必修二 Unit 3 Computers


广东教育·高中 2009年10期




In order to keep your computer running well, you will need to keep up on daily maintenance. The first thing you always want to do is___1___updates whenever they are___2___. If you fall behind on important updates, your computer wont run as quickly and efficiently as 3 . You will also have to clear out your cookies to free up some space on it. You can do this by___4___on your internet browser, clicking on tools, internet options and 5___ browsing history- cookies. You will also need to defrayment your computer on a weekly basis. You can run it to do this on a weekly schedule.

Make sure that your___6___is turned on. Go into your control panel and click on security. You will see something about your firewall while its always on. This helps to___7___intruders out of your computer. You will also have some type of virus___8___because its___ 9___ getting a computer repaired that has a virus. If you run a virus scan and come up with a virus you can always do a system restore back to a___10___date when your computer wasnt infected, but you will lose some of your saved files on your computer.

1. A. design B. replace

C. remove D. download

2. A. available B. difficult

C. universal D. regular

3. A. supposable B. expectable

C. usual D. possible

4. A. clicking B. operating

C. solvingD. arising

5. A. simplify B. delete

C. save D. kill

6. A. entrance B. firewall

C. network D. virus

7. A. keep B. prevent

C. protect D. stop

8. A. removal B. intelligence

C. protection D. analysis

9. A. costly B. cheap

C. economical D. valuable

10. A. secure B. regular

C. different D. previous



Computer speakers are the external devices___ 11___produce sound coming from a computer or other multimedia device. They improve the sound quality___ 12___(produce)by the electronic devices. The speakers usually come with built-in amplifiers to magnify sounds from audio devices___13___iPods, mp3 players, PCs and CD players.

___14___majority of the computer speakers use a 3.5mm stereo jack to connect to the computers. The jacks are lime green in color for easy recognition. This___15___(base)on the PC99 standard for all computer sound cards.

Some of the latest computer speakers come with multiple connectors like RCA jacks. This makes___ 16___easy to plug the speakers into DVD players and TV sets. Latest speakers also have built-in bass and treble controls___17___equalizers for better sound quality.

___18___(technology)advancements have allowed______19___ major innovations in the features of computer speakers. The features have improved___20___ (vast)through the years, to produce the highest quality multimedia entertainment.




A. Getting Started with the Free EBay Desktop:Bidding on eBay auctions means firing up a Web browser. However, eBay has new beta software (eBay Desktop) that manages buying items on eBay from your desktop. How is it different from normal eBay?

B.Gateway GM5474 Desktop Computer comes with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ (dual core) (AMD LIVE!) and with Windows Vista. It has a 64-bit processor with AMD64 technology, and the computer operates at 3.0GHz | 2 x 1024KB L2 cache | 2000MHz FSB.

C. Computer Overheating:Overheating is a major factor in computer crashes. Many people assume that when their computer crashes, it is due to a virus, a part failing, or simply due to the Operating System itself. While some of these may be true, it is more often than not, a symptom of overheating.

D. The Free Desktop:Open source software is an amazing way to get high-quality and secure products for your desktop at no cost. With the rise of open source, you can replace nearly any expensive commercial application with a fully functional counterpart.

E. First Ever Mac OSX “Virus”:One of the biggest benefits of Macs is that they're supposedly “Virus-Free”. While this is true to some extent, there has been one documented case of something similar to a virus infecting the Mac OSX system.

F. Macintosh: Apple Computers line of products includes computers and audio players that feature the ubiquitous Apple logo somewhere on the case, giving the obvious visual clue its a Mac. They are renowned for their simplicity and ease of use, and for being thatotheralternative out there when looking for a new personal computer.


21. Janssen loves her favorite computer, but its cooling fans have suddenly stopped running. She‘s checking to see if her power supply fan is working. She only needs to place her hand on the back of the computer tower and feel that air is being sucked in.

22. Jackson has a desktop home screen. And it has several panels, a search bar, and a graphical menu. The panels show his favorite searches, categories hes recently viewed online.

23. Kitty finds its highly customizable, unbelievably secure, and ultimately user-friendly open-source browser FireFox and it assists her in everything from blocking unwanted ads to downloading videos with a single click.

24. Hans is fond of his new computer,because it has most revolutionary portable audio device in history that allows him to access all of the players functions.

25. Thomson has never had an excellent computer, though hes not a computer savvy person. The computer sounds wonderful, and the salesman makes sure of the processor that all computers will use in the future.









