

疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年11期


第一部分 语言基础(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单句语法填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1.You should learn English words by heart.Only ________this way can you enlarge your vocabulary.

2.The man, along with his wife and children, ________(be) sitting in the living room,watching TV when his colleague visited.

3.I would appreciate ________if you could pay in cash.

4.Taking notes plays ________important role in students'learning.

5.The college ________(date)back to medieval times.

6.Body language is the language with which we express our ideas and feelings________means of body movements.

7.No matter ________you are available,you are welcome to our club.

8.The governor demanded that all children and seniors ________(evacuate).

9.Mountains are regarded ________spiritual places by many cultures.

10.He fell asleep during the lecture.That was ________he got bored with it.

11.The reason ________he missed the bus was that he got up late.

12.He failed the exam again.The reason was ________he was too careless.

13.I'm trying to have a positive attitude ________my life.

14.Honestly speaking, this speech is of great ________(important) to the college students who are short of experience of life.

15.We would appreciate your ________(let)us know of any problems.

第二节 完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


All of us have our ________________________.


The skills of cooking in China can ________________________thousands of years ago.


________ ________her two sisters,she was admitted into the university.


________ ________ ________ ________am going to do it.

5.无论何时只要你有困难,我都会帮助你。(no matter+特殊疑问词)

I'll help you ________________________you have difficulties.


What you are doing is ________________________________me.


________ ________ ________ ________planes were rare.


The more she thought about it, ________________________she became.


________ ________ ________Tom has succeeded is that he never gives up.


This is the gym ________________he used to work out.


________ ________ ________ ________ ________40%of people cycled to work and school.


________ ________learned a man is,the more modest he usually becomes.


Light and bright colors make people ________________happier but (also) more active.


I will always remember ________________________I was admitted into the university.


The country has ________________________________they export goods on a large scale.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)




Kids will learn English when they discover 5 different topics in Lingokids, including animals, food, nature and places.The app also provides many enjoyable games which help kids to improve their English skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing.What's more, this app uses English songs and many interesting short stories to make the lessons easier to“digest”.

Lessons: The app provides a great many topics with different contents.The English lessons are all designed to meet learners'needs and learning goals.

Monkey Junior

The app uses pictures and real photos to help kids learn the content of lessons.It allows kids to learn English with the objects that they usually see in their daily life,newspapers or magazines.With Monkey Junior, kids can learn English and even some other languages.Besides, parents can easily choose suitable levels for their kids.Each level offers a variety of interesting lessons.

Lessons:The app gives learners a great number of lessons with different content.

Fun English

The app offers a great number of interesting topics that kids can choose as their favorite, including colors, animals, numbers, food, transportation, the human body, fruits,clothes,houses,sea creatures,school items,and actions.

Lessons:Fun English contains a huge number of free lessons and games.

English for Kids

The app concentrates on helping kids to practice English through all kinds of games.These games are divided into 4 groups: Flashcards, Sentence Games, Word Games and Crossword puzzles.

Lessons: A sea of lessons are here! Sentence Games and Word Games are designed to give basic lessons,which really make the study process more appealing.

1.Who are the most probable potential users of these apps?


2.What do these apps have in common?

A.They supply kids with a lot of lessons to learn.

B.All the lessons are interesting and very easy.

C.They help kids to learn English through games.

D.All supply lessons for people of all ages.

3.If you want to learn English through songs,which app is most suitable for you?

A.English for Kids.B.Monkey Junior.

C.Fun English.D.Lingokids.


Before arriving in China, I had read lots of books about China.Therefore, when I arrived, I was excited to be living in this huge historically and culturally rich country.It was so greatly different from the UK.The food, the landmarks, the big cities and everyday life—I couldn't wait to explore.

However, learning Chinese hadn't even entered my mind, not because I was lazy, but because I had no confidence to learn the most difficult language in the world.Besides this,once I moved to China, I lived in Shanghai.It is an international city, with many people speaking English as a second language.So I thought English would be sufficient.

But after a year in China, I found many expats (侨民) spoke Chinese.Perhaps it was achievable after all.I felt uncomfortable because so many Chinese people could speak English while I couldn't even speak the most basic Chinese.To face the challenge,I decided to begin my language journey and my only regret was that I didn't start earlier.

In the two years since I started to learn Chinese, I have made great progress.Now, I am able to talk in Chinese on many topics.Learning to speak Chinese isn't as difficult as I once expected.When I speak to Chinese people in Chinese,they almost always understand me.The most challenging thing is listening since Chinese people talk at such a speed.I can't always understand what's been said, but my weekly online language exchanges help with this.Learning Chinese has taken a lot of hard work.But there is still a long way to go before I reach my goal of fluency.Learning Chinese not only helps me in day-to-day life,but deepens my cultural understanding of such a great country.So, to all my non-Chinese friends I say this—don't be afraid,face the challenge and be confident.

4.What did the author do after arriving in China?

A.He read a lot of books about China.B.He studied Chinese at once.

