

疯狂英语·读写版 2023年11期



Reading Check

1~4 DCCB

Language Study

1. as well as 2. improvement

3. efficient 4. will take up

5. carry out 6. kept pace with

83 岁的印度“杧果人”

Reading Check

1~3 BBC

Language Study

1. similarity 2. treasures 3. remains

4. a patchwork of 5. vary


Reading Check

1~4 CCDA


Reading Check

1~4 CDAC


Reading Check

1~3 BBD

Language Study

1. compared to 2. at least

3. particularly 4. make the most of

5. sensitively 6. a large quantity of


Reading Check

1~3 ABD


Good morning, everybody!

Today, I stand here to address apressing global issue—world hunger. Thisis a crisis affecting millions of people anddemanding our attention and action.

Firstly, we need to address the issueof food waste. It is estimated that one?thirdof the worlds food products go to waste.Secondly, we must promote sustainableagricultural practices. This includes investingin modern technology, such asfarm automation and precision farming.Furthermore, we need to enhance globalcooperation and support organizations thatfight against hunger.

If everyone joins the fight againstworld hunger, the world will become a betterplace to live in.

Thats all. Thank you!



Activity A Reading for understanding



It mainly tells us the history and developmentof Chinese embroidery as wellas the skills used in it.


1. inseparable 2. production 3. 4000

4. tomb 5. widespread 6. complex

7. thickness 8. disappear 9. colours

10. different

Activity B Reading for writing


1. The lecturer, Yao Jianping, willgive us a brief introduction to the historyand development of Suzhou embroidery.

2. It is generally believed that YaoJianping is one of the inheritors of Suzhouembroidery.


Dear Henry,

I am Li Hua, chairman of the Stu?dents Union. Learning that you are interestedin the art of embroidery, Im writingto invite you to attend a lecture, which willbe held in the lecture hall next Friday.

The following are some details aboutthis lecture. To begin with, the lecturer,Yao Jianping, will give us a brief introductionto the history and development of Suzhouembroidery. It is generally believedthat Yao is one of the inheritors of Suzhouembroidery. Then she will show the skillsof Suzhou embroidery on the scene. At theend of this activity, a Question & Answersession will be arranged for the audience.

I sincerely hope that you can acceptour invitation if it is convenient for you.

Looking forward to your early reply!


Li Hua


Reading Check

1~3 BDC


Ⅰ. 例句仿写

1. where the air is fresh and peopleare friendly

2. without which the world would be adead place

Ⅱ. 写作实践

Norman Ernest Borlaug, who wasborn on March 25, 1914, was an Americanagronomist. He showed great interest incrops when he was young and began to researchthem on his own family farm. Atthat time, hunger was a disturbing problemaround the world. Therefore, he was determinedto rid people of hunger. Thanks tohis efforts, the output of wheat was greatlyincreased. He introduced his techniquesto many countries. As a result of his contributions,he was awarded the Nobel PeacePrize.


Reading Check

1~4 ABBA


Ⅰ. 例句仿写

1. which will not only make your

school life colorful

2. rather than our appearance

Ⅱ. 写作实践

Recently, weve had a discussion onwhether we should do vertical farming.

70% of students hold the view thatvertical farming is beneficial. Not onlydoes it use less water than a traditionalfarm needs, but also it can get rid of theneed for pesticides, providing people withsafer food. However, others think differently.They say it costs money to powerLED lights and the complex growing systems.Whats more, vertical farms runningon fossil fuels may be bad for climate.

In my opinion, with the population increasing,vertical farming is a sustainableway to meet peoples demands for fresherand safer food.



Reading Check

1~4 ABAD

Language Study

1. aggressive 2. more than 3. Thanks to

4. Physically 5. belongs to 6. end up


Reading Check

1~4 ACDC

92 岁奶奶创造历史

Reading Check

1~4 DDAB

Language Study

1. steady 2. took up 3. credited

4. participate in 5. in shape


Reading Check

1~4 CACD

Language Study

1. came across 2. helped; out

3. Fortunately 4. innovation 5. elevated



Reading Check

It takes around 50 years for the pearl

to grow to this size.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long

as it makes sense.

120 万株美丽的向日葵

Reading Check

Sunflowers were his wifes favorite



Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long

as it makes sense.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long

as it makes sense.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as longas it makes sense.



Paragraph 1:

Suddenly she saw something smalland dark green behind the leg of thedressing table. She pulled it out, and sawthe white initials J. J. in the top right?handcorner. “Its Jinnys music tape!” sheexclaimed. Lauries heart started beatingfast. “All Id have to do is forget that Ifound this,” she thought.“ If Jinny doesnthave her music, she might as well notskate. And then I would win.” Laurieshivered slightly as she thought about this.Then she wondered,“ Does winning meanso much to me that Id be willing to cheatfor it?” She walked to the door and calledJinny loudly.

Paragraph 2:

Feeling relieved, Laurie skated quicklyto the center of the rink after the announcerfinally called her name. The music filledthe stadium and she skated gracefully andbeautifully. Her left knee was fine andshe felt herself gliding on the ice. Theaudience applauded from time to time,enthusiastically supporting her in hercomeback. When she finished, her coachran up to her and hugged her.“ You did it,Laurie!” she said. Laurie smiled andthought about Jinnys music tape.“ No onewill ever know how close I really came tolosing,” she said softly to herself.



第一部分 阅读




1~3 BDA



4~7 DCBD


本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了气候变化对咖啡收成的影响。8~11 AADB


本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了农场经营者Eduardo Rivera 致力于改变当地农业现状的故事。

12~15 CBBA



16~20 EBGAF

第二部分 语言运用



21~25 BCACD 26~30 DCACB

31~35 BDADA



36. led/leads 37. be understood 38. to

39. products 40. especially 41. which

42. an 43. to improve 44. importance

45. that

第三部分 写作


Students visit to Agricultural

Ecological Park

Last Saturday, our schools StudentsUnion organized an exciting excursion toAgricultural Ecological Park.

First and foremost, we had the opportunityto admire the beautiful flowers andplants in the park. It was truly a feast forthe eyes.

Moreover, we got to experience thejoy of picking fresh fruits and vegetablesfirst?hand. Armed with baskets, we roamedaround the park, carefully selecting theripest produce.

Furthermore, the excursion providedvaluable insights into modern agriculture.We were given a guided tour of the park,where dedicated staff members explainedthe various advanced techniques and technologiesused in farming.

The visit to Agricultural EcologicalPark was not only enjoyable but also educational.It allowed us to appreciate thebeauty of nature, and understand the hardwork behind food production.


Paragraph 1:

In September, another barbecue camewith more new friends. My neighbors Mrand Mrs Smith brought their two sons,while my friends Mr and Mrs Carpenterbrought their two daughters. Of course, webrought Zack, with his pet chicken Valor,to the barbecue in high spirits. Manyfriends who we hadnt met before gatheredtogether to participate in the barbecue.Everyone greeted each other with smileson their faces. We got together with a fewfriends and we were ready to have thebarbecue.

Paragraph 2:

When I suggested introducing our newfriends, amazingly, Zack stood up. He saidthat he first wanted to introduce himself toeveryone. Then he said loudly,“ My nameis Zack, and Im glad to meet you. I usedto have very few friends, maybe only thispet chicken. I want to make more friends,and I believe I can become good friendswith you. Thank you!” What was evenmore surprising was that everyone applaudedand cheered. This gave me greatsatisfaction, so I tightly held Zack in myarms and gave him a big hug.

