A Brief History of Shuffling Your Songs, from Apple to Adele从苹果到阿黛尔:音乐随机播放简史


英语世界 2024年2期

希拉·费德/文 胡文明/译

Adele’s album, 30, dropped on November 19, 2021, and around the same time, the superstar made a demand of music streaming behemoth1 Spotify: that they stop making the shuffle option the default on album pages.


“Our art tells a story and our stories should be listened to as we intended,” she tweeted on November 20. The decision was applauded2 around the internet, and it signaled a sea change3 in the way we consume music—from the early 2000s celebration of the shuffle feature to a rejection of it as the default.


Here’s how that happened, and what that change means for Spotify’s 172 million subscribers.


What is the shuffle feature?


The shuffle feature as we know it today came into the spotlight4 in the early 2000s, with the arrival of the iPod, although music shuffling has been around for a very long time. “Shuffle is a way to listen to music, where you cede5 some of the control of what comes up next to a machine or an algorithm,” says Devon Powers, associate professor at Temple University, whose research focuses on popular music. That means if you’re using a record changer or CD changer, or listening to the radio or even your own collection of mp3s out of order, you’re shuffling music.


But it was on January 11, 2005, when Steve Jobs presented the first iPod Shuffle, a screenless device smaller than a pack of gum, capable of only playing music randomly, that the shuffle function became a national sensation. While other iPods came equipped with a shuffle function, this release branded this function as an Apple feature.

2005年1月11日,史蒂夫·乔布斯推出了第一款iPod Shuffle。这款比口香糖还小的无屏iPod只能随机播放音乐,至此随机播放功能才轰动全国。尽管其他iPod也配备了随机播放功能,但iPod Shuffle的发布将随机播放定位成苹果的特色功能。

Even before Apple came out with an iPod specifically dedicated to shuffle, the feature was celebrated. “I have seen the future, and it is called shuffle,” music critic Alex Ross wrote in the New Yorker in 2004. In The Guardian, it was called “a radically different way of encountering music.” Noted academic Michael Bull said shuffle turned his devices into “a treasure trove6 full of hidden delights.”


But there was also backlash7 from music purists. “Personally, and I believe I speak for many old farts here, I appreciate listening to music, be it an opera or a pop album, in the sequence in which the artist decided to present it,” marketing professor James Kellaris told Wired in 2004.


How did it affect how we listened to music?


The existence of the iPod wasn’t the only thing that made shuffle popular. Amanda Krause, a music psychology researcher at James Cook University, points out that it was actually iTunes that had the biggest effect.


“iTunes really changed the way we purchased music, no longer needing to purchase an album, but having the option of buying single tracks,” she says. “That started a change for the dominant way of listening to music, moving away from albums and to playlists.”


Music piracy also had an effect. In the 90s, downloading one four-minute song could take around three and a half hours. By the 2000s, the mp3 compression format had come into being, and the same song could be downloaded in minutes. As piracy began to increase, people downloading music often went for single tracks, because they were quicker to download and add to a playlist.


Now, we have streaming services, which also encourage random listening, because people don’t even have to own the music they are listening to. Generally, says Krause, we tend to like music less when we become too familiar with it. Some researchers have suggested that shuffling is a way of keeping a music collection fresh, while avoiding the overlistening phenomenon.


How does it work?


Since the early 2000s, people have complained that the shuffle function is not random, often grouping songs by the same singer or genre together.


Steve Jobs offered a Smart Shuffle function in response to the complaints, a function which controlled how likely you were to see songs from the same album or from the same artist grouped together, saying “we’re making it less random to make it feel more random.”


When the Spotify system was launched, it used the Fisher-Yates algorithm8 for shuffling. It’s the algorithmic equivalent of randomly picking tickets out of a hat until there are none left. But like Apple fans, users began to complain about the function.


As software engineer Martin Fiedler wrote on his blog in 2007, “the problem with conventional shuffle algorithms is that they are too random. They lack fairness and uniform distribution.” The human brain likes to find patterns and randomness, and will interpret randomness as not really random if the same artist plays more than once in an hour.


Fiedler created a shuffling algorithm which Spotify tweaked to revamp their own shuffle feature in 2014, making it impossible, for example, to hear five Billie Eilish songs in a row in shuffle mode.


What happens to the shuffle function now?


Powers, of Temple University, has been using shuffle since high school. For her, shuffle epitomizes9 the moment when modern technology began to shift the way we consumed music. “Shuffle represents this beautiful mid-2000s moment when people were super excited to have more power over how they listened to songs,” she says, “but it’s also part of all of the things that were happening at that time, like downloading music, and the very, very beginnings of streaming, with piracy.”


But Spotify’s change doesn’t exactly herald10 a total shift in the way we listen to music, Powers points out. The era of the album as an art form, which lasted from the 60s into the 90s, is pretty much11 over now, and music singles rule the roost12.


There’s plenty of research showing that people rarely change their default settings. For example, a Microsoft study found that 95% of users kept all the default features.


So this change, from album shuffle as the default to something you have to opt into, means more people may be about to start listening to albums in their intended order, even if they’ll then put those same songs on their playlists in shuffle mode.



1 behemoth巨头。  2 applaud赞许。  3 sea change巨大的变化。  4 come into the spotlight成为公众关注的焦点。

5 cede放弃。  6 treasure trove寶藏。  7 backlash反对。

8该算法由罗纳德·费舍尔(Ronald Fisher)和弗兰克·耶茨(Frank Yates)在1938年提出,是一种高效且公认的随机化算法。它从序列的末尾开始,每次随机选取一个元素与末尾的元素交换位置,然后缩小待选范围。这一过程持续至序列的开始,从而完成整个序列的随机化。

9 epitomize作为……的缩影。  10 herald预示……的来临。  11 pretty much差不多;基本上。

12 rule the roost称雄。

