

常熟理工学院学报 2010年11期


(常熟理工学院 外国语学院,江苏 常熟 215500)

一、引 言



韩礼德和哈桑(Halliday&Hasan)夫妇在《英语的衔接》(Cohesion in English)[1]一书中把英语的衔接手段分成两大类:语法衔接和词汇衔接,并对它们作了全面的描述。本文以此为理论框架,就英语语篇中的语法衔接作较为详细的分析,并提供丰富的英美现代散文名篇中的实例(少数例子选自现代小说和古代散文),让高年级学生学习和掌握这些语法衔接手段,并根据衔接纽带在语篇中形成的网络来了解语篇发展的脉络,认识语篇的整体意义和微观联系。英语语法衔接手段主要包括照应、替代、省略和连接。


英语中的照应(reference)是指“语篇中某些成分自己不能解释自己,而是用另一成分作为参照来作解释。”[1]31有关成分的参照点存在于语篇之中,就是内指照应(endophoric reference/endophora);有关成分的参照点存在于语境中,就是外指照应(exophoric reference/exophora)。在内指照应中,可以在上文中找到参照点的,就是回指(anaphoric reference/anaphora);在下文找到参照点的,就是下指(cataphoric reference/cataphora)。在词汇语法层次上,照应主要由语法项目来体现,分成三种:人称照应(personal reference)、指示照应(demonstrative reference)和比较照应(comparative reference)。如下例人称照应和指示照应:

例1:I did meet an undeniably grade-one thinker in my first year at Oxford.I was looking over a small bridge in Magdalen Deer Park,and a tiny mustached and hatted figure came and stood by my side.He was a German who had just fled from the Nazis to Oxford as a temporary refuge.His name was Einstein.[2]239

例2:At the age of eighty my mother had her last bad fall,and after that her mind wandered free through time.Some days she went to weddings and funerals that had taken place half a century earlier.On others she presided over family dinners cooked on Sunday afternoons for children who were now gray with age.Through all this she lay in bed but moved across time,traveling among the dead decades with a speed and ease beyond the gift of physical science.[3]210

例1选自英国小说家和诗人、诺贝尔文学奖获得者威廉·杰拉尔德·戈尔丁的《思考作为一种业余爱好》一文,此语篇中“He”、“His”是人称代词,指代上文的“a tiny mustached and hatted figure”,两者之间构成人称照应关系。此外,“He”和“His name”分别是这两个小句的主位,即语篇谈论的话题,对引出述位中的新信息“Einstein”(爱因斯坦)起到了很好的作用。

例2是美国专栏作家、普利策新闻奖和传记奖获得者拉塞尔·贝克《遥想当年》开始的一个自然小节。文中指示代词“that”和“this”都是回指,“that”指上句中的“her last bad fall”;“this”指上文第二和第三个句子中母亲的思想神游。指示代词“that”和“this”在此语篇中的运用起到了很好的衔接作用,帮助读者更好地理解上下文。英语中人称照应和指示照应是最常用的语法衔接手段,也比汉语中更常见,因此若英语学习者理解并掌握它们的使用,将对英语语篇的阅读和理解起到很有效的作用。

英语中的照应还包括比较照应,它可再分为总体比较(general comparison)和具体比较(particular comparison)。总体比较是就事物的相似(likeness)或不相似(unlikeness)来进行的比较,并不涉及具体的特性;而具体比较是就事物的数量(quantity)或质量(quality)而进行的比较。但比较照应与一般语法中的句内形容词或副词比较级结构不同。“只有当表达比较意义的词语与语篇上下文中的另一语言成分之间具有相互参照或相互解释的关系时,才能构成比较照应。”[4]27由总体比较在语篇中构成照应关系的,用形容词“same”、“identical”和“equal”或副词“identically”来表示“认同”;用形容词“similar”、“additional”或副词“similarly”、“likewise”、“so”和“such”等来表示“总体相似”;用“other”、“different”和“else”或副词“differently”和“otherwise”来表示不同。例如:

例3:I saw only two processions—one was the Fire Brigade preceded by the Police,the other was the Police preceded by the Fire Brigade.[5]235

例4:America is the noisiest country that ever existed.One is waked up in the morning,not by the singing of the nightingale,but by the steam whistle.It is surprising that the sound practical sense of the Americans does not reduce this intolerable noise.All Art depends upon exquisite and delicate sensibility,and such continual turmoil must ultimately be destructive of the musical faculty.[5]228-229

例5:The Westerner,on the other hand,would fight with an equal tenacity for the broader concept of society.[6]164

例6:And Dr King also said,“We must work unceasingly to lift this nation to a higher destiny,to a new plateau of compassion.”[7]263

例3、例4和例5都是总体比较,而例6则是具体比较。例3和例4均选自英国唯美作家奥斯卡·王尔德《美国印象》中的句子。例3中的“the other”的所指意义是以上文“two processions”和“one”为参照点的,在语篇中具有衔接功能。例4中的“such”所指意义是以上文中的“the steam of whistle”为参照点的,属于内指。例5选自美国内战历史学家Bruce Catton的《格朗特和李:对比研究》一文,句中“The Westerner”指美国内战时期北方联邦军队的总司令格朗特(Grand),“equal”与语境中谈论的南方邦联政府军将军李(Lee)之间构成了比较照应关系,说明“The Westerner”与“Lee”一样都具有“坚忍不拔”(tenacity)的品质。这是典型的外指照应。例6选自美国议员爱德华·肯尼迪的演讲《时刻已到》,其中“higher”和“a new plateau of compassion”形成比较照应,使上下文更为紧密地衔接在一起。


