“囧”及其同义词,在英语中作为名词可以译为embarrassment、 awkwardness。作为形容词可以相应地译为embarrassed、awkward。例如:
1. 他因为很囧,能感到脸涨红了。He could feel his face reddening with embarrassment.
2. 她单独与一个陌生人在一起,感到很囧。She felt awkward alone with a stranger.
embarrassment/embarrassed和awkwardness/awkward都表示“囧”的含义,但在事情发生原因方面有细微区别。embarrassment/embarrassed的第一个意思是“因在他人面前做了蠢事、糗事而感到尴尬”(feeling foolish in front of others)。例如:
3. 当我过安全门时被夹住了,感到很囧。I felt embarrassed when I got trapped by the security door.
embarrassment/embarrassed的第二个意思是“因遇到让人羞愧的不舒服的事感到尴尬”(having a feeling of shameful discomfort)。例如:
4. 他在餐桌上的粗鲁行为,使在座的人感到很囧。His rude behavior at the dinner table caused much embarrassment among the people.
注意:embarrassing 表示“让人感到囧”,而embarrassed表示“感到囧”。例如:
5. 她为丈夫在聚会上愚蠢的爱出风头的癖好,感到很囧。She was embarrassed by her husbands stupid exhibitionism at the party.
6. 互联网可以消除面对面互动引起的让人囧的局面。The Internet can remove the awkwardness of a face-to-face interaction.
7. 所有出席会议的人都被他的让人感到囧的话语弄得哑口无言。All the people present at the meeting were silenced by his awkward remarks.
“囧境”“窘境”或“窘况”的意思是“窘迫的处境或状况”,英语可以译为awkward situation、awkward position、awkward predicament。例如:
8. 囧境是让人尴尬的,而且难以应对。An awkward situation is embarrass-ing and difficult to deal with.
9. 约翰的话语将我置于窘境。Johns remarks put me in an awkward position.
10. 有时,哈哈一笑能帮助人们摆脱窘况。Sometimes, a laugh can help people over an awkward predicament.
近年来,网络出现“囧时”或“囧刻”一词,其意思是“窘迫的时刻”,可能是由英语awkward moment翻译过来的。例如:
11. 当她不知道是该跟他握手,还是该亲吻他的面頰时,出现了囧刻。There was an awkward moment when she didnt know whether to shake his hand or kiss his cheek.