

走向世界 2024年49期




新时代的山东铁路,更是以创新为引擎,以科技与智慧为羽翼,实现迅猛发展。智能调度系统让列车运行如臂使指,精准高效;“无接触式”进出站给予乘客便捷与安心;绿色节能列车则彰显着对环境的呵护与担当。每一次技术的革新,每一项服务的升级,都是山东铁路对时代变迁的积极响应、对人民需求的深情回应。这些变化让人们的出行变得更加便利,也加速了山东旅游业的发展。济南的泉韵悠悠、曲阜的儒风浩荡、青岛的海韵浪漫、潍坊的纸鸢灵动……游客搭乘列车,便能沿着这铁轨铺就的线条,尽情饱览“好客山东 好品山东”的迷人魅力。




In 1904, the Qingdao-Jinan Railway was opened to traffic, breaking geographical restrictions and opening up new horizons for Shandong. From the Age of Steam and the Age of Electricity to the Age of High-Speed Rail, Shandong railways have always been keeping pace with the times, weaving a high-speed railway network, and stringing together diverse cultures. With the shuttling of trains, Jinan’s springs, Qufu’s Confucianism, Qingdao’s waves, and Weifang’s kites have gained worldwide fame.

In the new era, driven by innovation, Shandong railways advance S & T and wisdom simultaneously. Under the “Belt and Road” Initiative (BRI), Shandong railways are assuming a significant mission; China-Europe freight trains cross national borders to convey Shandong’s amicability, and to introduce global resources. Behind these brilliant achievements are the silent contributions made by the trackmen of Shandong. From villagers to professional teams, they have been safeguarding railways with their loyalty and wisdom to ensure the safe operation of trains and the smooth arrival of every journey.

Now, with the in-depth advance of the BRI and the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones, Shandong railways are ready to rise to the challenge, earn glory and continue the legend. Shandong railways will leave an indelible mark on Shandong and China’s development, and continue to carry the hope of exploration and progress to extend to a wider world.