谢期繁 吕 佳 程小明等
1. 改革开放以来,人们的生活发生了巨大的变化,交通工具的变化是一个方面;
2. 改革开放初期,人们以拥有一辆自行车而自豪;
3. 到了90年代,摩托车已经普及到普通百姓家庭;
4. 到了现在,私家车的数量在不断地增加,给人们的生活带来了方便;
5. 作为中学生,你应怎么做。
[写作内容] 假定某周报的英语习作栏向你征稿,介绍美国新当选的总统奥巴马。请根据就以上表格中的内容写一
1. 本次活动的概况(名称、时间、目的);
2. 介绍台上和操场上的活动;
3. 介绍环保及特色;
4. 介绍创新活动及特色;
5. 收获或感想。
[写作内容] 请你根据上表提供的信息,写一封回信,内容包括:
1. 锻炼前的方式及效果;
2. 锻炼后的方式及在学习和健康方面的效果;
3. 自信心和交友方面的影响;
4. 结论;
5. 感想。
Dear Jack,
How nice to hear from you again. You want to know something about my physical training.
Best wishes,
Li Hua
1. 简单概括该表格反映的调查结果;
2. 专家指出,每天保持平和的心态,建立良好的人际关系以及学会分享,是提升幸福指数的关键;
3. 给出1-2个你认为可以让自己更快乐的建议。
参考词汇:幸福指数happiness quotient 下岗人员 layoff
1500 Chinese took part in an survey about how happy they are and got an average score of 64.97.
有个老人在河边钓鱼,老人技巧纯熟,所以没多久就钓上了满篓的鱼。一个小孩走过去看他钓鱼,老人要把整篓的鱼送给他,小孩摇摇头.老人惊异的问道:“你为何不要?”小孩回答:“我想要你手中的钓鱼竿, 这篓鱼没多久就吃完了,要是我有钓竿,我就可以自己钓,一辈子也吃不完。”
1. 把事情描述出来;
2. 这篇小品给你的启示。
参考词汇:钓鱼竿fish pole
1. 年初:湖南、贵州等地大雪灾,经济损失严重;
2. 五月十二日四川大地震,伤亡惨重,震惊全球;
3. 九月十二日神Ⅶ升天;
4. 八月成功举办奥运会;
5. 年底:全球经济危机,中国经济受影响,中国政府和人民有决心战胜困难。
Dear Mike,
Im very glad to have received your letter. Now let me tell you about the main events in China in 2008.
Best wishes,
1. 你对“礼貌”的理解;
2. 中国人喜欢热闹,但干扰他人是不好的;
3. 人们应了解外国文化,照顾他人感受。
Politeness is very important for everyone.
1. 应通过教育,使学生认识到网络游戏对青少年的危害;
2. 网吧应当诚信营业,禁止未成年人上网;
3. 通过立法,禁止网络游戏制造商发行有害未成年人的游戏,如暴力游戏等;
4. 学生应自觉抵制网络游戏的诱惑,把时间放在学习上。
Dear Madam:
I write a letter to tell you my opinions on how to prevent students from addiction.
1. 大熊猫的基本情况:
2. 2008年12月23日飞抵台湾,受到热情欢迎,汽车站和机场入口挂满熊猫卡通图片。
3. 在台北动物园照顾周到,健康快乐。
4. 报道将于2009年春节与台湾公众见面,届时每天将有成千上万的观众前往。
5. 意义。
只能用5 个句子表达全部内容;开头语已为你写好,不计入总句数。
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your concern about the pandas gifted by the mainland to Taiwan.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
1. 早上8∶00出发,乘车前往;
2. 大约两个小时后到达八达岭停车场;
3. 自由参观长城,中餐自理;
4. 服务亭(service boot)有讲解器(interpreter)租用,中英文均可;
5. 下午5∶30在停车场集合,乘车回酒店。
Dear John,
Im very glad to tell you about the visit to the Great Wall this Saturday.
Best wishes,
Great changes have taken place in our life since the reform and opening policy was carried out in our country. Taking transport means as an example, at the beginning of the reform and opening, people were proud of having a bicycle. But in the 1990s, motor cycles were popular among ordinary family. At present, with the improvement of our life, more and more people own cars, which brings great convenience to their lives. As a middle school student, what I should do now is to study hard to make a contribution to our country.
Barack Obama, the son of a black man from Kenya and a white American woman, born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961, lives in Chicago. Married in 1992, he has two daughters. In 1983, he graduated from Columbia University and in 1988, he was admitted into Harvard Law School ,where he gained his doctors degree in 1991. After graduation, he worked as a lawyer, lecturer and then began his political career. On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama defeated John McCain in the general election and became the first African American President of the United States
To enrich the studentsschool life, our school held the annual art week in the first week of December. There were various activities including singing, dancing on the stage , a game of tug-of-war on the playground and so on.Besides, the students put waste paper to artistic use by coloring and crafting some things, such as flowers, cards, etc. The most attractive part of the art week was that some students made a map of China with leaves. Therefore, the students benefited a lot from these activities as some of them showed their hidden talents by singing, dancing, drawing , made friends and, above all, they freed themselves from endless homework and exams.