C.He tried to learn more about China.D.He missed his life in his home of the UK.

5.What does the underlined word“sufficient”in paragraph 2 mean?


6.Why does the author think listening is the most challenging?

A.He has a hearing problem.

B.Chinese people speak too fast.

C.Chinese is the most difficult language.

D.He doesn't know much about many topics.

7.Which is the main idea of the text?

A.A new opinion about learning.

B.Exploring the joy of learning English.

C.The author's journey of learning Chinese.

D.The value of learning a new language.


Betty Schrampfer Azar is a world-famous expert on teaching English grammar.Here are some of her opinions.

Why do students need to learn grammar? When teachers are deciding which grammar points to teach, they should first ask two questions.First, will understanding the point help students be understood and will it help them understand better? Next, will learning the grammar points help students be acceptable as English speakers?

People usually think that grammar is all about memorizing rules.In fact, grammar is not just learning rules.It is a way to help students along the way to communication.Teachers should know that students do not all learn in the same way.Each may have a different learning style when it comes to learning grammar.Some may see a pattern and understand the rule.Others need explanations and more practice.“But to teach grammar as the subject matter and test it is sure to bore everybody and not to reach the goals that you are trying to reach—successful communication experiences,”she says.

Why do some teachers hate teaching grammar? Many teachers are not comfortable teaching grammar because they do not know how to answer their students'questions.“Most native speakers of English don't learn it in school,”she says.“If you don't know any grammar of your own language and then you are asked to teach it,it's possible that your students may know more grammar than you and you can't answer their questions.”

Can teaching grammar really be fun? Teachers should learn to make the teaching of grammar fun.She says,“My students enjoy learning grammar as much as I enjoy teaching it.I think grammar is fascinating.It holds language together.It is really beautiful when you get to know it.Grammar is quite a remarkable thing.”

8.What should teachers do before teaching grammar points?

A.Know the specific goal of teaching grammar.

B.Develop a good teaching style.

C.Find out students'learning habits.

D.Let students memorize some rules.

9.What does the underlined word“It”in paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Memorizing rules.B.Grammar.

C.Learning rules.D.Practice.

10.What can we learn about grammar according to Betty Schrampfer Azar?

A.Grammar should be taught as a subject.

B.Native speakers don't need to learn grammar.

C.Different students learn grammar in different ways.

D.It's useful to memorize rules when students learn grammar.

11.What does Betty Schrampfer Azar think of grammar?



Tourists visiting La Gomera and EI Hierro in the Canary-Islands can often hear locals communicating over long distances by whistling—not a tune, but the Spanish language.The locals are communicating in Silbo,a whistled Spanish language.

Whistled languages are almost developed in rough, mountainous regions or in thick forest.That's because whistled speech carries much farther than ordinary speech or shouting.As a result, whistled speech can be understood up to 10 times as far away as ordinary shouting.That lets people communicate even when they cannot easily approach close enough to shout.On La Gomera, for example, a few traditional shepherds (牧羊人) still whistle to one another across mountain valleys that could take hours to cross.

“Whistled languages work because many of the key elements of speech can be produced in a whistle,”says Meyer.“We distinguish one speech sound from another by small differences in their sound frequency patterns.A long‘e’, for example, is formed higher in the mouth than along‘o’,giving it a higher sound.”

To language scientists, such languages are more than just a curiosity.By studying whistled languages, they hope to learn more about how our brains get meaning from the complex sound patterns of speech.Whistling may even provide a chance to know one of the most dramatic jumps in human evolution(进化):the origin of language itself.

Despite their interest to both language experts and casual observers, whistled languages are disappearing rapidly all over the world, and some, such as the whistled form of the Tepehua language in Mexico, have already disappeared.“Now you still find whistled speech only in places that are very remote, that have had less contact with modernity and less access to roads,”Meyer says.

Fortunately, there is still hope.UNESCO, the UN cultural organization, has listed two whistled languages—Silbo and a whistled Turkish—as the world's cultural heritage.Such attention can lead to conservation efforts.

12.What led to the development of whistled languages?

A.Geographic inaccessibility.B.Rapid increase in tourism.

C.Greater information capacity.D.Interest of language experts.

13.Why are the long“e”and the long“o”mentioned in paragraph 3?

A.To show what key elements speech has.

B.To explain the differences between speech sound frequency patterns.

C.To prove the popularity of whistled language in the world.

D.To compare whistled languages with ordinary languages.

14.What made whistled languages disappear according to Meyer?

A.Construction of cities.B.Lack of attention.

C.Expansion of other cultures.D.Modernization.

15.Which of the following could be the best title for the text?

A.Why people used whistled languages

B.When whistled languages disappeared

C.How whistled languages developed

D.Why whistled languages matter

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


If you are hungry,what will you do?Have your favourite meal and stay quiet after that.__16__But you don't realize it, because your mind is busy thinking about your friends or favourite stars.If your mind is always hungry, it doesn't grow.When your mind fails to grow,creativity stops.This might be the reason why we all sometimes think“What happens next?”and“Why can't I think?”.

