

疯狂英语·读写版 2023年11期



主题语境:农业与科技 篇幅:345词建议用时:7分钟

Its the picking season at ChristianNachtweys organic orchard in western Germanyand laborers are loading their carts withripe red Elstar apples, ready to be shipped toEuropean supermarkets. But Nachtweys farmis also reaping a second harvest: Many of theapple trees grow beneath solar panels that have been producing a large quantity of electricityduring this years unusually sun?rich summer, while providing the fruit below withmuch?needed shade.

“ The idea is simple,” said Nachtwey, whose farm lies in Gelsdorf, an hours drivesouth of Cologne.“ To protect the orchard, without reducing the available growing surfaceand in particular maintaining production, on top of that theres the solar electricity beinggenerated on the same land.” Large?scale solar installations on arable land are becomingincreasingly popular in Europe and North America, as farmers seek to make the most oftheir land and establish a second source of revenue.

Getting the right mix of crops and solar panels is hard though, because modern fruitvarieties are finely adapted to particular growing conditions. Any change can tip thebalance, costing farmers revenue if their fruit is damaged, the wrong color or not as sweet asconsumers like. Thats why Nachtwey is working together with researchers to testwhich apple varieties thrive under the solar roof, and which types of photovoltaic (光伏的) roofs are best suited for the orchard. To compare the results, some trees are coveredwith conventional netting normally used to protect sensitive crops from hail (冰雹).

Juergen Zimmer, an expert with the agricultural services department of Rhineland?Palatinate state, said the apples grown under the solar roofs were slightly less sweet thisyear than those under the hail nets. “But hardly any of the solar?shaded apples gotdamaged in the intense sunlight that hit the region on July 24, whereas up to 18% of theuncovered fruit suffered sunburn that day,” he said.“ We need at least two to three fullyears to record all the weather conditions that might occur, and look at the yield and colorthat the different varieties of trees produce,” said Zimmer.


Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

Thats why Nachtwey is working together with researchers to test which apple varietiesthrive under the solar roof, and which types of photovoltaic roofs are best suited for theorchard. 这就是为什么纳赫特韦正在与研究人员合作,测试哪些苹果品种能在太阳能屋顶下茁壮成长,以及哪种类型的光伏屋顶最适合果园。

【点石成金】本句中,why引导的是表语从句;两个which引导的都是宾语从句。Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

a large quantity of make the most of particular compare to sensitive at least

1. It sounds difficult, but full?time work it was easy.

2. You should visit your dentist twice a year.

3. Keep your office space looking good, your desk.

4. The dining?room has a southern aspect which allows us to the sun.

5. Deal with these issues but swiftly. And always remember to respect your kids.

6. This may seem mushrooms, but they do boil down considerably.


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