- Mixed-field effect at the hyperfine level of 127I79Br in its rovibronic ground state: Toward field manipulation of cold molecules
- Revising the H216O line-shape parameters around 1.1µm based on the speed-dependent Nelkin-Ghatak profile and the Hartmann-Tran profile
- Effect of seed layers on the static and dynamic magnetic properties of CoIr films with negative effective magnetocrystalline anisotropy
- Magnetic and magnetotransport properties of layered TaCoTe2 single crystals
- Tunable caging of excitation in decorated Lieb-ladder geometry with long-range connectivity
- Role of grain boundary networks in vortex motion in superconducting films
- Observation of spin-glass behavior in 1111-type magnetic semiconductor(La,Ba)(Zn,Mn)SbO
- Modulated optical and ferroelectric properties in a lateral structured ferroelectric/semiconductor van der Waals heterojunction
- Effects of irradiation on superconducting properties of small-grained MgB2 thin films
- Room-temperature creation and manipulation of skyrmions in MgO/FeNiB/Mo multilayers
- Multi-segmented nanowires for vortex magnetic domain wall racetrack memory
- In-plane uniaxial-strain tuning of superconductivity and charge-density wave in CsV3Sb5
- Periodical polarization reversal modulation in multiferroic MnWO4 under high magnetic fields
- Inertial effect on minimum magnetic field for magnetization reversal in ultrafast magnetism
- Discovery of new potential magnetic semiconductors in quaternary Heusler compounds by addition of lanthanides
- Analysis on the cation distribution of MgxNi1-xFe2O4(x=0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1)using M¨ossbauer spectroscopy and magnetic measurement
- Improved RF power performance of InAlN/GaN HEMT by optimizing rapid thermal annealing process for high-performance low-voltage terminal applications
- Real-time dynamics in strongly correlated quantum-dot systems
- Effect of spin-reorientation transition of cell boundary phases on the temperature dependence of magnetization and coercivity in Sm2Co17 magnets
- Two-dimensional transition metal halide PdX2(X =F,Cl,Br,I):A promising candidate of bipolar magnetic semiconductors
- Mobility edges in one-dimensional finite-sized models with large quasi-periodic disorders
- Structural stability and ion migration of Li2MnO3 cathode material under high pressures
- Rolling structure from bilayer nanofilm by mismatch
- Direct observation of the distribution of impurity in phosphorous/boron co-doped Si nanocrystals
- Fast estimation of distance between two hydrophones using ocean ambient noise in multi-ship scenarios
- Energy-distributable waterborne acoustic launcher for directional sensing
- Dynamic modulated single-photon routing
- Enhancement of the group delay in quadratic coupling optomechanical systems subjected to an external force
- Multi-channel terahertz focused beam generator based on shared-aperture metasurface
- Ultra-broadband acoustic ventilation barrier based on multi-cavity resonators
- Generation of structure light in probe absorption spectrum via microwave-driven Y-type atomic system
- Laser parameters affecting the asymmetric radiation of the electron in tightly focused intense laser pulses
- Spin splitting of vortex beams on the surface of natural biaxial hyperbolic materials
- Time-dependent variational approach to solve multi-dimensional time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation
- Tailoring topological corner states in photonic crystals by near-and far-field coupling effects
- Reconstructions of time-evolving sound-speed fields perturbed by deformed and dispersive internal solitary waves in shallow water
- Controlling stationary one-way steering in a three-level atomic ensemble
- Compact generation scheme of path-frequency hyperentangled photons using 2D periodical nonlinear photonic crystal
- Performance of entanglement-assisted quantum codes with noisy ebits over asymmetric and memory channels
- Parameterized monogamy and polygamy relations of multipartite entanglement
- Nondegenerate solitons of the(2+1)-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations with variable coefficients in nonlinear optical fibers
- Preparation of squeezed light with low average photon number based on dynamic Casimir effect
- Darboux transformation,infinite conservation laws,and exact solutions for the nonlocal Hirota equation with variable coefficients
