

疯狂英语·新读写 2024年1期

江西 孙朝岚

主题语境:人物经历介绍 篇幅:354词 建议用时:7分钟

1When Camila Romero first came to China,she was amazed at how big the country is.“And I told myself I should improve my language proficiency quickly,”said the 28-year-old Argentine student, who is studying the Chinese language at Beijing Foreign Studies University.

2Camila said when she was pursuing her bachelor's degree, her teacher encouraged her to learn the Chinese language in China,where she can experience the culture and know more about the country.

3Studying in China has become a popular choice for the Argentine youth in recent years.When Argentine leaders visited China in February last year,the two countries signed a series of cooperation agreements on the development of educational exchanges, joint academic research and scholarship programs.

4Since then, exchanges and cooperation among universities in both countries have greatly increased, resulting in a significant rise in the number of Argentine students seeking to study Chinese and Chinese students wanting to study Spanish. With a Chinese government scholarship,Camila arrived in China and started her one-year study in September last year.Living and studying in China has been a fantastic experience for her.

5“Every day, I spend four to six hours learning and practicing the Chinese language.During weekends or holidays,I usually try to explore more of Beijing and other surrounding cities,”Camila said, explaining that the high-speed railway connecting Beijing and Shanghai has enabled her to have different cultural experiences in China's south.

6“Back in my home country, more Argentine people have become interested in Chinese culture, language and history. At the same time, we have a really big community of Chinese people in our country,”the international relations student said.

7“As the only Argentine student here in our school, every time people recognize me,they would say,‘Oh! Messi.’So I find that the passion for Lionel Messi and football reflects the strengthening bond between our two countries'people and that we are becoming closer and closer.”

8In recent years, more and more Chinese students have also been going to Argentina to pursue master's and doctorate degrees. According to data from the Argentine Ministry of Education,there are more than 4000 Chinese students in the South American country.



1.What motivated Camila Romero to study in China?

A.Her teacher's encouragement.

B.Her desire to explore Chinese cities.

C.Her fascination with Chinese culture.

D.Her pursuit of a government scholarship.

2.What made the Argentine youth studying in China popular?

A.More educational exchanges.

B.Argentine leaders'visit to China.

C.Increased scholarship opportunities.

D.Argentina's cooperation with China.

3.What's paragraph 5 mainly about?

A.Camila's life in China.

B.Camila's holiday in China.

C.Camila's interest in the Chinese language.

D.Camila's travelling experiences in China.

4.What reflects the bond between the people of Argentina and China according to the text?

A.The Chinese government's scholarship.

B.The development of educational exchanges.

C.The enthusiasm for Lionel Messi and football.

D.The increasing number of Chinese students in Argentina.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

Camila said when she was pursuing her bachelor's degree,her teacher encouraged her to learn the Chinese language in China, where she can experience the culture and know more about the country.卡米拉说,在她攻读学士学位时,她的老师鼓励她去中国学习中文,在那里她可以体验中国文化,更多地了解中国。


Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks according to the text.

Studying abroad in China was an experience I 1. ________(cherish) forever. The months spent in Chinese enriched my academic knowledge and allowed me 2.________(immerse) myself in its rich culture. The warm smiles and helpful gestures from locals quickly made 3. ________(I)feel at home.

University life in China 4. ________(offer) a diverse range of subjects, from Chinese history to business management,5. ________(stimulate)my intellect.Passionate professors and interactive classroom discussions fueled my academic growth.

Outside of classes,I 6. ________(explore)China's breathtaking landscapes and iconic landmarks. Climbing the Great Wall and 7. ________(visit) ancient towns like Suzhou and Hangzhou were like stepping into vivid paintings.

My study abroad journey in China transformed me.It 8. ________(broaden)my knowledge, cultivated an appreciation 9. ________Chinese culture, and created unforgettable memories. As a foreign student in China, the 10. ________(incredibility) times I had will always hold a special place in my heart.


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