Charlotte’s Web(Ⅳ)


疯狂英语·初中天地 2024年5期


Track 9


“Well,I don’t really know yet,” said Mr.Zuckerman.“But we have received a sign,Edith—a mysterious sign.A1)miraclehas happened on this farm.There is a large spider’s web in the doorway of the barn2)cellar,right over the pigpen,and when Lurvy went to feed the pig this morning,he noticed the web because it was foggy,and you know how a spider’s web looks very distinct in a fog.And right3)spangin the middle of the web there were the words ‘Some Pig’.The words were woven right into the web.They were actual part of the web,Edith.I know,because I have been down there and seen them.It says,‘Some Pig’,just as clear as clear can be.There can be no mistake about it.A miracle has happened and a sign has occurred here on earth,right on our farm,and we have no ordinary pig.”

“Well,” said Mrs.Zuckerman,“it seems to me you’re a little off.It seems to me we have no ordinary spider.”

“Oh,no,” said Zuckerman.“It’s the pig that’s unusual.It says so,right there in the middle of the web.”

“Maybe so,” said Mrs.Zuckerman.“Just the same,I intend to have a look at that spider.”

“It’s just a common grey spider,” said Zuckerman.

They got up,and together they walked down to Wilbur’s yard.

“You see,Edith? It’s just a common grey spider.”

Wilbur was pleased to receive so much attention.Lurvy was still standing there,and Mr.and Mrs.Zuckerman all three,stood for about an hour,reading the words on the web over and over,and watching Wilbur.

Charlotte was delighted with the way her trick was working.She sat without moving a muscle,and listened to the conversation of the people.When a small fly4)blunderedinto the web,just beyond the word “pig”,Charlotte dropped quickly down,rolled the fly up,and carried it out of the way.

After a while the fog lifted.The web dried off and the words didn’t show up so plainly.The Zuckermans and Lurvy walked back to the house.Just before they left the pigpen,Mr.Zuckerman took one last look at Wilbur.

“You know,” he said,in an important voice,“I’ve thought all along that that pig of ours was an extra good one.He’s a solid pig.That pig is as solid as they come.You notice how solid he is around the shoulders,Lurvy?”

“Sure.Sure I do,” said Lurvy.“I’ve always noticed that pig.He’s quite a pig.”

“He’s long,and he’s smooth,” said Zuckerman.

“That’s right,” agreed Lurvy.“He’s as smooth as they come.He’s some pig.”

When Mr.Zuckerman got back to the house,he took off his work clothes and put on his best suit.Then he got into his car and drove to the minister’s house.He stayed for an hour and explained to the minister that a miracle had happened on the farm.

1) miraclen.奇迹

2) cellarn.地窖

3) spangadv.完全地;恰好地

4) blunderv.跌跌撞撞地走

















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