Zunyi Red—Zunyi Black Tea


疯狂英语·初中天地 2024年5期

◎贵州省遵义市绥阳县绥阳中学 陈志浩 指导教师:高菲菲

Zunyi,a city renowned nationwide for its historical significance,has a vibrant environment that has given birth to the famous Zunyi Red―Zunyi black tea.

When it comes to Zunyi,the most well-known thing may be the Zunyi Conference,but few might be familiar with Zunyi black tea.What kind of historical connection does this tea have with the city’s red history?

On January 7,1935,the Central Red Army took hold of the northern town of Zunyi,breaking through the blockade(封锁).The local people were grateful for their sacrifices and secretly placed tea leaves,eggs,and sticky rice cakes in the soldiers’ backpacks as they left.The stories of the Red Army were passed down from generation to generation on this red land.Deeply moved by these stories,the local tea team decided to name the tea Zunyi Red in honor of this great historical turning point and as a tribute to the revolutionary heroes who laid the foundation for China’s revolution.This tea,sipped by the soldiers and filled with the warmth of their hometown,was used as the official tea during the twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China(中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会),to commemorate this part of history.

The best season for picking up Zunyi Red is around the time from Qingming to Grain Rain,when the first tender buds(嫩芽) appear.The process of making it is also very complex.First,tea farmers pick fresh leaves,ideally one bud with one or two leaves.Second,the freshly plucked leaves are spread out and left to wither naturally,releasing the grassy aroma(芳香) that forms the foundation for the color,taste,and fragrance of the black tea.The third step is rolling,where farmers manually roll the leaves to squeeze out the tea juice.This allows the tea polyphenols (茶多酚)in the leaves to oxidize enzymatically(酶促氧化) with the oxygen in the air,which is essential for the next step of fermentation(发酵)and also contributes to the formation of the aroma of the black tea.The fourth step is drying.The fermented tea is dried through high-temperature baking,removing moisture and keeping the tea dry.The final steps involve sorting the tea,where master tea makers use different sieves(筛子)to sift out(筛选出) tea of various grades.

Zunyi Red,with its thin and glossy(有光泽的) appearance,offers a soft,sweet taste and a pleasing floral(花的) fragrance.Zunyi Red can help reduce the greasiness (油腻)of food,promote digestion,and has a very noticeable effect on digestion and clearing the stomach.It makes an excellent gift for friends and relatives!

In conclusion,Zunyi offers a wide variety of delicious food and cultural delights,from its famous chili peppers and fish mint to its delicate black tea.These are not just food and drink―they are essential parts of the local culture and serve as witnesses to the city’s rich history and vibrant lifestyle.


贵州绥阳张喜山祠 :石文化经典之作