__17__Why reading but not watching TV? It is because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from childhood.Since it helps with other parts of our life,we have to get help from reading.

Once you read a book, you run your eyes through the lines and your mind tries to explain something to you.__18__Now this seed is used by you to develop new ideas,although you don't realize it.If it is used many times,the same seed can give you great help to create a lot of things,which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!

This is nothing but creativity.__19__When you've read widely enough, you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and find yourself able to freely use plenty of good,right words.

So dear friends, do give food to your mind by reading, reading and more reading.__20__Go and get a book!

A.Now what are you waiting for?

B.Reading can help you make more friends,too.

C.Just like your stomach,your mind is also hungry.

D.Why not do some reading while you are hungry?

E.Also,this makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary.

F.The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed.

G.Hunger of the mind can be actually solved through wide reading.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Soon after my arrival in Luanda, I realized that I was going to have some free time available.I decided to spend it doing something useful and involving in the ______21 community.

I started my search for volunteering opportunities and a blog post__22__my eye.It was Ashima's__23__on how she started her volunteering__24__in Luanda.Ashima has been volunteering at the Foundation for Art and Culture for more than a year.I decided to get in touch with them and soon after I got a very warm and welcoming__25__inviting me to the foundation.The next day as I__26__into the foundation, little did I know it would become such a(n)__27__part of my life in Luanda.

I was a bit hesitant at first as I had never worked with children before and my Portuguese (葡萄牙语) then was much__28__than now.But as I slowly started doing some activities with children, there were not any__29__.All that you needed was a heart full of love and everyone__30__the language of love.

I found plenty of__31__to do with kids,keeping them busy and having fun.Together we played, sang, learned new things, __32__new games and reinvented the old.The children coming to the foundation are wonderful, and full of__33__and energy.It is a beautiful place with wonderful projects.Without doubt, it is the best__34__I could have found in Luanda, and I am very happy to go there as often as I can.The staff__35__there really make you feel welcome and at home.

21.A.foreign B.good C.whole D.local

22.A.hurt B.fogged C.caught D.escaped B.opinion C.appearance D.plan B.journey C.dream D.reality

25.A.sense B.response C.respect D.importance

26.A.walked B.ran C.broke D.turned

27.A.genuine B.short C.effective D.beautiful

28.A.slower B.easier C.poorer D.less

29.A.conversations B.languages C.methods D.troubles

30.A.spoke B.learned C.introduced D.heard B.activities D.research

32.A.taught B.appreciated C.created D.bought B.view C.surprise

34.A.chance D.way

35.A.competing B.arriving C.leaving D.working

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


When you decide to read books in English to improve your language skills,36.________is important to choose books and methods that work best for you.The following two tips will help you get started.

Find a book that really 37.________(suit) you.Choose books that suit your 38.________(person) interests and level of English.There are millions of books out there,and when you start reading English literature,choose one that you 39.________(real)love.Make sure the level is right for you.First,try reading two or three pages.

If there are more than ten new words per page, then you'd better 40.________(choose) a simpler book.Reading should not become a boring“dictionary exercise”.If you can understand the general meaning and just find a few new words per page, then the book is probably 41.________good choice for you.

Learn new vocabulary in context.Original English books contain words you do not know.Before you look them up 42.________a dictionary, try to work out what you think they mean 43.________(base) on the context of the story.In many 44.________(case),you are able to guess the meaning of the word without having to open your dictionary.However, when 45.________(write) down new vocabulary, you may need to consult your dictionary.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (满分15分)




参考词汇:four-word Chinese idiom

Dear Tom,

I admire your passion for the Chinese language and I'm more than happy to share my favorite four-word Chinese idiom with you.________________________________________







Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

第二节 (满分25分)


At the beginning of this term, I found a new student in my class named Ainne Olar,who is 16 years old.She was quiet, always having lunch alone.From her parents, I learned that Ainne was born in Japan and spent most of her childhood there, and then the family moved to Canada.It wasn't as easy as she thought.She had to learn and speak a new language to be able to communicate with other people.When at school,she tended to be alone.She usually didn't talk to people.In class, she was not active, and always chose to shut her mouth.She didn't join any clubs or after-school activities for a little while, even though the teachers and her mom were always encouraging her.

At first, I thought maybe she was just a little shy like me when I first moved to Canada.At that time, it also wasn't as easy as I thought, but I've made it until where I am now.So I had the confidence to encourage Ainne to join us.

In one class, I invited Ainne to make a short presentation.But she just stood up,speechless.Then she looked down, color rising on her face.The next class, we had a PE lesson in the gym.But she still didn't join in it, just watching everyone play.Learning that she was fond of sports and was actually a very athletic and energetic person, I felt the urge to do something to help her melt into us.All these thoughts came to my head and pushed me to sit aside Ainne.


Paragraph 1:

“Hello,Ainne,would you like to join us playing basketball?”I smiled.______________







Paragraph 2:

The next day,Ainne volunteered to come to the platform to make a presentation.______








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