

疯狂英语·新悦读 2023年11期

广东 李奕群





动作描写是情节推进的重要工具,好比故事的“跳动的心脏”。将一个动作分解成一步步的过程,就形成了连贯的“慢镜头描写”,这就是动作链。动作链有以下功能:1.调整节奏,烘托氛围。2.凸显焦点,衬托性格。动作链常用的有两种形式:1.动作一,动作二and 动作三。例如:“Then she straightened up the kitchen,lit the lamp and mended the fire.”。2.动作一, 动作二, and/then 动作三, 分词。例如:“The woman dropped the clothes,looked at Mr Morel,then went on with her work,saying nothing.”。



The other shoe

Shoes are made for walking.

But Aamir, a homeless Indian boy, doubted it.Wandering at the noisy railway platform,he found one of his flip-flops (人字拖鞋)broken again.He hurried to a corner,sat down and tried to fix it, his bare foot pressing awkwardly against the ground.However,it was beyond repair.

He gave up and looked around aimlessly,staring at people's shoes.Suddenly,his eyes were drawn to two boyish legs wearing flawlessly white socks and equally perfect black leather shoes, which were glittering in the mid-day sun.It was a boy of his age.He couldn't treasure his possession too much, obviously, because every ten seconds, he stopped, bent down and carefully wiped a dust or two from his shoes.His father was constantly glancing over and urging him,“Hurry up!The train is coming!”

Aamir's eyes followed the father and son,but mostly the leather shoes,as if enchanted(被施了魔法的).Imagining himself wearing them, the comfort from the good leather,jaw-dropping look on his friends'faces,he couldn't help cracking a big smile.

The bell of the train drew him back.The fancy-shoe boy and his father were about to get aboard.They tried to crowd into the doorway.However, the instant the boy entered the compartment(车厢),one of his shoes fell off and before he could pick it up,the train began to pull away.

The shoe was now lying alone on the platform.Aamir's eyes lit up with excitement.Like an arrow,he shot for the shoe and then picked it up,holding it with both hands as if holding the Queen's crown.After a few seconds of hesitating and looking from the shoe to the train and back, he began racing—with only one good shoe, his flip-flop.

He held the leather shoe up, trying to pass it to the boy through the window, who was desperately reaching out his hand as well.However,it was never close enough.


Paragraph 1:

That left Aamir no choice but to throw the shoe onto the train._____________________







Paragraph 2:

But when he raised his head,Aamir saw the other shoe thrown out of the window.








这篇文章是以第三人称的视角讲述Aamir——一个无家可归的印度男孩与一双精美鞋子的故事。这个故事开篇以“Shoes are made for walking.”引发我们的思考。文章以鞋子这个意向贯穿全文,表达的是一种人文关怀:一只鞋再精美也没法走路,还不如把另外一只鞋也留下送给有需要的人。我们可以用“5W 原则”来分析文章结构和内容:

Where__Whe___n__W____ho What__W____hy at the noisy railway platform_____________________________________________________when Aamir was wandering around and saw a boy with perfect black leather shoes___________Aamir,a boy and the boy's father_________________________________________________The instant the boy entered the compartment,one of his shoes fell off.Then he threw the other________shoe out of the__________________________________________________________________window.Shoes are made for walking.______________________________________________________



1.He hurried to a corner,sat down and tried to fix it,his bare foot pressing awkwardly against the ground.(Para.2)


2.He gave up and looked around aimlessly,staring at people's shoes.(Para.3)


3.He couldn't treasure his possession too much, obviously, because every ten seconds,he stopped,bent down and carefully wiped a dust or two from his shoes.(Para.3)


4.Like an arrow,he shot for the shoe and then picked it up,holding it with both hands as if holding the Queen's crown.(Para.6)


5.After a few seconds of hesitating and looking from the shoe to the train and back,he began racing—with only one good shoe,his flip-flop.(Para.6)







动作链句型:Max and Charley flailed their arms, dragged their feet towards the next stop,and finally spotted the ice cream truck again.




动作链句型:Flailing their arms/Clutching their fists into white knots/Teeth clenched,Max and Charley strode forward and finally caught sight of the ice cream truck.


场景:Max和Charley 终于追赶上了冰激凌车。


动作链句型:Burning with excitement, Max and Charley kept running for a long time and finally saw the ice cream truck again.



Paragraph 1:

That left Aamir no choice but to throw the shoe onto the train.With his eyes fixed on the window, Aamir put all his strength in his right hand and made a powerful throw.However, he abruptly fell off because of the broken flip-flop.Without a second thought, he tried again, but the shoe just flew past the window frame and fell on the platform like a dead leaf.Seeing this, Aamir stamped his feet, wearing a frustrated look.“Are shoes really made for walking?”Aamir thought with depression.He dropped his head with eyes staring at the ground,not knowing what to do next.

Paragraph 2:

But when he raised his head,Aamir saw the other shoe thrown out of the window.Miraculously,it landed on the platform several steps away from him.Before he could look up again and seek out the fancy-shoe boy, the train sped on, vanishing in the distance.What remained in sight was the meandering rail track and the rolling mountains far away.Twenty years later, when he was launching his new footwear product at a press conference, wearing a pair of shining leather shoes, Aamir started his presentation with a simple sentence,“Shoes are made for walking.”



The spot of red was what first caught Randy Heiss's attention on December 16, 2018.He was hiking the remote land behind his farm in a small town near the US-Mexico border,and there was a balloon lying on the grass.He walked towards it with his dog, thinking he should pick it up and throw it away.

That's when he noticed the balloon's string was attached to a piece of paper.“Dayami,”it read on one side, in a child's writing.Heiss flipped the paper over.On the back, he saw a numbered list, all in Spanish.His Spanish wasn't very good, but he could see it was a gift list before New Year!

Heiss was charmed.He suspected that a child had tried to send a wish list by balloon,something he used to do himself when he was a kid.Nobody had ever returned the letters Heiss had sent,but he wondered whether he could find the child who had sent this one.

It would be difficult, but Heiss had a few clues.About 20 miles to the southwest, just across the border,was the city of Nogales,Mexico,with a population of about a quarter million.Based on the wind direction, he was almost sure that was where it came from.Heiss brought the note home to his wife, who is fluent in Spanish and helped him translate the list.They determined that Dayami, probably a girl, had asked for a doll, a dollhouse, doll clothes and art supplies.

Heiss then posted his search about finding Dayami on the Internet, attaching photos,hoping some of his friends in Nogales might know the girl's family.A few days passed with no results.Heiss worried that time was running out before New Year.On December 19,2018, he decided to send a private message to Radio Xeny, an AM radio station based in Nogales.To his surprise, someone from the station called him back right away and promised him to post his search on the station's website page immediately.


Paragraph 1:

The next morning,Heiss awoke to a message from Radio Xeny.____________________







Paragraph 2:

Dayami's eyes were wide open with wonder.___________________________________















Adult bees teach their babies how to dance