解读单元考点,牵手高频考题——Unit 15 The necklace


中学生英语高中综合天地 2008年3期


1. It is a sunny morning and four students are on their way to school. (Page 16)

【考点】 way的常用短语

【归纳】 on the way 意为 “在路上” ; in the way 意为 “妨碍”; by the way意为 “顺便问一下, 顺便说一下”; in a way 意为 “以一种办法, 在某种程度上, 稍稍” 。


I think he is taking an active part in social work. I agree with you ____. (2007陕西)

A. in a way B. on the way

C. by the way D. in the way

2. So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery. (Page 17)

【考点】 call的常用短语

【归纳】 call up意为“使人想起”; call on意为“拜访,请求,邀约”;call for意为 “要求,需要”;call in意为“召集,邀请, 收回”。


As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village____scenes of my childhood.(2006湖北)

A. called up B. called for

C. called on D. called in

3. You must be Jeanne. Im Mathilde Loisel. We used to know each other very well. (Page 19)

【考点】 must的用法

【归纳】 must意为“必须”,表示从主观上对做某事的决心; 还有 “一定”之意,表示对某事的推测。


John, look at the time.____you play the piano at such a late hour? (2005全国Ⅱ)

A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need

4. If we work together, we might come up with a very good story. (Page 20)

【考点】 come up with的用法

【归纳】 come up with为固定短语,意为 “提出”;come up 意为“过来,上来”;come up to ... 意为 “来到……的跟前”;come out with ... “与……出来”。


—Have you____some new ideas?

—Yeah. Ill tell you later.

A. come about B. come into

C. come up with D. come out with

5. And then I saw a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue stone in the centre.(Page 17)

【考点】 with + 宾语+宾补

【归纳】 “with + 宾语+宾补”在句中可作状语和定语,作状语可表方式、伴随、原因等。宾补可以是分词、介词短语、副词等。


1) I couldnt do my homework with all that noise____ . (2005北京)

A. going on____ B. goes on

C. went on________D. to go on

2) John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work____ , he gladly accepted it.(2007 安徽)

A. finished B. finishing

C. having finished D. was finished

6. You could borrow some jewellery from your friend Jeanne, who is married to a rich man. (Page 19)

【考点】 could的用法

【归纳】 could 为can的过去式;可表示过去能做某事;还有“可能”之意,在疑问句中表示委婉语气;还可表示与现在事实相反的一种假设。


—My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared.

—Who____have taken it? (2003上海春招)

A. should B. must C. could D. would

7. There were so many beautiful things that it was hard to choose. (Page 17)

【考点】 so / such ... that ... 结构的用法

【归纳】 so / such ... that ... 均为“如此……以致……”之意;但so +形容词/副词 +that 或者 so + 形容词 + a / an + 名词单数 + that ...;还有so many / much / little / few +名词 + that ...;而 such + a / an + 可数名词单数 + that ...,或者 such + 形容词 + 名词复数。


His plan was such a good one____we all agreed to accept it. (2006陕西)

A. as B. that C. so D. and

8. It seems that it is going to be just another normal day. (Page 16)

【考点】 normal, usual, regular, common的用法比较

【归纳】 regular意为“有规则的;有规律的”;normal意为“正常的,正规的,标准的”,形容人或物符合常态或常规;common意为 “普通的,通常的,平常的,寻常的”,指因许多人或物共同具备而常见,不足为奇,常用作定语;usual意为“平常的,普通的”,指在时间或频度上经常发生,或符合习惯﹑常规制度。


A new____bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago. (2007天津)

A. normal B. usual

C. regular D. common

9. She is scared at first. ( Page 21)

【考点】 过去分词在句中所起的作用。

【归纳】 scared 在此作表语。过去分词在句中还可作定语﹑宾补和状语等, 无任作上述哪一种成分, 及物动词的过去分词都表示被动意义, 而不及物动词的过去分词表示完成意义。过去分词作定语时, 单个的通常放在被修饰的词前面, 有时放在后面。


The prize of the game show is $30.000 and an all expenses____vacation to China. (2005北京)

A. paying B. paid

C. to be paid D. being paid

10. In those days I may have been pretty. (Page 18)

【考点】 情态动词的完成式

【归纳】 may have been 为情态动词的完成式;“情态动词 + have + 过去分词”构成情态动词的完成式;还有 must have done 一定做过某事,should have done,应该做过某事以及 can have done 可能做过某事。


This cake is very sweet. You____a lot of sugar in it. (2005辽宁)

A. should put B. could have put

C. might put D. must have put


Comparative Adjectives (形容词比较级)