斯德哥尔摩近郊的Val l ingby是城市规划史上的一个经典项目。在建成后的50年里,为了保持它的商业吸引力,该中心在进行逐步的更新,还增添了一些新的建筑物。我们负责设计的是其重要的新建部分,一座只经营时装的百货商店。生动的布光顶棚是在红色的底色上印出白色的标识,这成为新建筑物的标志。外墙采用了类似的方式,设置在红色背景前面的印花玻璃由透明变成白色。自1954年以来,开放的内部空间被一个巨大的圆洞所主导,圆形的设计主题成为Val l ingby被尊崇的标识 。个别店铺采用了更小的三角形单元,饰以黑色釉面玻璃,使建筑更加完整。一条狭窄的通道用玻璃桥将两座建筑连接在一起,并遵循了现有的规划网格。□(张晓黎 译)
Stockholm’s suburb Vallingby is a canonical project in the history of urban planning. 50 years after its inauguration the centre is now being renovated and new buildings added in order to maintain its commercial attraction. We are responsible for the main new feature,a department store for fashion only. A dramatic backlit ceiling with white logotypes on red wil l create an emblematic sign of the building. The facades are performed in a similar manner, with a printed glass shifting from transparent to white in front of a red backdrop. A large hole dominates the open interior, a reverence to the circular motif that became an icon for Val lingby in 1954. A smaller triangular unit in black enamel led glass, dedicated to one single shop, completes the structure. A narrow lane with glazed bridges connects the two buildings with each other and with the existing grid. □