Computer overusing has been a serious problem for my 17-year-old for the past several years. My son plays online games and plays for 12 or 14 hours straight, every single day if no one objects, playing from the time he wakes up till he falls asleep in the early hours of the morning. He skips meals to play. He waits till we have gone to bed and then plays games till 3 or 4 in the morning every single night. Of course he cannot get up at 7 am to go to school. For the past two years he's had a more amenable schedule at school with all appointments scheduled for after 2:30 pm. He has never been academically motivated, and the computer addiction(上瘾)greatly worsened his school education. He is no longer in school. He is a good kid, sweet, and he has other interests and talents besides the computer. His social life comes ahead of computer games, so the problem is not completely desperate, but computer use continues to be a big problem. It uses up all his time and keeps him from other activities like music and recreation(娱乐活动). He is not writing computer programs or being otherwise creative. He is playing games for hours and hours on end.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的内容要点;

2. 然后以约120个词就“电脑游戏”这个话题发表你的看法,内容包括:








As is mentioned above...


必修二Unit 1 Cultural relics


在埃及修建阿斯旺大坝过程中,为了保护Abu Simbel神庙不被淹没,各国政府为拯救神庙提供援助和资金,将其切割后搬到安全的地方进行重建。

1. A。发洪水时人民生活困难。

2. D。由下文可知,政府决定修建河坝(dam)。

3. A。阿斯旺大坝工程于1960年开始。根据第三段最后一句,1968年才完工,所以排除D。

4. C。表示转折,然而。

5. A。由下句可知,神庙将被淹没在水下,所以会永久地“失去”(lost)。

6. B。各国政府为拯救神庙提供援助和资金。Provided意为“提供”。

7. B。把神庙切割成石块,搬到安全的地方。

8. C。神庙得以“仔细”地重建。因1968年才完工,排除quickly。B项与后句意思重复,故排除。

9. A。神庙将继续纪念(honor)古代国王和王后。

10. C。拯救(save)一项真正伟大的艺术品。



11. which。引导非限制性定语从句,先行词虽是表示地点的Chile(智利),但关系词在从句中作主语,所以用关系代词which。

12. a。表示“一”,用不定冠词。

13. one。与下文的the other对应,构成one...the other,意为“一个……另一个”。

14. who。引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词为Short Ears,指人,所以用who。

15. recorded。表示“被记录”,用过去分词作定语。

16. when。引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是表示时间的April 5,1722,关系词在从句中作状语,所以用when引导。

17. for。表示“因……而著名”,为be known for。

18. actually。实际上。

19. have sunk。陷入地下,根据下句时态的提示,用现在完成时。

20. on。表示“在岛屿上”,用介词on。


21. D。选项中的in memory of his wife对应a moving story about the love;emperor对应ruler。

22. B。选项中的two thousand years ago与as long a history as the Great Wall对应。

23. E。共同信息词:on the bank of...River,huge statues。

24. F。本题最后一句对应选项F的最后两句。

25. A。共同信息词:object built by human beings;space。

四、基础写作 参考范文(One possible version)

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Bian He discovered a piece of stone and showed it to King Li of Chu, saying that it contained valuable jade, but King Li didnt believe him and had his left foot cut off. After the death of King Li, Bian He presented the stone to the new ruler, King Wu, who also thought that Bian He was cheating him and had his right foot cut off. It was King Wen who believed Bian He and had the stone worked on and made into a jade disc named the Jade disc of He. When the State of Qin united China in 221 BC, the Jade disc of He fell into the hands of Emperor Qinshihuang, who ordered it made into his Imperial seal. This seal was to be passed on even as the dynasties rose and fell, but was lost after the Tang Dynasty.

