

疯狂英语·读写版 2023年11期



主题语境:棉花种植 篇幅:325词建议用时:7分钟

Yang Haoran was born into a family ofcotton farmers and spent his childhood playingin the cotton fields. He witnessed how hard hisparents had to work using traditional farmingmethods, as well as how automation hasboosted productivity and saved labor.

After he finished university, Yang returnedto his hometown to become a cotton farmer himself. However, his experience hasbeen very different from his parents and grandparents: he manages over 200,000 squaremeters of cotton fields and always seeks new ways to improve efficiency through technologicalinnovations.

In 2018, he saw the great business potential of using drones (无人机) in farmingand set up his own company, which employs 13 drone operators, all of whom are post?90s workers like Yang himself.“ We are like a big family, with members from differentethnic groups including Han, Hui and Kazak,” Yang said proudly.

In peak growing seasons, they move their drones in a skillful way over the fields,while in the off?season, they train local farmers to operate drones. Over the past three years,Yangs team has trained hundreds of local farmers to operate agricultural drones.“ This willenable more farmers to acquire new technologies and use modern equipment, allowingthem to keep pace with the advancements in modern agriculture and increase theirincome,” he said.

Yangs dream does not end there. He has recently taken up a precision farmingproject, which uses drones to collect data for spectral analysis (光谱分析), and transmitrealtime data on crop growth and soil moisture to the irrigation and fertilizer equipment forprecision agriculture.

About 90 percent of Chinas total cotton output comes from Xinjiang, a region thattakes up one sixth of the countrys territory. Apart from drones, Xinjiang also employs satellitenavigation and large?scale agricultural machines to boost cotton production. Data fromthe regions agriculture and rural affairs authorities shows 90 percent of the cotton cultivationand harvest is carried out by machines.

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

In 2018, he saw the great business potential of using drones in farming and set up hisown company, which employs 13 drone operators, all of whom are post?90s workers likeYang himself. 2018年,他看到了在农业中使用无人机的巨大商业潜力,于是成立了自己的公司,雇用了13名无人机操作员,他们都是像杨自己一样的“90后”工人。

【点石成金】本句中,which引导的是定语从句,在从句中作主语;whom引导的也是定语从句,修饰先行词13 drone operators。

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

as well as efficiency keep pace with take up carry out improve

1. The menu contained traditional favoritesmore adventurous dishes.

2. In recent months, though, environmental studies indicate there have been signs of

3. We must make the mostuse of the available financial resources.

4. Hehis post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.

5. More often than not, it is easier to make a plan than toa plan.

6. They were walking so fast that the small boy hardlythem.


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