Why the British Don’t Do Superheroes为什么英国人不打造超级英雄


英语世界 2024年2期

亚历克·马什/文 杜磊/译

I don’t know about you but I’m rather a fan of Batman or The Batman, if you prefer to give him the definite article as the new film does. It’s also rather heartening to see fine British actors earning a pretty penny portraying him—Robert Pattinson1 dons the cowl in the new film, hot on the heels of Christian Bale2. And it’s not just Gotham’s3 bone crushing vigilante4 that our acting schools are clearly adept at preparing actors for: Brits Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield have both slung webs as Spider-man and of course Henry Cavill has donned the blue leotard proud playing Superman four times.

我不知道你怎么样,但我却是新老蝙蝠侠的粉丝,如果你和这部新上映的影片那样,喜欢给蝙蝠侠(Batman)加上个定冠词(The Batman)的话。看到优秀的英国演员扮演蝙蝠侠,赚上一大笔钱,也令人颇为振奋——克里斯蒂安·贝尔曾出演过蝙蝠侠,紧随其后的是罗伯特·帕丁森,他在这部新片里披挂上阵。我们的表演学校显然不只擅长培养力大无穷的哥谭侠客:英国人汤姆·霍兰德、安德鲁·加菲尔德都曾发射过蜘蛛网,扮演过蜘蛛侠,当然还有亨利·卡维尔也曾穿上蓝色紧身衣裤,四度光荣地扮演超人。

As well as the actors, our directors like Christopher Nolan have elevated the Batman story to a new level and indeed our writers (such as Alan Grant) have also had a hand in this process: so why is it that Britain has never developed a homegrown Batman-style fictional vigilante of its own, or indeed any serious cultural contender to the steroidal mass musculature offered by the DC or Marvel worlds?


If you look back at the heyday of British comics and their survivors, then we have the likes of Roy of the Rovers—a footballer—or Dan Dare, an urbane pipe-smoking space pilot whose only dark side is on a distant moon5. Neither of them had super powers either, and their necks were conspicuously narrower than their heads.


Britain’s nearest corollary to Batman is Judge Dredd, but he lives in Mega City One which is approximate to New York state. Also he’s a policeman, which actually makes him and the whole set-up altogether the more subversive and also rather different from the likes of Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent or Peter Parker6. Moreover, the only superpower that Dredd possesses is a profound lack of empathy, which is not usually so highly regarded as qualities go, outside of the Home Office of course.


Instead when it comes to fighting crime, Britain has thrown its creative energies into gentleman detectives like Sherlock Holmes, Poirot and Morse7, as well as overtly less gentlemanly ones, like Inspector John Rebus. But whatever their backstories—including Dr Watson’s military service in Afghanistan8 or Rebus’s in the SAS9—these are not men of action, nor are they avenging angels.


Then we come to Miss Marple10 who, let’s not forget, first appeared in 1927, 12 years before Batman threw his first punch. At a push Christie’s super-sleuth11 might be able to tell you what a numchuck is—well, maybe—but she couldn’t pick it up, let alone throw it. Either way, I’d hate to see the Hollywood adaptation in which she performs the sort of high kick that Gal Gadot can pull off: and God forbid that we one day have a Marple ‘reboot’12 in which she stalks the darkened Rectories of Dorking and Royal Tunbridge Wells bringing retribution13 to suburban blackmailers and embittered14 disinherited siblings.


What our crime fighters have in common is that as well as being less steroidal than their American counterparts, they are rather more interested in solving the crime: they are motivated by justice in its traditional sense rather than revenge. Indeed, most of the time they leave the business of revenge up to criminals.


And that raises the question of whether our different choice of ‘heroes’ reflects British and American criminal justice systems. Where the American system is characterised by a muscular certainty about the efficacy of punishment (including the capital variety), our criminal justice system is transparently less convinced about the virtues of punishment and appears to be fixated far more on public protection and (ostensibly) on rehabilitation15 and reform—the right of the accused to remain innocent until proven guilty is paramount. And that’s not very Batman.


Of course we do spies well over here, and this arena provides probably the closest cousin that Britain has to offer Batman in the person of James Bond. Like Batman, Bond is no stranger to the occasional extra-judicial killing or act of vengeance; but he’s not a man in a mask, or is he? Perhaps that’s his appeal. Yet Fleming created Bond just 13 years after Batman appeared: for a contemporary British espionage hero we have to look to Mick Herron’s flatulent, obese Jackson Lamb, who is about as far removed from Batman as you could imagine, albeit he too is prone to violent outbursts. But in general, our spies are closer to Smiley16 than Jack Ryan.


