How Collage Design Creates Layers of Meaning拼贴设计如何生成多层含义


英语世界 2024年2期

珍妮弗·贝利/文 丁婷/译

The beauty of collage design is that there are no rules. It is an extremely freeing form of design with endless possibilities—each added element fleshes out1 the new world you’re building on the page or the screen.


It’s no surprise that collage continues to be a popular and widely recognized form of contemporary design, constantly evolving as new technologies enable it to evolve.


You’ll see less carefully placed vintage imagery and more of an “anything goes” attitude: playful mark-making, abstract photography clippings and tons of texture.


In a world where climate and economic realities drive us to be more resourceful, contemporary collage design utilizes the materials all around us and boldly illustrates our modern culture.


In this article, we’ll look at how new collage trends are being used in today’s graphic design.


Types of collage art


There are many different styles and expressions of collage, ranging from its humble arts and crafts beginning to cutting edge graphic design and illustration.


Paper collage


Paper collage, otherwise known as analog collage, is the original form of collage art.


Whether you are cutting images out of old books or working like Matisse2 and cutting shapes out of painted paper, paper collage is the prototypical form of collage.


It’s also the kind of collage art that’s trending most now. Ripped, raw paper shreds are a clear contrast to the seamless, tidy look achieved with design software. It feels authentic because this kind of art requires the creator to work with their hands, physically tearing paper and arranging it just so3.


Designers are fairly limited with paper collage in that they can only compose with the materials they can find. However, this constraint can drive creativity by forcing the designer to find unconventional ways to express ideas. This might mean combining two separate images to create something completely new, like combining a set of bird wings with a bus for a creative take on4 an airplane or using different colors to create the illusion of depth on a flat surface.


Digital collage


Digital collage is an entirely different beast5 to paper collage because there are no physical materials—and none of the constraint that comes with using them. With digital collage design, unique images are created by using software like Photoshop to alter textures, layer multiple photos and illustrations and distort source material. The effect is usually a lot sharper and modern-looking than a paper collage, but it often lacks the tactile quality of paper collage.


Mixing materials: the key to all collage art


Although we said earlier there are no rules to collage art, there’s actually one rule: be creative. Designers aren’t limited to paper and photography in their collage designs; many mix drawing, brush strokes and a variety of textures to build their designs.


The better you understand collage art, the more you’ll notice just how pervasive it is in pop culture and your day-to-day life. That intriguing book cover you saw last weekend, the striking packaging design on the overpriced craft IPA6 you’re sipping, that kaleidoscopic7 album cover you couldn’t stop staring at…collage art is everywhere.


Take a look at a few of the places it’s trending hardest with designers:


Collage in book cover design


Collage is a great art form for book cover design because with it, there are lots of ways to illustrate a book’s content and touch on its themes. And there’s something a little bit daring about using ripped paper to create a book cover design—so many readers think of tearing book pages as sacrilegious8, so seeing a design made of paper shards elicits an almost visceral9, definitely eye-grabbing response.


Rather than creating seamless imagery, today’s paper collage trend sees book cover designers confidently owning the rips in paper and the shadows they cast onto their compositions, making the book covers really stand out in a book shop. The expressive, artsy quality of playful paper collage also makes it ideal for editorial illustrations and magazine covers.


Editorial collage design


As we mentioned earlier, collage design works perfectly for editorial illustrations because the layered elements make images feel like they’re jumping off the page. You’ll find collage illustrations in glossy10 fashion magazines, newspapers and blog posts.


Color blocking11, psychedelic12 layering and colorful paper cutouts stand out and encourage the reader to pause on the page and enjoy the article. In many editorial collage designs, the collage is used to create a sense of movement that brings the article it’s accompanying to life.


Collage in brand design


The inherent arts and crafts nature of collage design shows consumers that any product bearing it is alternative and designed with boutique13 buyers in mind. This kind of beautifully designed packaging sticks out to people who are inclined to spend extra on luxury quality goods, which are often goods handcrafted in small batches.


There are lots of ways brands can use collage art to communicate that their products aren’t the same as their competitors: playful paper-cut characters, organic paper textures, vintage imagery, layers upon layers of different colors and patterns and juxtaposing contrasting images to create intriguing combinations.


Collage in music artwork


In recent years, there’s been a huge resurgence of vinyl sales. A big part of that resurgence is that with records, the album artwork is often almost as prized as the music itself.


Similar to book cover, editorial and brand design, collage art is a popular way for designers to make album artwork stand out in the crowd and entice audiences. Both analog and digital collage lend themselves well to14 alternative music genres because they can visually represent the music on these albums.


A common feature of collage design is its psychedelic nature. Using contrasting elements of photography gives an album an otherworldly feel; an atmos-phere you can’t quite put your finger on15.


Get a one-of-a-kind16 look with collage art


Collage design is a joyful, expressive and freeing form of art. Using collage art in your design is a sure way to signal to viewers that you are offering something unique, something that was created with care, rather than something mass-produced.



1 flesh out以细节(或信息)充实。

2亨利·马蒂斯(Henry Matisse,1869—1954),法国画家,20世纪首个现代艺术流派“野兽派”创始人。20世纪40年代马蒂斯开始剪纸,其作品以简洁的造型、大胆的色彩、和谐的构图、优美的装饰效果著称。  3 just so(做或安排得)井井有条,有条不紊。  4 take on sth呈现某种特征。

5 beast(含诙谐意)有特定性质的事物。  6 印度淡色啤酒,全称India pale ale,最早见于18世纪早期,由英国向其印度殖民地出口。该酒颜色较淡,具有浓郁的香气和独特的苦味。  7 kaleidoscopic万花筒似的,千变万化的。

8 sacrilegious (对圣物或圣地)亵渎的。  9 visceral(未经过认真思考而)出自内心的,发自肺腑的。

10 glossy 光滑的,光彩夺目的;有光泽的。  11 color blocking色块,指对色轮上相反颜色的选择,并将它们配对以形成有趣的互补色组合的艺术手法。  12 psychedelic 引起幻觉的,使人精神恍惚的。  13 boutique 时装店;精品店。

14 lend itself to适合于。  15 put one’s finger on 准确地指出,发现,点明。  16 one-of-a-kind 独特的,独一无二的。


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