Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
Guest Editorial____________________________TTA Special Section on Terahertz Devices
Broadband Terahertz Transmission Modulation Based on Hybrid Graphene-Metal Metamaterial
Enhanced Terahertz Fingerprint Detection beyond Refractive Index Sensing in a Periodic Silicon Waveguide Cavity
Optimal Scheduling of Air Conditioners for Energy Efficiency
Data-Hiding Based on Sudoku and Generalized Exploiting Modification Direction
A Survey about Algorithms Utilized by Focused Web Crawler
Improvement of an ID-Based Deniable Authentication Protocol
Mining Frequent Sets Using Fuzzy Multiple-Level Association Rules
Secure Model to Generate Path Map for Vehicles in Unusual Road Incidents Using Association Rule Based Mining in VANET
Systematic Synthesis on Pathological Models of CCCII and Modified CCCII
Model-Based Adaptive Predictive Control with Visual Servo of a Rotary Crane System
Improved Method of Contention-Based Random Access in LTE System
Multimedia Encryption with Multiple Modes Product Cipher for Mobile Devices
Call for Papers: Journal of Electronic Science and Technology Special Section on Energy-Efficient Technologies
Call for Papers Journal of Electronic Science and Technology Special Section on Terahertz Technology and Applications