必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games



1. A。因“有抱负”“聪明”“热心的”都未必能成为好的运动员,故排除B、C和D。

2. B。奥运会自然是“高级别的”竞赛。“低水平的”“合格的”都不合题意;Water-level有汉语直译嫌疑,不符合英语说法。

3. C。因sports和lifestyle之间关系最密切的应该是healthy。

4. D。运动员和裁判员数目以“大约,大概”为最合适。“恰好地”“完全地”和“有希望地”都不合语言逻辑。

5. D。承前句可知,是指Singapore第一次“举办”青年奥运会。

6. A。由后面的I have no doubt that 可知,此处是指“我对……有信心”。

7. B。因“准备”“失望”与“无动于衷”都与“专业”不配套,故选B(热情)。

8. B。该句说这项运动会不仅仅是竞赛,更是年青人了解奥运价值和运动益处的一个 “平台(platform)”。

9. C。与values并列,选benefits较好,指运动的“益处,好处”。

10. C。经验是来“分享”的,故选C。



11. activities。作of的宾语,用名词形式;由numerous(众多的)可知,用复数形式,故填activities。

12. at/on。表示“在”周末,英国英语用at,美国英语用on。

13. a。这是“一次”热身赛。

14. finish。同will start并列,也是一般将来时,承前省略will。

15. scenic。作定语,用scenery的形容词形式scenic(风景好的)。

16. during。表示“在……期间”。

17. walking。后面的mall是“商业街”,根据常识,由walk可想到是“步行街”,用动词walking作定语。

18. It。替代前面的The race。

19. which。引导起补充说明作用的非限制性定语从句,先行词是three checkpoints。

20. either。搭配:either...or...(或者……或者……)。



21. B。细节题。第一段第4句。

22. C。细节题。第一段最后一句。

23. B。细节题。最后一段提到kayaking是recently been introduced,而第三段列举的项目才是古代的奥运项目。

24. D。细节题。第二段最后一句。

25. A。细节题。文章结尾。

四、读写任务 参考范文

The passage tells us the roots of animal sports from which we can learn that bulls, horses, roosters and dogs and some other animals were tortured or are still being tortured in these bloody sports games.

This reminds me of a friend who enjoys animal sports. In his opinion the animals are doing what they do naturally. Horses love to run, cocks naturally fight with each other in the yard. He argues that the animals are well cared for because their welfare is decisive to the success of the sport and the people involved.

In my personal point of view, Im strongly against animals in sports. I think animal sports are not sports at all, but performances forced out of animals that have no choice in the matter.

Animal sports should be banned because there are some general problems with animal sports such as mistreatment during training and the off-season, lack of medical care and the ways in which unwanted sports animals are destroyed, which are all inhumane terror acts.

必修二Unit 3 Computers



1. D。download updates下载更新。

2. A。指可供更新时就下载更新,故选available(可利用的,可提供)。

3. C。搭配:as usual照常。

4. A。搭配:click on 点击,启动。

5. B。此处指“删除”浏览历史记录。

6. B。从下文You will see ... firewall...可得到启示。

7. A。搭配:keep... out of使……不进人。

8. C。protection防护,removal删除,intelligence智能,analysis分析。

9. A。你也要有某类型的病毒防护,因为要让带病毒的计算机得到修复是要付出“昂贵(costly)”代价的。

10. D。系统恢复到计算机没有感染过的“以前的(previous)”日期上。


本文介绍了电脑扬声器(computer speakers)的功能特性、用途创新与技术发展。

11. that。引导定语从句并在从句中做主语。

12. produced。逻辑主语sound quality与produce是被动关系,用过去分词做定语。

13. like。介词,表示列举,意为“例如,比如”。

14. A。搭配:a majority of 大多数的。

15. is based。搭配:be based on 根据,以……为基础。

16. it。形式宾语,真正的宾语是to plug...。

17. and。连接并列的名词bass and treble controls和equalizers。大意是:“最新的扬声器也内置了低高音调节器和均衡器,音质会更好。”

18. Technological。在名词前做定语,用形容词形式;位于句首,首字母要大写。

19. for。搭配:allow for考虑到。

20. vastly。做状语用副词形式。



21. C。阅读材料“C”中的overheating, a part failing与匹配信息1中的cooling fans have suddenly stopped running相匹配。

22. A。阅读材料“A” 中的desktop,browser, software与匹配信息2中的desktop,searches, panels相匹配。

23. D。阅读材料“D” 中的open source software, no cost与匹配信息3中的open-source browser相匹配。

24. F。阅读材料“F” 中的audio players与匹配信息4中的audio device, player相匹配。

25. B。阅读材料“B”中的computer , 64-bit processor与匹配信息5中的computer, processor 相匹配。


Computers play an important part in every scientific and technological field, such as industry, agriculture, national defense, military, medical treatment and education. So computers can be widely used to calculate data, process information, design and manufacture, monitor process, and apply artificial intelligence to the industrial use of robots and even network. In our daily life, we can make work and study combine with entertainment perfectly, surfing information, chatting, sending an e-mail and even watching a film etc.

Computer applications are unimaginable and unlimited in future. Therefore, as modern citizens, we must operate a computer skillfully to do what we can and will do in our life and work.

五、读写任务(One possible version)

As is mentioned above, the 17- year-old boy played online games for hours and hours on end; such a computer addiction worsened his school education and even affected his other interests and talents, even his normal life.

I am shocked he couldnt limit the time on games - it really is an addiction. Many children are addicted to games, which distract them from study and normal life, and even result in mental problems. To extreme extent, sudden death of some children after playing games for several days and nights has been reported.

Well, I have a friend addicted to games online. His life is much ruined by his addiction. He no longer attends classes because he cant leave games. He even used his tuition fee to pay for games.

However, computer games are created to test the hand-eye coordination of a player. I suggest games be created to educate whoever is using the computer. Anyone who focuses more time on games will fail punctually but continue to enhance his multi-intelligence.



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