World journal of emergency medicine
World journal of emergency medicine
The state and future of emergency medicine in Macedonia
Amiodaron in atrial fi brillation: post coronary artery bypass graft
Short lessons in basic life support improve self-assurance in performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Is current training in basic and advanced cardiac life support (BLS & ACLS) effective? A study of BLS & ACLS knowledge amongst healthcare professionals of North-Kerala
Effects of a general practitioner cooperative co-located with an emergency department on patient throughput
Acute Care/Trauma Surgeon's role in obstetrical/ gynecologic emergencies (The OBCAT Alert)
The Buffering analysis to identify common geographical factors within the vicinity of severe injury related to motor vehicle crash in Malaysia
Prevention of aspiration of gastric contents during attempt in tracheal intubation in the semi-lateral and lateral positions
Pattern of acute poisoning in Jimma University Specialized Hospital, South West Ethiopia
Enterogenous infection of Candida albicans in immunocompromised rats under severe acute pancreatitis
Clinical characteristics of childhood cancer in emergency room in a tertiary hospital in Pakistan
When gastroenteritis isn't: a case report of a 20-yearold male with Boerhaave's syndrome complicated by intra-abdomimal hemorrhage
Emergency department diagnosis of a concealed pleurocutaneous fi stula in a 78-year-old man using point-of-care ultrasound
Stroke due to Bonzai use: two patients
Author index WJEM 2016
Subject index WJEM 2016
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