Christmas Day


中学英语之友·下(综合版) 2008年11期

Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. It is traditionally celebrated on December 25 by most Western Christian churches. Although dating to probably as early as A.D. 200, the feast of Christmas did not become widespread until the Middle Ages. Aspects of celebration may include gift-giving, Christmas trees, display of Nativity sets, church attendance, the Father Christmas Santa Claus myth, and family gatherings. The word Christmas is derived from Middle English Christemasse. It is a contraction meaning “Christs mass”. The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter “X” resembles the Greek letter X, an abbreviation for Christ.


Todays Highlight in History:

Issac Newton

Thought for Today:

I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

——Issac Newton



Issac Newtea:

1642: English mathematician and scientist Issac Newton was born on December 25th. He invented differential calculus and formulated the theory of universal gravitation, a theory about the nature of light, and three laws of motion. His great treatise on gravitation, presented in Principia Mathematica (1687), was supposedly inspired by the sight of a falling apple. His discoveries were so numerous and varied that many consider him to be the father of modern science.


Charlie Chaplin:

1977: Charlie Chaplin, a British-born superstar of silent comedies and one of the great icons of 20th-century film, died on December 25 at the age of 88. Chaplin was one of the most creative and influential personalities in the silent film era: he acted in, directed, scripted, produced, and eventually even scored his own films. His working life in entertainment spanned over 70 years, from the British Victorian stage and music hall in England as a child performer, almost until his death at the age of 88. He led one of the most remarkable and colorful lives of the 20th century, from a Dickens-like London childhood to the pinnacle of world fame in the film industry and as a cultural icon. His productions include The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), and City Lights (1931).

1977年12月25日, 英裔无声片喜剧大师、二十世纪标志性人物之一查理•卓别林逝世,享年88岁。卓别林是无声片时代最具创造力和影响力的人物:他自演、自导、自编、自制,甚至还自己为影片谱曲。他的演艺生涯持续了大约七十多年,幼年时便开始在英国维多利亚舞台和音乐剧团表演,直到88岁临终前。他的一生充满传奇色彩,从狄更斯式的伦敦童年时代到电影界文化标志。他的作品有《孩子》(1921),《淘金记》(1925)和《城市之光》(1931)等。


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