卢秀英 刘俊 丁震 侯晓华
卢秀英 刘俊 丁震 侯晓华
目的分析急性胰腺炎(AP)患者胸腔积液的发生率,探讨胸腔积液与病情严重程度的关系。方法回顾性分析766例AP患者胸腔积液的发生率及其与发病年龄、性别、Ranson评分、CT分级(CTSI)、血淀粉酶水平、白蛋白含量以及住院天数之间的关系。结果766例AP患者中,129例(16.8%)发生胸腔积液。171例重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)中38例(22.2%)发生胸腔积液,595例轻症急性胰腺炎(MAP)中91例(15.3%)出现胸腔积液,SAP患者的胸腔积液发生率显著高于MAP患者(Plt;0.05)。发生胸腔积液患者的血淀粉酶水平、白蛋白含量、Ranson评分、CTSI及住院天数分别为(795±1013)U/L、(36±7)g/L、1.12±1.15、4.02±1.16和(23.4±23.4)d;无胸腔积液者分别为(592±856)U/L、(38±6)g/L、0.85±0.98、3.15±16.60和(17.3±16.6)d。胸腔积液患者的Ranson评分、血淀粉酶水平、CTSI均显著高于无胸腔积液者(Plt;0.05或lt;0.01);血清白蛋白含量显著低于无胸腔积液者(Plt;0.01);住院天数明显长于无胸腔积液者(Plt;0.01)。 双侧胸腔积液92例,右侧胸腔积液11例,左侧胸腔积液26例,胸腔积液部位与病情无关,但左侧胸腔积液者住院天数较长(Plt;0.05)。结论AP患者发生胸腔积液者病情较重,胸腔积液可能是个较好的评估SAP的指标。
胰腺炎; 胸腔积液; 回顾性研究
收集1998年至2008年间武汉协和医院所有住院的AP患者共766例,男473例,女293例;SAP 171例,MAP 595例。胸腔积液的诊断主要依靠48 h之内CT影像获得。同时记录患者入院48 h内的血淀粉酶、白蛋白水平以及Ranson评分、CTSI、住院天数,分析胸腔积液与这些指标的相关关系。
结 果
发生胸腔积液者的血淀粉酶、白蛋白水平以及Ranson评分、CTSI、住院天数分别为(795±1 013)U/L、(36±7)g/L、1.12±1.15、4.02±1.16和(23.4±23.4)d;无胸腔积液者分别为(592±856)U/L、(38±6)g/L、0.85±0.98、3.15±16.60和(17.3±16.6)d。发生胸腔积液患者的Ranson评分、血淀粉酶水平均显著高于无胸腔积液者(Plt;0.05或lt;0.01);血清白蛋白水平显著低于无胸腔积液者(Plt;0.01);住院天数明显长于无胸腔积液者(Plt;0.01)。
讨 论
表1 不同部位胸腔积液与病情的关系
近年来国内学者刘子君等[2]指出,胸腔积液可作为SAP的一项早期判别指标。张利等[3]认为,胸腔积液可作为评估SAP的一项独立指标。美国《临床指南》指出胸腔积液是SAP危险因子。国外文献报道,胸腔积液的发生与以往的Ranson评分、APACHE评分相比,更能准确地反映疾病的严重程度[4-5];通过对AP患者胸片检查有助于对SAP进行早期判别诊断[6-8];胸腔积液的发生强烈提示SAP的可能[9-10]。还有学者检测胸水淀粉酶,并联合HCT等指标对AP 评估,获得相同的结果[8,11]。这些结果均提示胸腔积液可早期预测SAP。
本结果显示,AP胸腔积液的发生与性别、年龄相关性不大,但与Ranson评分、CISI、血清白蛋白和血淀粉酶水平等均有关,且SAP较MAP患者更易出现胸腔积液,提示胸腔积液的发生与病情严重程度相关。胸腔积液为入院48 h内CT检查发现,可早期反映病情,提示其可能是个较好的确定SAP的参考因素之一。在临床工作中,若发现胸腔积液,表明胰腺炎已累及胰腺外系统[12-13],应积极防止其他并发症的发生,特别是呼吸衰竭。
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LU Xiu-ying,LIU Jun,DING Zhen,HOU Xiao-hua.
Department of Gastroenterology,Union Hospital,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Techonology,Wuhan 430022,China
Pancreatitis; Pleural effusion; Retrospective studies
AbstrastObjctiveTo investigate the incidence of pleural effusion in acute pancreatitis (AP) and the relation between pleural effusion and severity of AP.MethodsThe medical records of 766 patients with AP were analyzed retrospectively. The incidence of pleural effusion was documented and its relationship with age of onset, sex, Ranson score, CTSI, serum albumin and hospital day was analyzed.ResultsIn the 766 AP patients, there were 129 (16.8%) patients had pleural effusion. In 171 SAP patients, there were 91(15.3%) patients had pleural effusion. In the 595 MAP patients, there were 129 (16.8%) patients had pleural effusion. The difference in the incidence of pleural effusion between MAP and SAP patients was statistically significant (Plt;0.05). The serum amylase, albumin, Ranson score, CTSI, and hospital day in patients with pleural effusion were (795±1 013) U/L, (36±7) g/L, 1.12±1.15, 4.02±1.16 and (23.4±23.4)d, respectively; while the corresponding values in patients without pleural effusion were (592±856) U/L, (38±6)g/L, 0.85±0.98, 3.15±16.60 and (17.3±16.6)d, respectively. The difference in Ranson score, serum amylase, CTSI between the two groups was statistically significantly (Plt;0.05 or lt;0.01), the serum level of albumin in patients with pleural effusion was significantly lower than that in patients without pleural effusion (P lt;0.01), the hospital day in patients with pleural effusion was significantly longer than that in patients without pleural effusion (Plt;0.01). Pleural effusion of both sides was present in 92 patients, while pleural effusion of right side was present in 11 patients, pleural effusion of left side was present in 26 patients; the site of pleural effusion was not associated with the severity of AP, however, patients with pleural effusion of left side tended to have longer hospital day (Plt;0.05).ConclusionsPatients with pleural effusion during AP were more likely to be complicated with severe conditions, and the presence of pleural effusion may be a good marker for severity evaluation.
430022 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院消化科(卢秀英,现在湖北钟祥市人民医院工作)