International Journal of Nursing Sciences
International Journal of Nursing Sciences
Use of mobile-stroke risk scale and lifestyle guidance promote healthy lifestyles and decrease stroke risk factors
Association of swallowing problems with frailty in Chinese hospitalized older patients
Understanding autism spectrum disorder and coping mechanism by parents:An explorative study
Duplicate publication
An exploration of the breastfeeding behaviors of women after cesarean section:A qualitative study
Acceptable secondary publication
Demands of experiential training for ICU nurses in Hunan of China
Community health nursing courses in baccalaureate nursing programs in China:A descriptive study based on website information
Caregiver burden:A concept analysis
2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife
Professional nurses’ facilitation of self-care in intensive care units:A concept analysis
Subscription of International Journal of Nursing Sciences
Development and evaluation of the Directive and Nondirective Support Scale for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Top 10 cited articles in Scopus:Oncology nursing(2018—2020)
Development and psychometric evaluation of Nurses and Midwives’Perceptions of their Roles in Primary Healthcare
Top 10 cited articles in Scopus:Midwife(2018—2020)
Analysis of the evidence of related factors,associated conditions and at-risk populations of the NANDA-I nursing diagnosis insomnia
Manuscripts based on the same database
Health personnel-targeted education interventions on inpatient suicide prevention in general hospitals:A scoping review
Protection of research participants
The risk factors of postpartum urinary retention after vaginal delivery:A systematic review
Theory-guided interventions for Chinese patients to adapt to heart failure:A quasi-experimental study