When Leaders Struggle with Collaboration合作有障碍,领导须自省


英语世界 2024年2期

罗恩·卡鲁奇 路易斯·贝拉斯克斯/文 王强/译

A client of Luis’s, let’s call him Charlie, a senior executive reporting directly to the CEO, was recently given feedback that despite his outstanding performance, his colleagues struggled to work with him. Charlie’s drive to deliver results, his no-nonsense approach to offering his viewpoints, and the intensity with which he approached most everything made him appear unnecessarily competitive, despite that being the furthest thing from his intent. As a result, without realizing it, Charlie lost the trust of some of his most critical stakeholders: his peers.


It’s not uncommon for talented leaders to find collaboration unnatural. After all, rugged individualism set them apart and propelled their careers. And for many, that same focus on distinguishing themselves later becomes their demise.


Most of an enterprise’s competitive value is created and delivered at organ- izational “seams,” where functions come together to form capabilities (think marketing, consumer analytics, and R&D, together developing innovation capability). That requires leaders of those functions to collaborate across the silos1 to deliver that value.


If you’re a leader who struggles to collaborate with your peers, you first need to understand why that is, then work to develop that skill.


Why collaboration doesn’t come easy?


It’s critical to reflect on why collaboration doesn’t come naturally to you. Here are some common reasons we’ve seen among leaders we’ve worked with.


You’re competitive and fear being overshadowed2.


You’ve likely enjoyed a track record of winning and being the best. Nevertheless, the notion of sharing the spotlight3 with others makes you anxious. Perhaps your sense of identity and success has been reinforced by years of individual achievement.


Still, it’s essential to realize that at higher organizational altitudes, success is achieved through integrated efforts. Pay close attention when you fear that others might outshine you or that your contribution won’t be distinguished. Understanding the inner narrative telling you that your uniqueness will be blunted4 is the first step to changing it. At this level of the organization, you must believe that your contribution will be amplified if it’s blended with others’ contributions.


You’ve relied heavily on hierarchy to get things done.


Perhaps you’ve operated in your own functional silo and have been successful in directing the work of others toward the results you’ve achieved. Or perhaps you grew up professionally in a culture that prizes hierarchy and deference to authority.


Recognize that at this level of the organization, influencing your peers is critical and very different from the positional authority you hold over your dir-ect reports5. You must be less directive, and more curious and conversational.


You have a hard time trusting.


You believe that attention to detail is your strength, and you’ve had some unfavorable outcomes in the past when delegating to others, which leads you to be extra careful now. You fear uncertainty and want to make sure your decisions are on solid ground. Take the example of Mario; a successful lawyer tasked with reviewing and closing critical contracts worth millions for the company. Unfortunately, as someone who felt a strong need for control, he managed to turn trivial issues into deal-breaking problems. Underlying Mario’s inability to trust others with much of anything was a deeper narrative: “People will take advantage of me if I let them.” Until he learned to challenge it, this assumption was the lens through which Mario saw others. Given the high stakes of your role, it’s understandable to be sensitized to what might go wrong. However, there is a difference between having healthy skepticism and assuming bad intentions. When you ascribe6 ill motives, you send a strong message of mistrust.


Collaboration is a complex set of skills and attributes. It combines active listening, managing conflict, shared problem solving, self-regulation, humility, curiosity, and a caring orientation7 toward others. Make a careful inventory of behaviors for which you know you lack sufficient skill or orientation. You can take steps to develop your collabor-ation skills and rebuild lost trust with others who’ve struggled to work with you.


First, adopt the mindset of a collabor-ator.


Be open to change and new ideas.


Taking new perspectives is a prerequisite to empathy and compassion. Ask questions to challenge your point of view and clarify the other person’s. Doing so sends a strong signal that you care about their perspective.


Value others equally.


Put yourself in an environment where your deep expertise has minimal credibility and you “have to be like everyone else.” Putting yourself in a place of mutual interdependence will help you feel what it’s like to be on a level playing field. For example, you could join a team or club outside of work—a hobby group or a local recreation league for a sport you play. As you do so, journal about what you’re feeling and learning. Note places where you’re enjoying yourself and places where you feel uncomfortable.


Become someone others can rely on.


No matter who you are, you still need others to succeed, and others need you. Acknowledge that interdependency by deepening stakeholder relationships. Identify critical players you rely on and those who depend on you. Spend time with them. Building and maintaining trusting relationships is the foundation of sustainable collaboration.


Then, take actions to accelerate your reputation as a team player.


Share the spotlight and give credit.


Find ways to purposefully cede8 the stage to someone else when it’s shining on you. This exposes new talent to new audiences and builds that person’s confidence and sense of pride. In addition, this helps others experience you as a leader who doesn’t hog9 the limelight10.


Doing this also benefits your organization. Teams that share the spotlight with each other more frequently have greater retention11, and their organ-izations have higher growth because they collaborate more.


Ask for advice.


Approach one of your key stakeholders with a challenge you need help with. This models vulnerability, demonstrates humility, and shows that you understand you need others. If you’re struggling with a particular individual, an easy way to build trust is by asking them for advice. Later, let them know how you applied it. Colleagues who believe you genuinely need them are more likely to seek your help and support your ideas in public settings.


Take heart if you’re a leader needing to strengthen your collaboration. You can do it, even if it feels like an unnatural act. In today’s hyper-connected world, lone wolves are becoming a thing of the past. Today, inclusive, humble, and other-oriented leaders are seen as the most credible and influential. Effectively collaborating is key to becoming and remaining a leader of lasting impact.



1 silo 独立运行的系统(或流程、部门等)。  2 overshadow使显得逊色。  3 spotlight 媒体和公众的注意。

4 blunt使减弱;使降低效应。  5 report(某个主管的)下属。

6 ascribe sth to sb/sth认为……具有(某种特点)。  7 orientation兴趣;取向;目标。

8 cede割让;让予。

9 hog贪心攫取。  10 the limelight公众注意的中心。  11 retention维持;保留。


“Forever Young”
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