1985年,悉尼板球和体育运动场托拉斯决定兴建一座40 000人全座席的足球场,用于1988年悉尼市200周年纪念。这座体育场将不仅是澳大利亚主要的橄榄球和足球赛场,也将是一座集合了训练设施、游泳池、网球场和停车场的综合体育设施。
这座体育馆具有强烈的雕塑感。它的形状与其功能密切配合,保持了结构与细部特点。 (水润宇译)
n 1985, the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust took the decision to develop a 40,000 capacity all seated football stadium for the City of Sydney to be completed for Australia‘s Bicentennial in 1988.The Trust envisaged the Stadium not only as the premier playing venue for rugby and soccer in Australia, but as an integrated and coordinated sports facility comprising sports training and practice, swimming pool, tennis courts and car parking.It was decided at the outset by the design team that the seating would be of a bowl form with a continuous roof around the stadium. Determining the form of the stadium were a combination of planning considerations including the orientation of the pitch in a north south direction, the need to reduce the massing of the building on the north and south elevation to accommodate the adjacent residential areas and the need to provide the majority of the seating at the football halfway line.As a result, although a rectangular field, the stadium is adapted to a circular perimeter with a continuous curving roof containing lighting around its circumference.With the majority of people seated at centre field, the roof height is reducible at either end.As well as serving to reduce the scale of the building, and with circumference lighting reducing spill onto the surrounding neighborhood, structurally, the warping of the roof allows for a more efficient structure.Additionally, the form of the roof creates for the stadium its highly recognisable and exciting form.In terms of its expression and language, the Stadium is probably the most sculptural form yet produced by the practice.It is a form that immediately suggests its function, which is a theatre for performance.It‘s ring of taut steel masts and cables, and its bands of exposed concrete have a quality intended to convey the impression of gladiatorial combat.In the scope of Cox‘s work, it remains true to his basic tenants in its revelation of structure and detail, its fitness for purpose and its sense of place.
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