30 Ways to Give an Hour for Earth为地球献出一小时的30 种方式


疯狂英语·初中版 2024年3期


1. Read a story about nature.

2. Find one person to share your favourite book about nature with.

3. Create and share a story about your favourite 1)endangered animal with your friends.

4. Learn how to cook your favourite vegetable dish with your family.

5. Take a walk with your friends or family to your nearest park,river, or other pocket of nature.

6. Do a clean-up 2)session to pick up trash at your nearest park,river, or beach, and weigh how much trash you collect!

7. Research how waste is recycled in your country.

8. Find out which animals used to live in your neighbourhood or town 50 years ago—search for information on the Internet,go to your local library, or ask your neighbours.

9. Research the 3)edible plants that grow in your area.

10. Calculate your familys carbon footprint.

11. Get creative with an upcycling craft activity.

12. Research the concept of permaculture farming.

13. Visit your nearest community garden, farm, or local market.

14. Watch a documentary about nature—like Our Planet.

15. Identify and name the trees that grow near your home.

16. Research how food scraps can be turned into useful compost!

17. Try out a short guided meditation session with an adult.

18. Research and volunteer an hour at the environmental charities in your town.

19. Create a map of the natural sites near your home, be sure to include your favourite trees, plants, and spots for sighting animals!

20. Plant a small tree or edible plant.

21. Find out where the food you eat comes from by asking your parents, reading labels at the market or supermarket, or doing search.

22. Try out flower-pressing—a way to preserve wild flowers and grasses at home.

23. Try out leaf-rubbing—a creative way of celebrating the uniqueness of leaves.

24. Get creative making a poster that explains the concept of biodiversity and why its important.

25. Gather your friends and do a small 4)fundraiser for a local environmental charity.

26. Have a picnic outdoors.

27. Go bird-watching and try to identify the birds you spot.

28. Go plogging—jog and pick up trash along the way.

29. Go on a listening walk and try to notice every sound you hear, and figure out how many sounds are natural.

30. Watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day.

1) endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的

2) session n. 一段时间

3) edible adj. 可食用的

4) fundraiser n. 资金筹集活动

1. 阅读一个关于自然的故事。

2. 找一个人与之分享你最喜欢的关于自然的书。

3. 创作并与朋友分享一个你最喜欢的关于濒危动物的故事。

4. 与家人一起学做你最喜欢的蔬菜菜肴。

5. 与朋友或家人一起到最近的公园、河边或其他自然区域中散步。

6. 在最近的公园、河流或海滩进行垃圾清理,并对你收集到的垃圾称重!

7. 研究你的国家是如何回收垃圾的。

8. 找出50 年前你居住的社区或城镇中有哪些动物——在互联网上搜索信息,去当地图书馆或向邻居询问。

9. 研究生长在你所在地区可食用的植物。

10. 计算你家庭的碳足迹。

11. 通过废物再利用的手工活动发挥创造力。

12. 研究永续农业的概念。

13. 参观最近的社区花园、农场或本地市场。

14. 观看有关自然的纪录片,比如《我们的星球》。

15. 辨认生长在家附近的树木并说出其名字。

16. 研究食物残渣如何变成有用的堆肥!

17. 与成年人一起尝试短时间的冥想。

18. 在你所在城镇的环保慈善机构做一小时的研究和志愿者工作。

19. 制作一张你家附近自然景观的地图,确保包括你最喜欢的树木、植物和动物观察点!

20. 种植一棵小树或可食用的植物。

21. 通过询问父母、阅读市场上或超市里的标签,或进行搜索,了解你所吃食物的来源。

22. 尝试压花—— 一种在家保存野花和草的方法。

23. 尝试叶子拓印—— 一种赞美叶片独特性的创造性方式。

24. 制作一张解释生物多样性概念及其重要性的海报。

25. 召集朋友为当地环保慈善机构做一个小型筹款活动。

26. 在户外野餐。

27. 进行鸟类观察并尝试辨认你看到的鸟类。

28. 跑步撿垃圾——慢跑并捡沿途的垃圾。

29. 进行一次聆听散步,尽量注意你听到的每个声音,并弄清楚有多少声音来自大自然。

30. 在同一天观看日出和日落。

