

疯狂英语·新读写 2024年1期

河北 司玉林

主题语境:文化博物馆 篇幅:352词 建议用时:7分钟

1Located in Yading Village, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, the Shambhala Cultural Museum becomes the world's highest-altitude cultural museum.Opening its doors to the public in September, it stands as a landmark for the area.

2Set at an altitude of approximately 3900 meters,the museum surpasses the Tibet Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum in Southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region by 150 meters to become the world's highest-altitude cultural museum.

3Designed to imitate the shape of the white conch (海螺), one of the eight auspicious symbols of Tibetan Buddhism, the museum integrates with the surrounding landscape.On one side, it extends from the ground, harmonizing with the mountains and forests. On the other side,a pool of water reflects the grand scenes of the snow-covered peaks.“Given that the museum is located in Daocheng County in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, the choice of the white conch design is culturally significant, as the white conch symbolizes blessings and beauty in Tibetan culture,”said Yuan Hao, Party Secretary of CCEED's Yading Village project.

4Construction on the museum started on April 25,2023,and was scheduled to be completed within a mere 150 days. Consisting of three floors, the museum will stand at a total height of 17.4 meters with a total construction area of approximately 2995 square meters.

5The construction team has confronted many challenges during this limited time,according to Yuan. For example, it is operating at high altitudes, so strict health checks,daily health monitoring, and ample altitude sickness medication for workers are quite essential.Besides these, the museum is located in the national-level Yading Nature Reserve, so forest fire prevention is of great importance in safety management. Strict fire source management and on-site protective measures need to be enforced during construction.A total of 83 cultural artefacts have been designated for the museum, with 58 already gathered and 25 in the process of being collected.

6As part of broader efforts to preserve and restore Yading Village,the Shambhala Cultural Museum is a critical element.The entire project is made up of the restoration of traditional Tibetan-style buildings and village layout adjustments, infrastructure upgrades, and landscape restoration and improvement.




1.What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the Shambhala Cultural Museum?

A.Its architectural style.

B.Its inspiration.

C.Its unique charm.

D.Its powerful effect.


2.What can we learn about the Shambhala Cultural Museum?

A.It is the world's highest museum.

B.It has 2995 cultural artefacts.

C.It is regarded as a landmark in China.

D.It takes less than half a year to finish it.


3.Why is forest fire prevention important during the construction?

A.It is operating at a high altitude.

B.It is located in Yading Nature Reserve.

C.The construction team lack experience.

D.Most cultural artefacts are being collected.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

A total of 83 cultural artefacts have been designated for the museum, with 58 already gathered and 25 in the process of being collected.博物馆共指定了83 件手工艺品,其中58件已经收集完毕,25件正在收集中。


【点石成金】本句中的with 58 already gathered and 25 in the process of being collected 为with 的复合结构,58 和gather 之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处用gathered作宾补。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box in proper forms.

1.They have not made any effort to ________with the local community.

2.His writing career ________over a period of 40 years.

3.When the sun's rays hit the earth,a lot of the heat is ________back into space.

4.Rivers are a(n) ________for an agricultural country.

6.The flight takes ________three hours.

7.Each student's progress is closely ________.

8.The ________character of the town has been destroyed by the new road.

9.Boulder was one of the first cities in the nation to ________a ban on smoking.

10.The reserve was set up to ________endangered species from extinction.


Unit 6 Travelling around Asia Listening and speaking