

中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年3期


Parents and grandparents are understandably proud of the quick minds and impressive talents of their little ones. But let me tell you about another __ 1__, perhaps even more__2__, found in a little girl named Skylar.

I received a letter from a grandmother who told me about her four-year-old granddaughter Skylar. Ever since Skylar__3__ of Disneyland from TV, she__4__ her nickels and dimes in a piggy bank in__5__ of visiting there someday. Her parents__6__ her with a trip when she was four, however, and didnt even__7__ her to use her own money!

8__ Skylar returned it was Christmas time. She decided to buy__9__ with her savings. But she also learned from announcements on TV about a local__ 10__ shelter called “The Road House.” She__ 11__ asked her mother what “homeless” meant and why those children__ 12__ coats and warm clothes. She couldnt seem to get the homeless off her__ 13__.

Her mother took her to the__ 14__ to buy presents. Instead of buying for herself or her family, however, she__ 15__ to purchase a warm coat, socks, gloves and crayons for a little girl in the__ 16__. She also wanted to buy a doll, but when she__ 17__ she didnt have enough money, she left the doll__ 18__.

When Skylar got home, she chose one of her favorite dolls and put it into the box with the other items she bought that day.

She could hardly wait for Christmas! Skylar was thinking about going to the shelter and giving her carefully__ 19__ gifts to a homeless child. She was much__ 20__ with joy at truly helping someone else.

“Perhaps its good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to have a beautiful heart,” says Nobel Laureate John Nash. Young Skylar has a beautiful heart. It is that one quality, above all else, that makes beautiful people.

1. A. benefit B. advantage

C. quality D. point

2. A. necessary B. important

C. popular D. ordinary

3. A. learned B. cared

C. thought D. watched

4. A. saved B. collected

C. took D. made

5. A. honor B. favor C. hopes D. search

6. A. disappointed B. annoyed

C. pleased D. surprised

7. A. ask B. require C. allow D. force

8. A. When B. While C. As D. Since

9. A. dolls B. toys

C. presents D. dresses

10. A. poor B. homeless

C. orphan D. disaster

11. A. generally B. repeatedly

C. strangely D. seriously

12. A. used B. took

C. needed D. liked

13. A. mind B. thought

C. heart D. brain

14. A. store B. library C. park D. school

15. A. thought B. decided

C. wanted D. wished

16. A. shelter B. nursery

C. house D. hospital

17. A. reminded B. promised

C. noticed D. discovered

18. A. around B. behind C. away D. alone

19. A. collected B. bought

C. selected D. demanded

20. A. surprised B. caught

C. cheered D. filled

Keys: 1. C2. B3. A4. A5. C6. D7. B8. A9. C10. B11. B12. C13. A14. A15. B16. A17. D18. B19. C 20. D



1. C。quick mind和impressive talents以及下文提及的“heart”都是人的品质(quality)。

2. B。从下文的叙述看,这种品质比quick mind和impressive talents更伟大、更重要(important)。

3. A。Skylar从电视了解到了Disneyland,一心向往。了解:learn of。

4. A。从这时候开始,Skylar开始节省(save)零花钱。collect搜集;take拿;make制作,均不符合句意。

5. C。in hopes of希望……;in favor of帮助……;in honor of荣幸……;in search of寻找。Skylar一心希望去Disneyland玩,所以in hopes of符合题意。

6. D。父母带她去玩这个消息让她感觉意外(surprise sb. with sth.)。

7. B。而且不用花她积攒的零花钱。Ask要求,问;require要求(较正式);allow,force明显不符合题意。

8. A。本句考连词。从句子结构判断,缺表示时间的连词,while表示同时;as表示随着;since表示自从,均与句子意思不甚符合。When表示他们回来时,已是快圣诞节了。

9. C。圣诞节到了,要去买礼物(presents),其他几个单词均表示具体的东西。

10. B。从下文可以对应,这是个homeless shelter。

11. B。小孩子好问,反复地(repeatedly)问及homeless是什么意思,表示了真实的孩子性格。

12. C。这些homeless的孩子需要(need)衣服和被子过冬。

13. A。这个词在她的心灵里(mind)拂之不去。

14. A。买东西是在商店(store)。

15. B。这是一个决定(decide)。不给自己和家人买礼物,而购买外衣、袜子等,是她决定要送给一个无家可归的女孩的。

16. A。与上文呼应,是在那个homeless shelter里的女孩子。

17. D。付钱的时候才发现(discover)钱不够用了。Remind, promise, notice均不符合句子的意思。

18. B。因为钱不够,所以没买,留在里面(leave behind)

19. C。这些礼物都是她精心挑选(selected)的。

20. D。因为帮助了别的人,她内心充满(be filled with)了快乐。

