I JARED行政乡村俱乐部,莱鲁姆,瑞典


世界建筑 2010年4期


1 内景/Interior view



2 平面/Plan

3 鸟瞰/Aerial view

4 剖面/Section

5 夜景/Night view



建筑师精心挑选的材料和仔细设计的建筑细部,也在人们经过建筑内部的过程中,逐渐将室内气氛推向高潮。厄兰岛大理石地面的红色调主导着主要空间的气氛,对石材采用的表面处理方式则突出了不同空间特点之间的转变。当我们穿过整个室内空间,会发现石材铺地采用的装饰做法逐渐精细——入口平台处体现了自然劈开的效果,休息室采用疏密相间的机刨道面,餐厅地面是锯切面和金刚石研磨面的石材,而后勤厨房的墙体则使用锯切面的石材装饰,各墙体基座部分用了哑光面,转角处又用了抛光面等。□(徐知兰 译)

6 内景/Interior view

7 外景/Exterior view

卛jared Executive Country Club lies thirty kilometers west of Gothenburg. The clubhouse was built at the center of a group of three eighteen-hole courses and a nine-hole course, its siting given by the layout of the courses. Inspired by the many earthshel tered projects of Emi lio Ambasz, Wing宺dh proposed a structure that would be partial ly dug into an existing hil l. The first sketch, from November of 1986, clearly shows the inf luence of Reima Pietil姟痵Dipoli (1967), with a heavy concrete frame, a sequence of stepped public spaces along the south edge of the hil l, and a multi-faceted south-facing glass facade.But contrary to Dipoli, 卛jared has a very firm structure.

The project was developed at 1:200 scale over a weekend in February 1987. A triangulated structural framework and pitched roofs emerged. Two triangular chimneys dominated the asymmet rical ent rance facade. In May, the architect produced plans and sections that show the final design of the building.The entrance is chopped from a sprawling grass roof that serves as the first tee for a new gol f course.

Like many of Wing宺dh’s buildings, the design is primarily generated by the interior. The folded glass facade has thirty-six corners and grows f rom seven centimeters to a height of seven meters; nevertheless,it remains respectfully subordinate to the birch-studded natural landscape outside. The plan of the building is largely hidden from the visitor, and the character of the place is conveyed instead by the section-“our time’s facades,” in Peter Celsing’s words.

8 首层平面/Ground f loor

9 外景/Exterior view

Our perception of this bui lding is strongly inf luenced by its details. The sunscreen plays the main role in the exterior. It defines the building’s upper limit, but also clearly articulates the edge of the grass roof for those walking above, defining the lower limit of the tee area. This screen is built up of a top layer that follows its own prefabricated framing module and a bottom layer that corresponds to the various angles of the glass facade below. The architect’s intention was for this deep grid to function as a horizontal fence that would keep golfers from fal ling over the edge. Unfortunately, this clever idea was not considered sufficiently practical, and the building is now crowned by the most pedestrian sor t of pipe railing. The sunscreen stil l fulfills its most important role, aside f rom fil tering the sun: its graceful horizontality makes the composition more buoyant.Without it, the earth would swal low the buildingthe sunscreen makes it seem to be emerging f rom the earth rather than sinking into it.

There is a strong element of nature atijared that fixes the building firmly in the world of the popular Swedish fairy-tale il lustrator John Bauer(1882-1918). The exterior gives the impression of a mossy tuft lif ted careful ly by a great spade and propped up by a long glass facade.

10 入口平面/Entrance level plan

11 内景/Interior view