- Surface lattice resonance of circular nano-array integrated on optical fiber tips
- The Reissner-Nordstr¨om black hole surrounded by quintessence may not be destroyed
- Different wave patterns for two-coupled Maccari’s system with complex structure via truncated Painlev´e approach
- Team-based fixed-time containment control for multi-agent systems with disturbances
- Deep learning framework for time series classification based on multiple imaging and hybrid quantum neural networks
- From breather solutions to lump solutions:A construction method for the Zakharov equation
- Exact solutions of a time-fractional modified KdV equation via bifurcation analysis
- Diverse soliton solutions and dynamical analysis of the discrete coupled mKdV equation with 4×4 Lax pair
- Temperature-induced logical resonance in the Hodgkin-Huxley neuron
- Rational solutions of Painlev´e-II equation as Gram determinant
- The(1+1)-dimensional nonlinear ion acoustic waves in multicomponent plasma containing kappa electrons
- Speeding-up direct implicit particle-in-cell simulations in bounded plasma by obtaining future electric field through explicitly propulsion of particles
- Global simulation of plasma series resonance effect in radio frequency capacitively coupled Ar/O2 plasma
- Numerical simulation study of ionization characteristics of argon dielectric barrier discharge
- Complete population transfer between next-adjacent energy levels of a transmon qudit
- Ultralow-temperature heat transport study of noncentrosymmetric superconductor CaPtAs
- Chair-like Nin AlN3 with high-energy density
- Research progress in quantum key distribution
- Applications and potentials of machine learning in optoelectronic materials research: An overview and perspectives
- Unraveling the molecular mechanism of prion disease:Insights from α2 area mutations in human prion protein
- Degradation mechanism of high-voltage single-crystal LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 cathode material
- Investigation of degradation and recovery characteristics of NBTI in 28-nm high-k metal gate process
- Improving dynamic characteristics for IGBTs by using interleaved trench gate
- Si-Ge based vertical tunnel field-effect transistor of junction-less structure with improved sensitivity using dielectric modulation for biosensing applications
- Molecular dynamics study of thermal conductivities of cubic diamond,lonsdaleite,and nanotwinned diamond via machine-learned potential
- Single-flux-quantum-based qubit control with tunable driving strength
- Resolution-enhanced single-pixel imaging using the Hadamard transform matrix
- Diamond growth in a high temperature and high pressure Fe-Ni-C-Si system: Effect of synthesis pressure
- Transient study of droplet oscillation characteristics driven by an electric field
SPECIAL TOPIC — Optical field manipulation
- Tailoring OAM spectrum of high-order harmonic generation driven by two mixed Laguerre-Gaussian beams with nonzero radial nodes
- Multi-channel generation of vortex beams with controllable polarization states and orbital angular momentum
- Calibration of quantitative rescattering model for simulating vortex high-order harmonic generation driven by Laguerre-Gaussian beam with nonzero orbital angular momentum
TOPICAL REVIEW — Physics in micro-LED and quantum dots devices
- Materials and device engineering to achieve high-performance quantum dots light emitting diodes for display applications
TOPICAL REVIEW — Post-Moore era: Materials and device physics
- Recent progress on two-dimensional ferroelectrics:Material systems and device applications
- Ferroelectric domain wall memory
- Recent progress on ambipolar 2D semiconductors in emergent reconfigurable electronics and optoelectronics
SPECIAL TOPIC — Post-Moore era: Materials and device physics
- Reconfigurable Mott electronics for homogeneous neuromorphic platform
- Tensile stress regulated microstructures and ferroelectric properties of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 films
- P-type cold-source field-effect transistors with TcX2 and ReX2(X =S,Se)cold source electrodes: A computational study
- β-Ga2O3 junction barrier Schottky diode with NiO p-well floating field rings
- Corrigendum to“Electromagnetically induced transparency via localized surface plasmon mode-assisted hybrid cavity QED”