Unit 16 Scientists at work课本要点精练


中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年3期


Ⅰ. 单词拼写


1. The students are doing e______ in the lab with the help of the teacher.

2. You neednt come so early tomorrow. Its u______.

3. Mr. Smith manages his company very well. He is a s______ manager.

4. He has been studying hard, so I have no d______ that he will pass the examination.

5. The boss appears to be very kind, but in fact he is very c______.

6. His lack of education was a______(不利)when he looked for a job.

7. You must be very careful with this______ (锋利的) knife.

8. They drew different______ (结论) from the facts.

9. He has______(撕破) a hole in his shirt.

10. She got______(电击) when she touched the live wire.

Ⅱ. 单项选择

11. —I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.

—______. It was her fault.

A. No way B. Not possible

C. No chance D. Not at all

12. Being able to speak another language fluently(流利地) is a great______when youre looking for a job.

A. advantage B. chance

C. assistant D. importance

13.______another button and your meal is prepared and heated for you.

A. If you press B. To press

C. Press D. Pressing

14. What a pity my new computer doesnt work.______must be something wrong with it.

A. ItB. ThereC. ThisD. That

15. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears______everything.

A. to tell B. to be told

C. to be telling D. to have been told

16. —Can I help you?

—Id like a room with a bath. How much do you______ ?

A. offerB. afford C. charge D. spare

17. There is some______how they can pay off so much debt.

A. question B. problem

C. doubt D. wonder

18. What you are doing goes______nature, so you will not succeed.

A. over B. on C. up D. against

19. —I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.

—It______true because there was little snow there.

A. may not be B. wont be

C. couldnt be D. mustnt be

20. The terrible storm______our difficulty with the construction project.

A. added B. added to

C. added up to D. was added to

21. —I drove to Beijing for the space exhibition last week.

—Is that______you had a few days off?

A. why B. when C. what D. where

22. There is no doubt______youll fail in the maths exam if you dont study hard.

A. that B. if C. whether D. why

23. The white blood cells protect the body_______disease germs.

A. from attacking

B. from being attacked

C. from being attacked by

D. attacked by

24. On the long journey, Peter______a most interesting guide. We all had a wonderful time.

A. practiced B. behaved

C. proved D. conducted

25. —Shall we go swimming?

—OK. Ill just go and get______ .

A. to change B. to be changed

C. changed D. changing

26. You______pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.

A. cannot B. wont

C. mustnt D. neednt

27. Wed better get in all the wheat before noon; the weather report says a storm is just______ .

A. by the way B. in the way

C. in the corner D. around the corner

28.______seems to be no doubt______they will be able to work out the problem without our help.

A. There; whether B. They; that

C. That; that D. There; that

29. Have you realized how much spare time he made use of______French?

A. studying B. to study

C. being studied D. studied

30. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather______the helplessness of the crew at sea.

A. added to B. resulted from

C. turned out D. made up

Ⅲ. 完成句子


31. Almost every medicine you use______(都曾在动物身上试验过). (test)

32.______(系上一把钥匙) the end of the long string. (fasten)

32.______(毫无疑问) that hell be successful.(doubt)

33. He is wearing sunglasses______(保护眼睛) the strong sunlight. (protect)

34. Watching that programme on television was______(浪费钱).(waste)

35.______(毫无用处) buying a dictionary if you cant read.(advantage)

36.______(意识到他) he couldnt do it himself, he asked me for help.(realize)

37. He has no courage______(违背) his fathers will.

38. Each team scored twice and the game (打成平局). (tie)

39.______(为什么学生要) be careful smelling from bottle?(why)

40. Cleaning women in big cities usually _______(付报酬) by the hour.(get)

Ⅳ. 单句改错


41. The house at the corner was caught fire and soon it burnt down.

42. He offered for me $200 for the bicycle but I refused to sell it.

43. The whole village was destroyed and over 300 people lost their life in the war.

44. If a pan of oil catches fire, I suggest you to turn off the gas and cover the pan.

45. Without more coal, the fire will soon put out.

46. China is a developing country belonged to the 3rd world.

47. Many people were trapped in the burned building.

48. An electrical fire started on the ceiling of the office.

49. Remember to put off the fire before leaving the room.

50. Add more wood on the fire so that it would not be out.


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