关键词:致密储层; 极限渗透率; 渗吸; 驱替; 驱替-渗吸; 水驱开发
中图分类号:TE 122.2""" 文献标志码:A
LIU Zhinan, ZHANG Guicai, GE Jijiang, et al. Calculation and application of ultimate permeability for tight reservoirs[J].Journal of China University of Petroleum(Edition of Natural Science),2025,49(1):136-144.
Calculation and application of ultimate permeability for tight reservoirs
LIU Zhinan1, ZHANG Guicai1, GE Jijiang1, DU Yong2
(1.School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum(East China), Qingdao 266580, China;
2.SINOPEC Shengli Oilfield, Dongying 257001, China)
Abstract: The permeability of tight reservoirs is an essential parameter that""" determines whether the water flooding development mode is displacement, imbibition or a combination of displacement-imbibition. By analyzing the variation pattern of dynamic and static differential pressure at different permeability, the ultimate permeability was proposed to exist and defined, namely the ultimate imbibition permeability (ki), the ultimate displacement permeability (kd) and the ultimate displacement development permeability (ku). Based on the definition of ultimate permeability, the significance of each ultimate permeability for water flooding for water-wet (weakly water-wet) tight reservoirs was elucidated, and a method for calculating ki, kd and ku was proposed as well. And the ultimate permeability of typical tight reservoirs in China was calculated. The results indicate that the permeability decreases to a certain value, the value of the dynamic pressure difference (imbibition pressure difference) becomes zero.
The proportion of imbibition dynamic force relative to the driving force increases as reservoir permeability decreases,while the dynamic pressure difference and the imbibition pressure difference increase with increase of permeability. ki represents the lower limit of recoverable permeability in tight reservoirs, kd denotes the lower limit of permeability for effective displacement development, and ku indicates the lower limit of permeability where displacement becomes the dominant mechanism in the development process. The permeability of displacement-imbibition effect is greater than that of imbibition.
Keywords: tight reservoirs; ultimate permeability; imbibition; displacement; displacement-imbibition; water flooding development
文章编号:1673-5005(2025)01-0136-09""" doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-5005.2025.01.014
开发致密油藏是解决能源需求日益增长的一种方法[1-4]。水驱较CO2驱、泡沫驱以及混相驱具有成本低的优点,但致密储层特征为基质物性差[5]、低渗透率[6]和低孔隙度[7-8],致密储层可开采的渗透率下限已有大量研究[9-10]。Xiao等[11]发现水膜厚度和渗透率呈现L型曲线,其平坦段对应的束缚水膜厚度是孔喉半径下限,而L型曲线拐点是可采渗透率下限。研究结果发现大庆和长庆致密储层可采渗透率分别为0.08×10-3 μm2和0.03×10-3μm2。进一步研究[12]发现当纳米孔隙占总孔隙65%以上时,对应的渗透率是该储层可开采渗透率下限。Jiang等[13]根据可动流体百分数对致密储层分为3类并确定可采渗透率下限。张世铭等[14]通过可动流体与束缚流体的分离点确定孔喉下限,并通过孔喉-渗透率关系曲线确定可采渗透率下限。现有计算致密储层可采渗透率下限的方法没有区分驱替和渗吸的极限渗透率,笔者基于流体在基质中流动状态,从渗吸和驱替机制出发,定义极限渗吸渗透率(ki)、极限驱替渗透率(kd)以及极限驱替开发渗透率(ku)的概念,并提出计算方法。以玛湖百口泉组,姬源长6段,马岭长8、延10段和榆树林扶杨油层为例,计算各致密储层的极限渗透率,对结果进行分析。
1" 致密储层极限渗透率定义
1.1" 极限渗透率的提出
r=207kφ .(1)
式中,k为渗透率,10-3 μm2;φ为孔隙度。
Fη=8μ0Lqπr4=8μ0Lνr2 .(3)
pu=Δp+pc-pλ-Fη .(6)
pi=pc-pλ-Fη .(8)
设定:Δp=0.15 MPa[32];L=1 m;θ=60°;油水界面张力σ=18 mN/m;流体流动速度v=0.0001 m/d=1.157×10-9 m/s,玛18井区原油黏度0.43 mPa·s,艾湖井区原油黏度0.70 mPa·s,平均地下原油黏度0.565 mPa·s[33],因此取黏度μ0=0.565 mPa·s。假设岩心绝对均质,岩心中所有孔喉完全一致。按照公式(1)~(8)计算玛湖百口泉组[34]相关数据,结果见表1。
由表1可得:随着储层渗透率降低,毛细管力(渗吸动力)在驱替动力中所占比例增加;随着储层渗透率升高,动态压差与渗吸压差增大;当渗透率大于0.37×10-3" μm2时,动态压差大于0 MPa/m,这表明储层流体在0.15 MPa/m储层压力梯度下可以流动,即理论上玛湖百口泉组可以有效驱替的最小渗透率为0.37×10-3" μm2;当渗透率大于2.54×10-3" μm2时,渗吸压差大于0 MPa/m,表明储层流体在仅为毛细管力作用下可以流动,此时渗吸和驱替完全统一,动态压差成为储层流体流动的主要动力,也就是理论上2.54×10-3" μm2是玛湖百口泉组高效驱替的最小渗透率。
1.2" 极限渗透率的定义
当致密储层渗透率降低至某临界值时,岩石孔隙中所有喉道部位岩石表面分子与流体分子间作用力均大于流体流动的剪切力,喉道部位流体全部束缚于岩石表面,孔隙结构中流体失去流动性,此时渗吸和驱替均不能发生,因此渗吸同样存在一个极限渗透率(极限渗吸渗透率ki),小于该渗透率的储层属于不可开发储层,极限渗透率如图2所示(根据玛湖百口泉组储层计算数据,ki=0.011 7×10-3" μm2, kd=0.37×10-3" μm2,ku=2.54×10-3" μm2)。
2" 致密储层极限渗透率理论
2.1" 极限渗吸渗透率计算方法
ki=10-BA .(11)
2.2" 极限驱替渗透率计算方法
Δpmax=pmaxw-pminoL .(12)
pc=2σcosθr=0.7σcosθ1000φk .(13)
2.3" 极限驱替开发渗透率计算方法
pc=Fη+pλ .(16)
3" 致密储层极限渗透率应用
取Δpmax=0.15 Pa/m,σ=0.018 /m,由于储层润湿性不同,因此θ值也不同,总体为弱水湿性。将启动压力梯度与渗透率拟合曲线如图5所示,拟合回归得出pλ-k关系式,得出式(4)中a和b的值列于表2。通过公式(15)和(18)计算得出kd和ku,计算结果见图6。由于实际岩心渗流通道呈正态分布,因此实际岩心极限驱替渗透率低于理想岩心极限驱替渗透率。与极限驱替渗透率相同,实际岩心驱替开发渗透率也低于理想岩心驱替开发渗透率。
4" 结" 论
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(编辑" 刘为清)