Learn a Foreign Language Before It’s Too Late学外语不宜晚


英语世界 2024年6期

侯世达/文 杜磊/译

AI translators may seem wondrous but they also erode a major part of what it is to be human.


A few weeks ago, my very dear Italian friend Benedetto Scimemi passed away, and I spent hours writing heartfelt emails of condolence to all the members of his family. It happens that I lived in Italy for nearly three years and, on top of that, my two children and I have spoken Italian for 30 years as our family language, so my Italian is very fluent and comfortable—but, even so, it is not the Italian of a native speaker. In writing those difficult and emotional emails, I was constantly adjusting my words and phrases, lovingly remembering Benedetto and all the wonderful things we had done together, and pushing my Italian to its very limits. It took me perhaps two or three times as long as it would have taken me in English, but I did it with all my heart. I was proud of myself and of the manner in which, over decades, I had come to be able to express myself clearly, strongly, and with a deeply felt voice in a tongue that was not my mother tongue.


Leaving aside my native tongue, I have devoted many thousands of hours of my life to seven languages (French, Italian, German, Swedish, Russian, Polish, and Chinese)—sometimes flailing1 desperately and sometimes finding enormous gratification. But through thick and thin2, I have relentlessly bashed my head against each of those languages for years, because I love each ones sounds, words, intonation patterns, idioms, proverbs, poetry, songs, and so on.


But today we have Google Translate. Today we have DeepL. Today we have ChatGPT—and so on. Today its a piece of cake to send an email in a tongue you dont know a word of. You just click on “Translate” and presto! Assuming that there are no egregious3 translational blunders (which there often still are), what you are sending off is slick but soulless text.

但今天我们有谷歌翻译,有DeepL翻译引擎,有ChatGPT,林林总总。今天,用你一窍不通的语言发送一封电子邮件不过是小菜一碟。你只需点击一下“翻译” 即可!即便翻译没有产生令人大跌眼镜的错误(常常仍然会有),你发送的也不过是个流畅有余但毫无灵魂的文本。

Todays AI technology allows people of different cultures to communicate instantly and effortlessly with one another. Wow! Isnt it a wonderful miracle? Isnt the soon-to-arrive world where everyone can effortlessly speak every language just glorious?


Some readers will certainly say “yes,” but I would say “no.” In fact, I see this looming scenario as a great tragedy. I see it as the beginning of the end of the age-old tradition of learning foreign languages.


Suppose I had composed my condolences to Benedettos family in English and had then run them through a translation program such as DeepL. The words would have come out very differently from what I wrote in Italian. When I was writing in Italian, I was thinking in Italian, not in English. I was using words and phrases that I have made my own over decades, by having countless intimate conversations with close Italian friends (such as Benedetto himself), by reading hundreds of childrens books in Italian to my kids when they were little tykes4, by listening hundreds of times to CDs of lilting5 Italian songs from the 1930s, by devouring Italian newspapers, by giving untold dozens of lectures in Italian, by watching scores of old Italian movies, by memorizing a few Italian poems, and so on. All that unique flavor, reflecting the myriad6 idiosyncratic7 pathways by which I lovingly internalized the Italian language, would be missing from an email that I composed in English and that was instantly converted into Italian by a machine.


Speaking any language, for me, is a living, dynamic process that is permeated8 by my own unique humanness, with all its frailties and strengths. When I speak any language, I am always searching for the most appropriate word or idiom, frequently hesitating, stumbling, or suddenly changing course midstream; constantly joking by playing with ambiguity; having fun by putting on droll accents and personas; citing proverbs and quoting snippets of poetry; mixing metaphors; etc. How is all of this wildly bubbling richness in Language A going to be mirrored in real time in Language B by a mechanical device that has nothing of those qualities driving it, that has no sense of humor, that has no understanding of irony or self-mockery, that has no awareness of how phrases are unconsciously blended, and so on?


For me, using language is the very essence of being human. When I speak, I am communicating not only facts, but a way of being. Through my word choices and subtle intonations and tiny hesitations, I am revealing who I am.


Today, though, it strikes9 me as possible that humans are collectively going to knuckle under10 and throw in the towel11 as far as foreign languages are concerned. Are we language users going to obsequiously hand over all engagement with other tongues to chatbots? If everything we might ever wish for is just handed to us gratis12 on a silver platter, then what, I wonder, is the purpose of living?


As my friend David Moser put it, what may soon go down the drain forever, thanks to these new AI technol-ogies, is the precious gift that one can gain only by immersing oneself deeply in another culture and thereby acquiring an entirely new set of ways of looking at the world. David knows perfectly whereof he speaks, because in his 30s he recklessly threw himself into the bustling, boiling cauldron of China and its mysterious languages, and he emerged as a marvelously fluent speaker of Chinese, able to come out with breathtakingly witty puns on the fly13 and to do stand-up comedy on national television, not to mention hosting his own weekly TV show in Chinese, about little-known facets of Beijing.


To Mo Dawei, as David is known in China, its incredibly depressing to contemplate the profound impoverishment of peoples mental and emotional lives that is looming just around every corner of the globe, thanks to the slick14 seductiveness of AI translation apps, insidiously15 creeping their way into ordinary peoples lives and sapping their desire to make other tongues their own.


When children first hear the sounds of another language, they cant help but wonder: What in the world would it feel like to speak that language? Such eager childlike curiosity might seem universal and irrepressible. But what if that human curiosity is suddenly snuffed out forever by the onrushing16 tsunami of AI? When we collectively abandon the age-old challenge of learning the languages of other lands, when we relinquish17 that challenge to ultrarapid machines that have no inner life of their own but are able to give us fluent but fake facades in other languages, then we will have lost a major part of what it is to be human and alive.



1 flail乱动,胡乱摆动。  2 through thick and thin不顾艰难险阻;赴汤蹈火。  3 egregious


4 tyke调皮鬼,小淘气。  5 lilting(嗓音或曲调)动听的,抑扬顿挫的。  6 myriad无数。  7 idiosyncratic有不寻常特征的。

8 permeate渗透;充满。  9 strike给人以……感觉;使产生……想法。  10 knuckle under屈服;认输。  11 throw in the towel认输。

12 gratis免费的(地);无偿的(地)。  13 on the fly未经准备或较多考虑就开始匆忙做……(往往与其他事情一起进行)。

14 slick取巧的;灵巧的。  15 insidiously隐匿地。  16 onrushing猛冲的,突进的。  17 relinquish放弃。

