必修二 Unit 2 The Olympic Games


广东教育·高中 2009年10期




Singapore will host the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2010. The Youth Olympic Games aim to bring together___1___athletes–aged 14 to 18–from around the world to participate in___2___competitions and, alongside the sports element of the event, educational programs on the Olympic values, the benefits of sport for a___3___lifestyle, the social values sport can deliver.

The 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in Singapore will bring together___4___3,200 athletes and 800 officials. The sports program will include all sports on the program of the 2012 Summer Games.

Rogge said to journalists present, “Singapore has put together a very exciting project.___5___the Youth Olympic Games for the first time is a great responsibility, and I have every___6___in the team in Singapore. I have no doubt that their professionalism and___7___will be helpfulin the staging of successful Youth Olympic Games in 2010”.

“The Youth Olympic Games will not only be about competition. They will also be the___8___through which youngsters will learn about Olympic values and the___9___of sport, and___10___their experiences with other communities around the globe. We are looking forward to joining in the celebration in Singapore in 2010,” Rogge added.

1. A. talented B. ambitious

C. clever D. warm-hearted

2. A. low-level B. high-level

C. high water-level D. qualifying

3. A. unhealthyB. wonderful

C. healthy D. exciting

4. A. approximately B. exactly

C. totally D. hopefully

5. A. Participating B. Visiting

C. Watching D. Hosting

6. A. confidence B. honour

C. effort D. belief

7. A. preparation B. enthusiasm

C. disappointment D. unmoved

8. A. window B. platform

C. classroom D. doorway

9. A. dates B. effects

C. benefits D. powers

10. A. change B. steal

___ C. share D. improve



This winter, dog sled racing and dog tours will again be a feature of the numerous Seeley Lake area winter recreational (娱乐的)___11___(act) .

The Seeley-Monture 100 will be run___12___the weekend of Jan. 30 and 31. This 100-mile race is___13___“warm-up” for the Race to the Sky. It will start in downtown Seeley Lake on Sat. afternoon and___14___ (finish)on Sun. morning.

The Race to the Sky is Montanas premier winter event. This dog sled race starts near Helena and continues across Montanas___15___(scenery) winter country to end near Missoula. This 350-mile dog sled race commemorates(纪念) the use of sled dogs 16 World War II. It will start on February 13 at 1:00PM at the Helena downtown___17___(walk) mall.

The race will restart in Lincoln on Sunday, February 14, and will go through downtown Lincoln and loop back to the Seven-Up club for the first checkpoint.___18___will then proceed to White Tail Ranch near Ovando and then to three checkpoints in the Seeley Lake area,___19___include___20___Morrel Creek Trailhead or downtown Seeley Lake, Holland Lake Lodge, and Fawn Creek Trailhead.



The Summer Olympic Games will be held in London, Britain from 27 July to 12 August. Competitors from around the world will compete for the gold, silver or bronze medals. For some athletes, winning is not a real possibility. However, they will strive to set personal and / or national bests in their events. Of course, many world records will also be broken during these games. The intensely competitive nature of the games, the strong national pride involved and the challenge in facing the best athletes from around the world combine to demand the top performances from each individual.

In a world where soccer (football), basketball, golf and tennis dominate television broadcasts, the Summer Olympic Games provide a chance to observe sports not usually covered. When was the last time you watched water polo, or fencing? Chances are you watched them during the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing. In this age when many people are fortunate enough to have cable TV connections, spectators can watch a wide variety of athletic competitions.

Athletics and wrestling are probably the oldest sports in the Olympic Games. The tradition of these sports goes back to the original games held in ancient Greece over 2500 years ago. Some of my favorite events include the javelin throw, the high jump and the pole vault, as well as the hurdles. There will also be a wide variety of water sports that include canoeing, sailing and diving. Naturally, swimming is probably the most popular water sport with a wide variety of competitive events including backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle and more.

The summer games also include a number of events that have recently been introduced to the games. Kayaking and mountain biking, baseball and beach volleyball are just a few. I certainly haven't mentioned all the sports - who would want to miss gymnastics - but you get the idea. Turn on your TV, relax and enjoy a moment of peace and togetherness in this struggling world of ours. The Summer Olympic Games provides an example that we all should follow: competition with respect.

21. What goal do many competitors have who probably wont win medals?

A. Win an advertising contract

B. Set their personal or national best

C. No goals

D. beat the gold medal winner

22. Which is NOT mentioned as a motivation for top performance?

A. National pride

B. Financial gain

C. Intensely competitive of the games

D. Breaking the World record

23. According to the author, which sport is not listed as one of the oldest Olympic events?

A. Wrestling B. Kayaking

C. AthleticsD. hurdles

24. Which reason does the author give for the wide variety of viewing opportunities?

A. The newspaper B. National pride

C. Gambling D. Cable TV

25. Which example do the Olympic Games set?

A. Competition with respect

B. Win at all costs

C. National pride above everything

D. Struggling world of ours



All animal sports have their roots in historical customs: religious rituals; contests staged for audience entertainment; and warfare, hunting, and herding practices.

Centuries ago many ancient religions had rituals that involved bull slaughter. The Moors fought bulls from horseback, a practice that evolved into bullfighting during the Middle Ages. Blood sports, such as animal fighting, may have their roots in animal sacrifice, but were really popularized by the Romans as entertainment. Thousands of wild animals died in Romes Coliseum(大体育场) while doing battle with each other or with gladiators. These events were often more like slaughters than sports. The animals were usually tortured with hot spikes or even dabbed with burning pitch to make them fight more ferociously and violently. Blood sports surged in popularity in Europe during the Middle Ages. These included bears, bulls, and dogs or cocks (roosters) fighting with each other in various forums.

Sporting events involving horses have their origins in warfare, hunting, and herding practices. It was an event in the Greek Olympic Games as early as 664 B.C. Horse racing with riders became widespread during the Middle Ages, particularly in England. Human dependence on the horse during hunting and herding led to the creation of many other competitions in which horses excelled, such as jumping over obstacles or chasing lost cows.


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