one type of the second generation of power. Through the“ZEM project”, Germany has developed the fuel cell ship specialized in navigating in incoming rivers, which can accommodate 100 people. Iceland has also successfully designed the world's first hydrogen-powered commercial ship.

In addition, the European countries are also committed to the study and the use of the clean energy, like wind energy,solar energy and liquefied natural gas to provide power for ships. Germany developed the world’s fi rst cargo ship powered by wind, “Beluga SkySails” and the first fishing vessel powered by wind, “Maartje Theadora”. Germany also developed the catamaran powered by solar energy,“planet sunshine”. DNV designed a new concept container,which can be fuelled by liquef i ed natural gas (LNG).

The Dutch developer of ship air cavity system (ACS)technology, DK group developed the air cavity system technology, and carried out related testing on a VLCC successfully. The air cavity system technology replaces the surface of ship bottom with gas cavity to reduce the friction resistance of ship bottom, so as to improve the fuel efficiency. With the installation of air cavity system,fuel consumption can be reduced by 15%, and the carbon dioxide emission will also be correspondingly reduced.

Low Carbon Action of European Shipbuilding Industry

By Han Guang & Liu Xiaobo

