Jinan City will invest 800 millionyuan in implementing thecomprehensive treatment of eightrivers to enhance the flood controlability of the city. The key points inthe treatment will focus on solvingwater pollution in the rivers.
By the end of this year, throughestablishing the “15-minutescommunity medical service circle,”community medical services willcover all areas of Jinan. At thattime, more community residents willbenefit from the community medicalservice.
民俗风情旅游节烘托起浓浓的年味儿,滑雪游市场首次成为春节游的“绝对主力”,电视剧《闯关东》引来了省内各城市游客,泉城旅游市场凭着这“三把火”,旅游总收入达到了5.39亿元,比去年同期增长15.09%,创济南市春节假日旅游黄金周以来最高纪录,The revenues from the tourism marketof Jinan hit 539 million yuan, anincrease of 15.09 over that of the sameperiod of the previous year, thuscreating a new record for the goldenweek of the Spring Festival period inJinan City.
The tourism volume and tourismincome from the gold week of SpringFestival period created new records inShandong Province.During the sevendays of holidays,the whole provincereceived 6.129 tourists,and therevenues from tourism hit 3.83 billionyuan.
Starting from this year,within thefive districts of Jinan City,theminimum payment per hour for thepart-time employees will be 7.7yuan, and the minimum monthlysalary will be 760 yuan.
Starting from January 1,2008,theunemployment insurance forunemployed people within the fivedistricts of Jinan City will increase by40 yuan every month.
At present,construction of the various engineering projects forthe area of the Olympic Sports Center and Cultural IndustryFair has been progressing smoothly. The initial scale for theareas has been established. As a key point of this area,construction of the Olympic gyms is going smoothly.
After the Lantern Festival,the renovation engineering ofShanshi East Road will be formally started.Therenovation of this road is a “one hundred-day project,”which means that within 100 days,from removal to
construction, all work concerned will be completed.
今年济南市保泉形势依然严峻,作为泉水的重要补给区。南部山区将作为“特区”全面保护,“南控”红线也不再后退,同时,水利部门将尽早用黄河水,明水泉水,地表水和未来南水北调纳长江水作为水源,联合调度,As an important area to replenish spring water for Jinan,the southern mountain area will be fully protected as a“special zone.” Meanwhile, as early as possible, thedepartment responsible for water conservancy will utilizewater from the Yellow River.surface water, and that fromthe Yangtze River in the future Project of River WaterDiversion from southern to northern China.
This year,Jinan City has determined five afforestation andgreening projects,including greening the barrenmountains,returning farmland to forest,greening plains,green ways construction and“establishing green homes,building up rich villages.”
On January 27,the CPC Jinan Municipal Committee andJinan Municipal Government held a spring welcoming teaparty for entrepreneurs throughout the City to solicitadvice on the economic and social development of thewhole city.
In 2007,Jinan City implemented the strategy ofinvigorating the city by quality and creating famousbrands. Nowadays,the whole city has 17 Chinese famousbrands,117 Shandong provincial famous brands,and 18Shandong provincial famous service brands.