There is in fact no British equivalent of Batman. As for the rest of the atomically-altered caped fraternity—the Supermen, X-Men, Wolverines and Wonder Women—we haven’t and can’t really embrace the idea. There is no ‘Captain UK’ in the way that people in the US can clearly embrace Captain America. That sort of thing would just raise a snigger here—or a boycott by a teaching union. There was of course Bananaman but that was a send-up.


So for all that our actors, assorted film-makers and writers might have a hand in extending and growing the superhero oeuvre in whatever form Hollywood takes today, the characters of superheroes as well as the settings remain firmly American. In part that’s down to where they were first conceived and where the main body of viewers is, of course, but ultimately, it’s because it’s their cultural ecosystem.


But imagine if Britain could sustain the sincerity and self-belief to have superheroes of its own. What would be his or her super power? Ultra-fairness? Introspection? Would it be the ability to never lose to Australia in the cricket? Or might it be an unparalleled ability to provide humanitarian aid? Whatever we landed on, it wouldn’t be an enormous capacity for bone-crushing or mobster mutilation. For the most part we Brits are happy to leave that to sadistic suburban chiropractors or the gangsters themselves. We like to spend our Sunday evenings watching these criminals get caught in lavish television adaptions in which the detectives’ only superpower is usually their dogged insistence on solving problems, with a certain sense of humour that usually travels about as well as French lager.



1英国演员,2022年主演《新蝙蝠侠》(The Batman)。  2英国演员,曾主演克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)执导的《蝙蝠侠》三部曲:《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜》(Batman Begins,2005)、(The Dark Knight,2008)、《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises,2012)。  3哥譚市是美国DC漫画虚构的城市,首次出现于1940年12月《蝙蝠侠》漫画第4期中。该市位于美国东海岸的新泽西州,有不少哥特式建筑,轨道交通发达,犯罪率高,是蝙蝠侠的故乡和生活的城市。  4 vigilante(尤指认为警方无法维持治安而自发组织起来的)治安会会员。

5在漫画《红月之谜》(The Red Moon Mystery)中,一颗红色的月亮突然出现在地球轨道上,引发了严重的地质灾害。阿丹为了拯救人类,全力阻止了这颗星球上的外星人将这颗红色月球推向地球。  6布鲁斯·韦恩即蝙蝠侠,克拉克·肯特即超人,两人均是美国DC漫画旗下的超级英雄;彼得·帕克即蜘蛛侠,是美国漫威漫画旗下的角色。

7波洛全名赫尔克里·波洛(Hercule Poirot),是阿加莎·克里斯蒂所著系列侦探小说中的主角,摩斯是“摩斯探长”系列侦探小说的主角。  8华生医生是英国作家阿瑟·柯南·道尔创作的侦探小说《福尔摩斯》系列中的角色。故事中,他是侦探福尔摩斯的朋友和助手。  9雷布斯是苏格兰作家伊恩·兰金系列侦探小说中的主角,是爱丁堡警察局的一名侦探警官,曾在英国的特种空勤团(SAS)中服役。  10英国侦探小说作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂创作的著名侦探人物。  11 super-sleuth大侦探。

12在电影、电视和文学中,reboot是指重新创作或重新启动一个已存在的故事、系列或者角色。这通常涉及更新或者改变故事的设定、角色的性格或者其他主要的元素,以便吸引新的观众,同时也保留一些原始作品的特征。  13 retribution严惩;报应。  14 embittered怨愤的,怨恨的。  15指消除罪犯前科,即曾经被判有罪的人如在一定年限内不再犯有重大罪行,应视同未曾被判罪科刑。英国在1974年制定《罪犯前科消除法》(Rehabilitation of Offenders Act),规定消除前科后不得再提及其原先的判罪,除非被告知加以说明。

16即乔治·史迈利(George Smiley),英国文学大师约翰·勒卡雷(John Le Carré)塑造的经典特工形象,其身份是英国海外情报机构“ 圆场”(the Circus)的职业情报官员。史迈利是勒卡雷著名间谍小说“史迈利三部曲”的核心人物,该三部曲为《锅匠,裁缝, 士兵,间谍》(Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy,1974)、《荣誉学生》(The Honourable Schoolboy,1977)、《史迈利的人马》(Smiley’s People,1979)。

