Famous Collage Artists著名的拼贴艺术家


英语世界 2024年2期


Artists who make collages are not unified by their technique or a specific aesthetic for their work. Using this malleable and expressive medium, their instincts have shaped the way that we see and make images, as well as how we understand them.


Some of the most famous collage artists have been able to evoke both serious complexity and irreverent absurdity, often simultaneously.


Henri Matisse (1869–1954)


Henri Matisse’s cut-outs, created during the last decade of his life, had a significant impact on our contemporary understanding of collage art.  Henri Matisse’s final years were full of turmoil. Following a separation from his wife and the outbreak of World War II, the French artist was diagnosed with intestinal cancer, which caused him to be bedridden for months at a time. And yet, Matisse never surrendered his art to the distressing circumstances at hand.


When surgery to treat his cancer left him too weak to paint on canvases, Matisse shifted his artistic methodology and turned to cut paper as his primary medium, using scissors as his tool. His cut-outs, often inspired by the natural world or abstract forms, were arranged into lively compositions that transcended the confines of easel painting and allowed him to work with a new type of free reign.


The cut-outs also introduced a new operation in art, which came to be known as “drawing with scissors”.


Kurt Schwitters (1887–1948)


Kurt Schwitters was a German artist involved in both Dadaism and Constructivism, best known for his Merz and Merzbau works. He coined the term “Merz”1 to describe his unique style of art that involved using everyday objects to create his works.


Schwitters uniquely produced images that combined oil painting on canvas with assemblage. He pasted and nailed the materials onto his surfaces. The different materials included ink pad stamps, ticket stubs, matchbooks, daily newspapers, photo clippings, garbage, and other everyday objects.


To Schwitters, the material was of no consequence. His Merz pictures show only form, no content. He aimed to assemble these daily items into Cubist collages and find a rich and complex arrangement of material that negated the individual features of the objects creating new pictorial symbols.


Increasingly, he began to blur the lines between collage and found art2. The And-Picture (1919) was seen as readymade, though it is a combination of collage, painting, and found objects.


Hannah Höch (1889–1978)


German artist Hannah Höch was considered an originator of the method of photomontage. Earlier in her career, she had been associated with Dada and in 1919, Höch worked at a large publishing house in Berlin where she became inspired by the printed imagery around her. Leafing through the many publications in her office, she began to cut out images that interested her. She arranged the images in jarring yet jovial juxtapositions whilst demonstrating restraint and embracing negative space.


The most famous Hannah Höch collage is “Cut With the Kitchen Knife through the Beer-Belly of the Weimar Republic” (1920), which measures 90 by 144 centimeters. The masculine aesthetic was achieved through cutouts of war machinery, cogs, airplanes, and guns. Höch’s fascination with machines echoes the fast-paced destruction of industrialization.


Höch’s most famous work, effortlessly titled ‘Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany’, shows her ideals and techniques in synthesis. A collage of newspaper clippings, the work challenges the racist and sexist codes upholding Weimar Germany. Throughout her career, Höch would challenge the marginalised place of women in twentieth century Germany. She drew together fashion magazines, illustrated journals and photography to pioneer a form bent on3 demonstrating that art itself could be collected from the everyday clutter of modern life.


Man Ray (1890–1976)


American painter Man Ray’s early work Landscape (Paysage Fauve, 1913) spoke a Cubist language. His Cubist landscapes were already close to collage but once the artist moved to Paris, his work became distinctly Surrealist.


Man Ray interestingly used photography to create collage art that was not photomontage. In his 1922 ground-breaking book Les Champs Délicieux or “The Delicious Fields” Man Ray unleashed his Rayographs, more commonly known as photograms. Photograms are produced through a technique in which objects are laid onto light-sensitive paper which is exposed creating a strangely transparent collage.


When the assembled objects were exposed to light, the photographic paper underneath the objects was not.


Man Ray chose objects that had different levels of translucence4, adding to the abstract aesthetic. The opaquer the objects, the more negative the space appeared though this was collage art that was ultimately about negativity. Cameraless photographs, objectless objects, and negative space5 negatives.


Max Ernst (1891–1976)


Max Ernst was one of the most well-known Surrealist collage artists.


His image Murdering Airplane (1920) is a collage depicting a hybrid human and World War I fighter plane while two soldiers carry one of their wounded in the foreground. Ernst’s source materials included popular magazines and educational supplies catalogs. He created new meaning by combining contradictory images, dividing or multiplying them, and employing them as drawings.


Kara Walker (1969–Present)

卡拉·沃克(1969—   )

Aside from the marvellous, 40-ton Sugar Baby, which turned out to be her most famous artwork to date, American artist Kara Walker is also known for her black and white silhouettes that have been pasted on the walls of many galleries worldwide to address African American racial identity. These figures are often involved in scenes of slavery, violence and conflict, inspired by traditional African illustration and folklore of the pre-Civil War United States. These cut-out collages and paste-ups actually represent a part of a larger idea, as there are also light projectors that cast the viewers’ own shadows straight into these narratives. This way, they would inevitably become a part of the artwork, unable to ignore it or walk away.


Wangechi Mutu (1972–Present)

万盖奇·穆图(1972—   )

One of the most important contemporary African artists today, Wangechi Mutu works across a variety of media, including video, performance, sculpture and of course collage, through which she investigates topics like gender, race and colonialism. Inspired by artists like Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele, as well as movements like Surrealism, she composes imagery drawn from anthropological, medical and ethnographic texts, pornography and even Vogue magazine, calling out the violence that women, and black women in particular, endure in today’s society. Wangechi Mutu’s works on paper are often painted with ink and acrylic paint, and accompanied with materials like plastic pearls, 24 karat gold and latex.


Collage artworks can be quick and easy to assemble making, this a popular format among artists and amateurs. For this reason, it has also been criticized as low art or kitsch6. Nonetheless, its methods and materials make a collage a key tool for artists probing notions of identity, politics, and commodity culture.



1 Merz 德语词缀,施维特斯将其解释为一种哲学和一种生活方式。

2 found art 现成品艺术。

3 bent on一心要做某事。

4 translucence半透明。  5 negative space负空间,指画面主体以外的留白空间。

6 kitsch庸俗的艺术品。

