

世界建筑 2010年4期












项目业主/Client: 北京家盒子文化有限公司/Children Enterprise (UK) Limited

合作方/Col laborating Architects & Engineers: 北京市建筑设计研究院国际工作室和秦禾国际工作室/BIAD International Studio & BIAD TSH International Studio摄影/Photographer: 杨超英/YANG Chaoying


灯光顾问/Lighting Consultant: 北京市建筑设计研究院

灯光工作室/BIAD lighting studio

基地面积/Site Area: 5 000m2

占地面积/Building Footprint: 2 300m2

总建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 5 625m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2008.08-2009.02

施工时间/Construction Period: 2008.08-2009.12(第一期)

“We have learned that to raise a happy, heal thy and hopeful child, it takes a family, it takes teachers,it takes clergy, it takes business people, it takes community leaders, it takes those who protect our health and safety, it takes al l of us.Yes, it takes a village to raise a child.”

Hillary Clinton

Family Box is something between an indoor playground and a kindergarten for children up to twelve years old, but it also accomodates their parents’needs. It hosts dif ferent kinds of activities-from swimming, playing games to various classes ranging from music, dancing, crafting to cooking. Furthermore it has a big playframe, a reading area and a generous caf area. Located at the outer corner of a park it is placed in a natural environment, which enhances the visibility of the building.

The dif ferent size and height between adul t and child and their different angle of view was the starting point for considering Family Box should be made by two types of spaces: a kids-scale space and an adultscale space. How to find an inspiring balance between them? How to combine the dif ferent needs?

Despite the complex program another chal lenging part of this project was to deal with an existing structural system, column grid and also the building footprint-due to a different original function of the building and the involvement of another design institute in an earlier project stage.

The rigid concrete structure of the building did not seem the most suitable for the design purpose,that was counterbalanced in dif ferent ways. Since the two upper f loors where not yet constructed, f loor plates were shif ted up and down and cut outs in the f loor al lowed views between the two f loors.

The use of independent rooms in the shape of freestanding boxes allows the activities to run paral lel and it of fers the most suitable environment for each.The rooms have their own program or theme, they al l dif fer from the outside space in terms of color and furniture. They have their own story and inside life and al low the children to concentrate on the program of fered. At the same time, smal l square window openings al low maintaining contact with the outside,and parents can have a peep inside to see what is going on.

The box locations are meant to break the rigid layout of the concrete columns, which is also camouf laged with a series of arches that give a different rhythm to the environment. Visual ly, the common areas are treated with low contrast finishes in order to enhance and balance the space and equipments for the children.

The glass facade is wrapping al l of the functions like a skin, following the given building perimeter. It has a printed pattern, which was developed out of simple single-line drawings made by children. They were modified into a pattern consisting of two different sized squares, the graphic motif is reversed: the background is white-translucent and the drawing is transparent. From far away the objects on the facade are recognizable, they indicate a building function related to children, fun and recreation.

The surrounding landscape (2nd phase) is designed using pre-fabricated concrete tiles. Their displacement fol lows the facade grid creating a continuity between vertical and horizontal surfaces and merging smoothly the access path to the park. They do not follow a f lat surface, since placed on a hil ly ground.□


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