Collage as an Artistic Medium拼贴:一种艺术


英语世界 2024年2期

伊莎贝拉·迈耶/文 谢红/译

Viewed under the guise of mixed media, Collage Art typically explored the highs and lows that encompassed the elements of formal art.


A collage is a piece of art that incorpor- ates a variety of materials. Derived from the French verb coller, meaning “to glue,” collage (pronounced ko·laje) is a work of art made by gluing things to the surface. It is similar to découpage, a 17th-century French practice of decorating furniture with pictures.


Collage within art was first coined by Cubist artists Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso. Existing as the first two artists who worked with different mediums in an attempt to make art, Braque and Picasso began their cutting-edge assemblages around 1910.


The first example of Collage Art appeared within Braque’s 1912 artwork titled Fruit Dish and Glass, where he glued down imitation wood-grained wallpaper. Following in Braque’s footsteps, Picasso began to add newsprint to his oil paintings which made reference to the current events that were taking place, as well as gluing rope around the edge of some canvases. Pioneers of the Collage Art movement, both Braque and Picasso composed their works from glued bits of colored paper, newspaper, and found objects.


A variety of materials, such as paper, cloth, paint, found objects, magazine and newspaper clippings, and sections of other artworks and text were incorpor-ated together before being glued onto a canvas or board to create an entirely new composition. This style essentially brought forth the production of a different form of art, which allowed new types of artworks to be created. These materials were considered to be such a bold intermingling of artistic elements that the return of the collage medium was thought to revolutionize modern art.


Collage Art has been referred to as one form of mixed media art. The process of collage was viewed as a mixture of both elevated and diminished elements that existed within formal art, with this mixture referring to the traditional definition of art as well as art that was produced for mass consumption and commercial use.


Collage Art allowed artists to experiment with existing materials such as newsprint, magazines, tickets, propaganda, and photographs in order to create new works of art.


The incorporation of a variety of materials allowed collage artwork to frankly question society’s tendency to detach fine art from ordinary objects through juxtaposing elements of high and low culture within works. Whether these compositions were purposeful or random, the comparison created by the contrast of different elements has long captivated the attention of artists.


Since images have the ability to take on new meanings within different contexts, the art of collage was able to easily overturn traditional meanings that were typically associated with art, as well as imply multiple meanings simultaneously. In doing so, Collage Art created works that did not simply fit into a single and rigid analysis. The style of collage held much artistic potential, which in turn made the movement incredibly accessible for all types of artists.


Many innovative artists ranging from the modernism and contemporary era have made use of collage to query the supposedly traditional duty of the artist within the works they created. Through using found and mass-produced objects, images, and materials that were not made by the artists themselves, Collage Art was able to undermine the customary importance that was placed on an artist’s hand in the making of their original work.


Collage Art influences and style


The style of collage differs depending on the techniques and materials that an artist uses. For example, photomontage1 made exclusive use of photos in their artworks; decoupage involved gluing cut colored paper or images onto an object; assemblage referred to a three-dimensional collection of objects, and papiers collés described collages that were made only from bits of paper.

拼贴艺术的形式取决于艺术家使用的技巧和材料。比如,蒙太奇摄影作品只拿照片做素材;剪贴工艺是将裁切的彩纸或图像装饰到其他物品上;集合艺术是三维空间的元素组合;而纸贴画(papiers collés)则是完全用纸片创作的拼贴作品。

Collage as commentary


What collage offers artists that cannot be found in flat work alone is the opportunity to add commentary through familiar imagery and objects. It adds to the dimension of the pieces and can further illustrate a point. We have seen this often in contemporary art.


Many artists find that magazine and newspaper clippings, photographs, printed words, and even rusty metal or dirtied cloth are great vehicles for conveying a message. This may not be possible with paint alone. A flattened pack of cigarettes glued onto a canvas, for instance, has a higher impact than simply painting a cigarette.


The possibilities of using collage to address a variety of issues are endless. Quite often, the artist will leave clues within the elements of a piece to allude to anything from social and political to personal and global concerns. The message may not be blatant, but can often be found within the context.