英语中的替代(substitution)是指用一个替代词去取代语篇中的某一个成分,被替代的成分也可以在上下文中找到。英语中的替代主要有三种类型:名词性替代(nominal substitution)、动词性替代(verbal substitution)和小句性替代(clausal substitution)。替代与指代的主要区分是:“指代是语义关系(a relation on the semantic level);而替代是语法和词汇关系(a relation on the level of grammar and vocabulary)。”[1]89


例7:There had always been a fierceness in her.It showed in that angry,challenging thrust of the chin when she issued an opinion,and a great one she had always been for issuing opinions.[3]211

例8:I had some very good friends who stood by me,and still do.But my acquaintances vanished,taking the girls with them.[2]241

例9:The real trouble about women is that they must always go on trying to adapt themselves to men’s theories of women.As they always have done.[2]58

例10:The first Rockefeller said in a famous speech:“The American Beauty rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it.And so it is in economic life.It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God.”[3]24

例7中“a great one”的“one”一字就是名词性替代,被替代的成分是第一句中的主语“a fierceness”(严厉),读者由此了解到作者在回忆母亲年轻时“发表意见时总带着那股严厉劲”(and a great one she had always been for issuing opinions)。例8中的“do”是动词性替代,替代对象为“stood by me”。例9选自英国小说家和诗人劳伦斯的散文《给她一个模式》,其中“have done”也是动词性替代,代替上文中的“go on trying to adapt themselves to men’s theories of women”。两例动词性替代时态均有变化。例10选自曾任肯尼迪和约翰逊两届美国政府顾问的哈佛大学经济学教授约翰·加尔布雷斯的《怎样从我们良心上驱走贫困》一文,语篇中的“so”是小句性替代,替代上文“be produced… which grow up around it”,如果读者能理解“so”的意义,就有助于理解这个语篇的意义。在此语篇中,作者引用洛克菲勒的话,用红玫瑰早期生长时必须剪除其周围的小花蕾才能使其长得光彩夺目、芳香四溢的规律来说明经济生活中的规律也是如此(And so it is in economic life)。


英语中的省略(ellipsis)指的是“把语言结构中的某个成分省去不提。它是为了避免重复,使表达简练、紧凑、清晰的一种修辞方式。”[4]60语篇中的某个成分或某些成分被省去,被省去的成分一般都能在语篇中找到,因此省略也被称为零替代(substitution by zero)。省略作为一种句法层面的缩略现象,“不仅可以避免重复、突出新信息,而且也是语篇衔接的一种重要语法手段。”[4]61省略也可分为名词性省略(nominal ellipsis)、动词性省略(verbal ellipsis)和小句性省略(clausal ellipsis)。请看例11至例14:

例11:“ I’ll phone you back,”I said and hung up,and when I did phone back she was all right,although she wasn’t all right,of course,and we all knew she wasn’t.[3]211

例12:It was such a foolish,innocent idea,but one thinks of parents differently from other people.Other people can become frail and break,but not parents.[3]216

例13:Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.(Of Studies by Bacon)[8]138-139

例14:Presently he said:“Say,Tom,let me whitewash a little.”Tom considered;was about to consent;but he altered his mind:“No,no;I reckon it wouldn’t hardly do,Ben.”(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain)[9]18

英语和汉语省略最大的不同是汉语的省略以主语的省略为主,而英语中的主语是不能省略的。例11中省去的成分是表语“all right”,而完整的句子应该是“and we all knew she wasn’t all right.”例12最后一句中省略的成分是小句“can become frail and break”,完整的句字应是“but parents can not become frail and break.”例13省去的是实义动词(lexical verb)“make”,实义动词的省略在英语中很常见,被称为“右省略”。例14上文故事描写汤姆在刷篱笆,他正想尽办法让小伙伴帮他干这“有趣”的活,此对话在“a little”后省去了名词“fence”,名词性省略将名词词组中的修饰成分(a little)提升为中心词。



例15:Trevelyan always stressed writing for the general reader as opposed to writing just for fellow scholars because he knew that when you write for the public you have to be clear and you have to be interesting and these are the two criteria which make for good writing.[3]56

例16:Tom lay thinking.Presently it occurred to him that he wished he was sick;then he could stay home from school.Here was a vague possibility.He canvassed his system.No ailment was found,and he investigated again.This time he thought he could detect colicky symptoms,and he began to encourage them with considerable hope.But they soon grew feeble and presently died wholly away.He reflected further.Suddenly he discovered something.One of his upper teeth was loose.[9]42

例15这个语篇选自曾二次获普利策奖的美国历史学家芭芭拉·塔奇曼的《艺术家型的历史学家》一文。语篇中作者引用了英国历史学家、剑桥大学教授特里维廉(Trevelyan)的观点,语篇中“because”表示因果关系;两个“and”都是表示递进关系,第一个“and”补充说明为大众写作的第二标准是“you have to be interesting”,第二个“and”进一步说明这两个标准是判断好作品的标准。例16选自马克·吐温的名著《汤姆·索亚历险记》第六章第二小节的开始部分,那是周一早上,汤姆想尽办法在自己身上找不舒服以此为逃学的理由。语篇中“But”表示转折,“Presently”、“then”、“again”、“This time”、“soon”和“Suddenly”等都表示时间关系。

三、结 语


[1]Halliday M A K,Hasan R.Cohesion in English[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research press,2001.







[8]Bacon Francis.Essays[M].上海:上海外语与研究出版社,1998.

[9]Mark Twain.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer[M].北京:外文出版社,1993.



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