To Plant a Trillion Trees for the Planet为地球种下一万亿棵树


疯狂英语·初中版 2024年3期


2007 年,那時菲利克斯·芬克拜纳年仅9 岁,他在一堂关于气候危机的课上发表了一场演讲,建议同学们在全球每个国家种植一百万棵树,如今这个目标成了“为地球种下一万亿棵树”。

“Planting a tree is easy, but bringing back a forest is hard.”

Those are the words of Felix Finkbeiner, who at his twenties,has now spent the majority of his life focused on fighting climatechange through tree planting and forest 1)restoration. And hestrying to get the whole world involved.

Finkbeiner is the founder and CEO of Plant-for-the-Planet.The organization runs 2)workshops to 3)empower youth tobecome “ambassadors for climate justice” and encourage thepublic to join the movement and plant trees.

You dont have to get hands dirty, however, to get involved.You can donate to have a tree planted at one of the forest restoration sites Plant-for-the-Planet partners with and then receiveupdates on when and where your tree is getting planted.

“You can see exactly where they are restoring forests. You can thensee what species theyre planting, what planting density…You can alsosee exactly what one tree costs there. And if youd like one of theseprojects, you can donate directly to it,” Finkbeiner said, “Weve now alsobuilt tools (software and apps) that these companies and organizationscan notify you when your tree is actually planted, so you dont just feel likeyouve just given money somewhere. You can actually see what happenswith it.”

The idea started to blossom from Finkbeiner in 2007 when he was9 years old. He had just learned about Wangari Maathai, the first Africanwoman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize and whose work with the GreenBelt Movement helped plant nearly 30 million trees in Africa. Inspired byher work, Finkbeiner announced to his fourth grade class that they shouldplant a million trees in every country.

“I think a million was just the biggest number I could come up withand there was absolutely no plan 4)whatsoever of how we were going toget there.”

But his motivational speech slowly took root. Finkbeiner and his fellowstudents planted their first tree at their school, an event that was coveredby the local press, and his idea began to branch out to other schools.

Schools and the youth movement have been a big part of Plant-forthe-Planets success. The group has over 90,000 ambassadors for climatejustice across the globe.

By 2010, Plant-for-the-Planet had put a million trees in the ground.Then in 2011, Finkbeiner spoke at the UN following in Maathais footsteps.The Nobel laureate, who passed away in 2011, was working with theUnited Nations Environment Programme on the Billion Tree Campaign.Plant-for-the-Planet took the reins of the campaign and upped its goal to atrillion trees.

Why a trillion? Thats how many scientists believe there is currentlyroom for on Earth and that amount would help absorb levels ofatmospheric carbon dioxide that could make a positive impact on theclimate crisis.

1) restoration n. 修复

2) workshop n. 研討会;讲习班

3) empower v. 授权;使有能力

4) whatsoever adv. 无论怎样;任何






这个想法始于2007 年,当时芬克拜纳9 岁。他了解到第一个非洲女性诺贝尔和平奖得主旺加里·玛塔伊,她发起了“绿带运动”,在非洲种下了近3000 万棵树。受到她工作的启发,芬克拜纳向他四年级的同学宣布,他们应该在每个国家种植一百万棵树。



学校和青年运动是“为地球植树”组织成功的重要组成部分。该组织在全球拥有超过90,000 名气候正义大使。

到2010 年,“为地球植树”已经在地面上种下了一百万棵树。然后在2011 年,芬克拜纳在联合国发表讲话,继承了玛塔伊的事业。诺贝尔奖得主玛塔伊于2011 年去世,当时她正在联合国环境规划署工作,推动“十亿棵树计划”。“为地球植树”接管了该活动,并将目标提高到一万亿棵树。


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我国一直重视生态保护,积极启动大规模国土绿化行动,实施了三北防护林、天然林保护、退耕还林还草、退牧还草、京津风沙源治理等重点工程。2013—2021 年累计完成造林面积约5944 万公顷,其中人工造林面积约3222 万公顷,占全部造林面积的54.2%,国土绿化成效显著。

