The Benefits of Creative Collage for Kids创意拼贴对孩子的益处


英语世界 2024年2期


Collages are a simple craft activity that involves gluing paper, recycled or natural items to paper. Through creating collage art young children are encouraged to express themselves through their work and make choices without adult direction. There are many benefits to collage work including the fine motor skills1 toddlers2 and preschoolers practice, development of independence through practicing and repetition and making choices about their work3.


Practicing fine motor skills


Young children need to practice their fine motor skills, which involves using small muscles that work with the brain and nervous system to control movements. Fine motor skills are necessary for everyday tasks, self-care and essential for handwriting. Children practice fine motor skills when they glue, stick, staple, cut or tear collage materials.


Exploring independence


Collage art is an ideal time for young children to practice their independence while exploring art materials. When provided safe materials like paper, yarn4, felt5 and leaves, children can do what they like with them. Children can squeeze glue, cut materials apart and arrange the pieces however decided on the paper. Adults don’t need to guide, direct or correct the child. Children have a natural desire to touch and explore objects to learn about their world. The open-ended6 concept of collage work allows children time to concentrate and persist when challenged. There’s no substitute for the pride and confidence developed when children “do it themselves”!


Making choices


When gluing collage materials to a surface, children make choices about what items they want to use. This may be based on colors the child likes, unique materials he may not have been exposed to before or a texture he enjoys, like sand. Children can choose to add more or less to their projects.


Learning and growing with collage art


Children practice skills across the domains when they create collage art. Some skills children are developing through collage art include:


· Social-Emotional

· 社交和情感

o Self-Awareness: making choices about what materials are pleasing to them

o 自我意识:选择自己喜欢什么样的材料

o Self-Regulation: learning to share materials or leave some for others, controlling the amount of glue they squeeze

o 自我调节:学会与人分享材料或为他人留一些材料,控制挤出胶水的量

o Attention & Persistence: continuing to work on the collage from start to finish, persisting when tasks are difficult like squeezing glue, or getting an object to stick or cutting through a material

o 注意力与毅力:坚持做完一件拼贴作品,有始有终;面对困难的操作,比如挤胶水、黏贴一个物件或切开材料时,能够坚持

o Social Relationships: sharing materials, working at the same table with others

o 社会关系:与人分享材料,与他人共用一张桌子做手工

· Physical Development

· 身体发育

o Fine Motor: squeezing glue, picking up some small objects or thin pieces of paper

o 精细运动:挤胶水,拿起一些小物件或薄纸片

o Safety: following safety rules, knowing how to use scissors correctly

o 安全:遵守安全规则,知道如何正确使用剪刀

· Language & Literacy Development

· 语言与读写能力培养

o Communication: with friends or educator

o 交流:跟朋友或教师交流

o Writing: coloring or writing

o 书写:着色或书写

· Mathematics & Reasoning

· 数学与推理

o Number Sense: counting of objects

o 数字意识:数数

Spatial  Awareness: turning and placing objects and making decisions about the placement of collage materials

o 空间意识:转动和摆放物体,决定如何摆放拼贴材料

o Shapes: using shapes to create a picture with collage materials

o 形状:用拼贴材料组合出形状构成图画

o Measurement: estimating and cutting or placing materials


o Logic & Reasoning: problem-solving and experimenting with supplies

o 逻辑与推理:利用手头物品解决问题,不断尝试

· Science

· 科学

o Natural & Earth Science: working with natural materials or actively collecting them for art

o 自然与地球科学:用天然材料或积极收集天然材料进行艺术创作

· Social Studies

· 社会学

o Culture & Community: cultural patterns, colors, fabrics may be used

o 文化与社区:可能用到与文化有关的图案、颜色、织物


1 fine motor skills指凭借手以及手指等部位的小肌或小肌群的运动,在感知觉、注意力等心理活动的配合下完成特定任务的能力。motor 肌肉运动的;运动神经的。  2 toddler 學步的儿童,刚学走路的小孩。  3 work 工作所需的材料。

4 yarn 沙,线;毛线。  5 felt毛毡。  6 open-ended 无限制的,无确定目标的,无期限的。

7 spatial 空间的。


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