Neighbour Rosicky (Excerpt VII)《邻居罗西基》(节选七)


英语世界 2024年1期

薇拉·凯瑟/文 曹明伦/译析

After he was settled in his chair, stirring his coffee in a big cup, Mary took out of the oven a pan of kolache stuffed with apricots, examined them anxiously to see whether they had got too dry, put them beside his plate, and then sat down opposite him.


Rosicky asked her in Czech if she wasn’t going to have any coffee.


She replied in English, as being somehow the right language for transacting business: “Now what did Doctor Ed say, Anton? You tell me just what.”


“He said I was to tell you some compliments, but I forgot ’em.” Rosicky’s eyes twinkled.


“About you, I mean. What did he say about your asthma?”


“He says I ain’t got no asthma.” Rosicky took one of the little rolls in his broad brown fingers. The thickened nail of his right thumb told the story of his past.


“Well, what is the matter? And don’t try to put me off.”


“He don’t say nothing much, only I’m a little older, and my heart ain’t so good like it used to be.”


Mary started and brushed her hair back from her temples with both hands as if she were a little out of her mind. From the way she glared, she might have been in a rage with him.


“He says there’s something the matter with your heart? Doctor Ed says so?”


“Now don’t yell at me like I was a hog in de garden, Mary. You know I always did like to hear a woman talk soft. He didn’t say anything de matter wid my heart, only it ain’t so young like it used to be, an’ he tell me not to pitch hay or run de corn-sheller.”


Mary wanted to jump up, but she sat still. She admired the way he never under any circumstances raised his voice or spoke roughly. He was city-bred, and she was country-bred; she often said she wanted her boys to have their papa’s nice ways.


“You never have no pain there, do you? It’s your breathing and your stomach that’s been wrong. I wouldn’t believe nobody but Doctor Ed about it. I guess I’ll go see him myself. Didn’t he give you no advice?”


“Chust to take it easy like, an’ stay round de house dis winter. I guess you got some carpenter work for me to do. I kin make some new shelves for you, and I want dis long time to build a closet in de boys’ room and make dem two little fellers keep dere clo’es hung up.”


Rosicky drank his coffee from time to time, while he considered. His moustache was of the soft long variety and came down over his mouth like the teeth of a buggy-rake over a bundle of hay. Each time he put down his cup, he ran his blue handkerchief over his lips. When he took a drink of water, he managed very neatly with the back of his hand.



【第1—3段】原文第1段状语从句中的was settled是被动语态,表示罗西基是在玛丽服侍下就座的,但这层意思已在上下文中不言而喻,所以翻译成“坐下”即可。英语被动语态的使用频率远远高于汉语,或者说汉语常常用主动语态表示被动意义,例如:书读完了、钱花光了、信寄出去了、论文写了一半。所以我们常把英语被动语态翻译成汉语的主动语态,例如把“The problem is being studied.”翻译成“问题正在研究”;把“The nominations have been unanimously adopted.”翻译成“提名已一致通过”;把“What language is spoken there?”翻译成“那里讲什么语言?”;等等。

【第4—8段】第4段中的’em = them;第6段中的says = said,I ain’t got no asthma = I don’t get any asthma;第8段中的He don’t say nothing much = He doesn’t say anything much。(“节选二”的译析曾提醒过:不规范英语中的双重否定仍然表示否定,甚至是加强否定)。

【第9—11段】第11段中的de = the;wid = with;an’ = and。

【第12—13段】第13段中的You never have no pain there = You never have any pain there;“Didn’t he give you no advice?”=“Didn’t he give you any advice?”(不规范英语中的双重否定仍然表示否定)。

【第14—15段】第14段中的Chust = Just;an’= and;de = the;dis = this;kin = can;dere clo’es = their clothes。

【小结】除再次提醒“不规范英语中的双重否定仍然表示否定”之外,本次译析谈到了被动语态的翻译问题。有语法学家强调“这种情况值得特别注意”。(参阅张道真《实用英语语法》第二次修订本,商务印书馆,1979,第160页)有高校翻译教科书用专章讨论这個问题,告诉学生“英语大量使用被动语态,而汉语则很少使用,……英语被动句译成汉语主动句,是最常见的方法”。(参阅郭著章《英汉互译实用教程》第四版,武汉大学出版社,2010,第124页和第127页)汉语当然也用被动语态,不少英语用被动语态的语句翻译成汉语时也需要用被动语态,但汉语的被动语态并非只用一个“被”字来表示,有学者就批评过“译者但看见‘-ed’就‘被’他一下”的译法。(参阅思果《翻译研究》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2001,第89页)其实汉语表示被动语态的用词(表达方式)比英语丰富得多,例如:可以把be beaten译成“挨打”,把be robbed译成“遭劫”,把be rescued译成“遇救”,把be employed译成“受雇”,把be elected译成“当选”,把be approved译成“获准”,把be damaged译成“给弄坏了”,把be instructed by him译成“经他指点”,把be bothered by affection译成“为情所困”,等等。

