

疯狂英语·读写版 2023年11期


We all have someone we look up to inour lives. For two?year?old Colby fromSimsbury, Connecticut, that person is hislocal mail carrier, known to residents as“Mailman Mike”. From the little boys perspective,Mike has just about the coolestjob in the world. Jessica Bergman, Colbysmom, said that the little guy idolizes thepostman.“ He looks forward to seeing himall the time. We look for mail trucks in thewild,” she said.

When Mailman Mike found out thatColbys second birthday was coming up, hedecided to do something special for hisbiggest fan. With some help from his fellowpost office employees, the mail carrierorganized a parade of mail trucks on thelittle boys block to surprise him! Theline?up also included fire trucks, garbagetrucks, a police car, and a friendly dog thatcame out to meet the little boy.

That wasnt all! Colby also received agift from the post office: a car decorated tolook like a mail truck. This would come inhandy when he received his secondpresent: a certificate making him an“honorary letter carrier”.

Jessica recorded the surprise paradeand posted a video on the Internet, whereit went viral.“ I am blown away,” the momwrote. “Our son is obsessed with mailtrucks and our mail carrier, MailmanMike. For his birthday, the SimsburyUnited States Postal Service organized atruck parade in front of our house. Somany workers turned up to help uscelebrate.”

Everyone in the comments sectiongushed over the sweet birthday surprise,praising Mailman Mikes thoughtfulness.


What do you think is the coolestbirthday surprise? Please share it withyour classmates.