

疯狂英语·读写版 2023年11期



主题语境:杧果种植 篇幅:355词建议用时:7分钟

Every day, Kaleem Ullah Khan wakes at dawn, and then walks about a mile to his121?year?old mango tree, which he has coaxed (耐心地摆弄) into producing more than 300varieties of the beloved fruit over the years. His footsteps quicken as he draws nearer andhis eyes light up as he looks closely at the branches, touching the leaves and sniffing thefruits to see if they are ripe.

“ This is my prize of hard?working in the very hot sun for decades,” the 83?year?oldsaid in his orchard (果园) in the small town of Malihabad.“ In your eyes, its just a tree.But if you see through your mind, its a tree, an orchard, and the biggest mango college inthe world.”

Khan was just a teenager when he conducted his first experiment in grafting (嫁接法), or joining plant parts to create new mango varieties. He nurtured a tree to produceseven new kinds of fruit, but it blew down in a storm. But since 1987, his pride and joy hasbeen the 121?year?old specimen, source of more than 300 different types of mango, eachwith their own taste, texture, color and size, he said.“ People will come and go, but themangoes will remain forever, and years after, whenever this mango is eaten, people willremember it,” said the father of eight.

Standing 9 meters tall, his treasured tree has a strong trunk with wide?spreading,thick branches that yield pleasant shade against the Indian summer sun. The leaves are apatchwork of different textures and smells. In some places, they are yellow and glossy, andin others, a dark, dull green.“ No two fingerprints are the same, and no two mango varietiesare similar. Nature has gifted mangoes with characteristics like humans,” Khan said.

His method for grafting is complex, and involves diligently cutting a branch from onevariety, leaving an open wound into which a branch from another variety is spliced (粘接)and sealed with tape. Khans skills have won him numerous awards, among them one ofIndias highest civilian honors in 2008, as well as invitations to Iran and the United ArabEmirates.


Fill in the blanks with the words and phrase in the box in proper forms.

variety remain treasure a patchwork of similar

1. The report highlights the between the two groups.

2. The house was large and full of art .

3. It true that sport is about competing well, not winning.

4. From the plane, the landscape was just fields.

5. To complicate matters further, everybodys vitamin requirements .


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