Dear Jack,
How nice to hear from you again. You want to know something about my physical training . Not having taken any exercise before last year, not only did I feel tired and lonely but I also had a poor appetite and couldnt sleep well, which seriously affected my study. But now both my health and study have been greatly improved because I do some running or play basketball every day. Besides, I can build up my confidence and make a lot of friends. In conclusion, taking exercise is beneficial to us both physically and mentally. As a famous saying goes, “Good health is the greatest wealth.”
Best wishes,
Li Hua
1500 Chinese took part in an survey about how happy they are and got an average score of 64.97. In the surve , college students and the retired are the happiest, scoring around 68, followed in ranking by people like the public servants, while the unemployed together with the layoffs got the lowest point of 61.03. To improve our happiness quotient, the experts advise it is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. Besides, the most positive thing we can do is to learn to be in good relationships with others. They also point out that sharing our wellbeings with others plays an important part, too. For me, though my life is not always perfect, I still keep smiling even at the moment when the unexpected happens.
An old man fished by the river and he was so skillful that soon his basket was full of fish. A lovely child came by and the old man would like to give all his fish to him, but the child rejected. Surprisedly, the man asked for the reason and the child said, “I would like to take your fish pole, because this basket of fish would soon be eaten up, but with the fish pole, I can catch fish myself whenever I want to eat fish all my life.” The little child thought that he could get fish just with the fishing tool, but actually it is the skill to fish that is the key to countless fish. So rather than simply take the tools, we should always learn the way to “fish” in our life.
Dear Mike,
Im very glad to have received your letter. Now let me tell you about the main events in China in 2008.
At the beginning of the year, a heavy snowstorm hit Hunnan, Guizhou and several other provinces, causing a severe economic loss. Whats worse, on May 12, the terrible Wenchuan earthquake took the life of thousands of millions of people, shocking the whole world. To our great joy, we offered the world an excellent and successful Olympic Game in August. On Sep 25, we succeeded in sending off Shenzhou VII, which greatly inspired the whole nation. Near the end of the year China couldnt escape from the world economy crisis, but our government and people are determined to overcome the difficulties and pursue a bright future.
Best wishes,
Politeness is very important for everyone. Manners acceptable in one culture may be considered extremely intolerable in another. In my point of view, it is fine as long as we treat others with respect and sincerity and our behavior doesnt cause any inconvenience or disturbance. As we all know, the Chinese are more accustomed to being loud and having a lot of people around, especially at celebrations and get-togethers. However, it is also necessary to make people aware that they are being rude and disturbing by talking loudly in public places. Therefore, I do hope people will learn about cultures of other countries and mind their manners with consideration for othersfeelings.
Dear Madam:
I write a letter to tell you my opinions on how to prevent students from addiction. Firstly, we should get students realize the harm of internet games by education. As we all know, playing computer games for a long time is very harmful for our health. Secondly, we should make netbars operate leally by checking them, forbidding the teenagers who are under age come into netbars. Thirdly, we should prohibit the makers of computer games to make harmful games foe young people by laws, such as violent games. In the end, as a student, studying is always the first thing, and we should consciously resist the temptations of internet games.
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your concern about the pandas gifted by the mainland to Taiwan. The four-year-old pandas, named Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, were flown to the island from their home in Sichuan on December 23rd, 2008. On arrival in Taiwan, they were warmly welcomed by the people of Taiwan, with cartoon images of the bears displaying at bus stations and the airport's entrance. Being taken good care of in the Taipei Zoo, they are living a healthy and happy life there. It is reported that the panda pair is scheduled to meet the Taiwan public during the Spring Festival of 2009, when tens and thousands of people will come to visit them every day. As the names Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, which mean “reunion” in Chinese indicate, the arrival of the pandas will contribute to bringing the Chinese people across the Taiwan Straits together.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
Dear John,
Im very glad to tell you about the visit to the Great Wall this Saturday.
We are to set off by coach at 8:00 on Saturday morning. In about 2 hours, we will arrive at Badaling Parking Area, where we will begin our visit. You can rent an interpreter, who can speak both Chinese and English, to help you enjoy your visit. Do remember to prepare your lunch by yourself. 5:30pm is the time for us to gather at the Parking Area and leave for the hotel.
Best wishes,
The Ministry of Education launched a new reform: let Peking Opera step into classroom. Many people in favor of it agree that teaching Peking Opera at school could popularize traditional art. However, to some extent, setting a new course will add to students academic burden which has been already heavy enough. Therefore, Peking Opera which students may have more freedom to decide whether to take or not, should be set as an optional course not a compulsory one. In a word, promoting and developing traditional culture cannot merely depend on Peking Opera, but the key lies in improving the cultural awareness of the whole nation.